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Cyberdreams demos [-complevel 2]

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DSDA page aka cyber dreams // cydreams


mod note: rest of post was originally a reply to Vile's post here


Yeah :-)
Happened to me twice while attempting it. Outside of some maps with very few monsters (or none at all), I can't recall it ever happening to me, either.

Anyway, it was so quiet here that I decided to post two decent runs I did for Cyberdreams map 7:

UV pacifist in 0:56 (a little more frustrating than I had anticipated, so I settled for anything below 1:00)
UV speed in 0:22. First exit.

Edited by Maribo

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Kristian, I really hate to do this...but Cyberdreams map07 UV-Pacifist has been improved to 0:49.

That isn't all though...

This also happens to be a 100% kills UV-Pacifist demo. No lie.

Also...this was my 3rd attempt on this level. No lie either.

The only bad thing about this...well, I was trying to do the jump after the wall went down. Failed badly, figured I'd let the arachs and cybie duke it out before heading stepping back into the acid and letting it kill me off (I was on the slim platform that rises when the arachs fall. Managed to get on it just right so I wasn't touching the acid and losing health due to it).

After the last arach falls, I find the platform rising...cause the Cybie got killed with a few shots the last arach fired before it died :P.

How that happened, I don't know.

Also, I'll send my old 0:52 run I did for this map before my current run. 100% kills UV-Pacifist as well, but I didn't use the dehacked patch for that one (My 0:49 run though did use said dehacked patch).

That 0:52 run happened to be my 2nd attempt on this level for that matter **. Only the 1st attempt was a failure.

Sending the runs to Ops now.

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