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Holistic - A custom Doom II mapset by me

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Oh boy, I'm enjoying getting my ass kicked. Just beat map 04. You like damaging floors quite a bit. First that mean poison room in map 02, now the platforming for cell ammo over boiling blood. You've got a mean streak and I love it.


I'm playing in DSDA on complevel 9. I have 3 issues to point out so far. The first is this HoM in map 02.


Second are these floating rockets in map 03.


And last, what is that horrible ear-splitting sound that triggers when you enter a secret sector? It's making my ears bleed.


Other than that, I'm enjoying myself quite a bit. It's certainly challenging. That final fight in map 03 was... something. I'll update with anything else I find in the next 4 maps and give you any final thoughts I have when I'm done.


EDIT: Ok finished! Found a slime trail in map 05, but no other weirdness.doom25.png.a13c7ca9a5515d5c2735a2c92feffe1b.png


Overall really fun mapset, my guy. I kinda suck so it was pretty hard for me, but I don't minding grinding difficult maps. I'd say the difficulty curve is a little weird. Map 06 was the hardest for me because of that 3 round brawl with cyberdemons and pain elementals over damaging floor. Pretty ingenious fight actually. The PEs like to block you if you don't focus them, the cyberdemons like to sneak up behind you if you do focus the PEs, there's just little enough cell ammo that you think it'd be a good idea to start super-shotgunning the cybs to death, but if you take to long the rad suits run out. Took me quite a few tries to hone in my strategy but it never felt unfair, which is the sign of a well constructed fight imo. Probably my favorite moment in the set. Map 03 was the second hardest by a long shot. That final fight killed me a bunch, but that might be because I was too thick to figure out the triggers until after everything was dead. Map 07 has a tricky start, but once you settle into it and get going it's simple enough. Map 08 felt like one of the easiest maps in the entire set. Maybe the second easiest after Map 01 (obviously). I like the raunchy ammo placement in the first 2 maps especially. Starting out, you really have to kinda leave everything alone until you've scarmbled around and collected enough to fight back which was cool. I like a good hot start myself. Thanks for sharing!

Edited by TheLippyServer

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Tysm for playing and all the feedback, @TheLippyServer!


I updated the wad now with new skies because I forgot about that. Also, no more flying rockets. As for that hom, I figured it wouldn't work in some ports, but I tested in GZDoom and Skultag and it worked alright lol. I may have to change it then.


The difficulty curve though, I was not sure how to order these maps at all, my bad!


That slime trail in MAP05, I simply have no clue what that is, if anybody knows, please explain to me, I'm a newbie mapper lol All I knew was that there was something fishy about that area, but had no clue what that was about.

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Finished this one few minutes ago. I dont like slaughter fight wads and this one is first that i finished :D It was hard for me but somehow i beat him. What i liked are the texture pack that you used. Arena style maps are not in my taste so maybe i will not judge ;)

Wad is well made just not in my taste. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

Played with Project Brutality.



Edited by tom3kb

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Thanks, @tom3kb! I'm very happy you still found it enjoyable until the end, even though it was not your style!


Also, I just added TITLEPIC and INTERPIC!

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nice little short map - if they are all like this I may visit again


this was also an experimental vid where I left the door open for visitors - expect random surprise extra commentary lol


good times



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2 hours ago, Astro X said:

That slime trail in MAP05, I simply have no clue what that is, if anybody knows, please explain to me, I'm a newbie mapper lol All I knew was that there was something fishy about that area, but had no clue what that was about.

It's caused by the node builder placing vertices at non-integer coordinates, I believe. I'm kinda new to this stuff myself, so I can't really provide a super-accurate technical explanation. Just try moving that corner around a pixel or 2 and it will probably go away. 

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1 hour ago, TheLippyServer said:

It's caused by the node builder placing vertices at non-integer coordinates, I believe. I'm kinda new to this stuff myself, so I can't really provide a super-accurate technical explanation. Just try moving that corner around a pixel or 2 and it will probably go away.

Oh, thanks! I'll look into that.


Also, thanks @Clippy for the short and sweet video! The secret was a blue armor lol

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On 5/18/2022 at 9:51 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

So I guess you're saying you might add a few more like the last set you released?

I'll probably add more in the future!


On 5/19/2022 at 2:57 AM, LemonRodoligist said:

i give it a Yo mam out of TEN

I'll take that as a 10/10 :)




- changes to maps 03 and 05;


- changes to MAP08.

Edited by Astro X

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Your maps are getting more and more interesting and elegant! I'm curious to venture into Holistic after finishing Astroverse (which I'll resume today, by the way).

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow this was a surprise - I was first curious to see it called unclipping day but then the paper clip portals - nice tribute thaznks buddy


@Biodegradable joined me on this one - good times


so about that final stuff - I better use a spoiler



I only realized after playing that, blue x leads to secret and red leads to monsters, right? Like I could have done that fight without letting everyone out right? if this is so please let me know cause I'm hankering to play again with this foreknowledge - also please crush cybie friend - it makes for a tedious UV max



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Thanks for the video, @Clippy! And you're absolutely right. I was inspired by 'Boxing slay' and 'Easy map'.



The X's reveal either secrets or monsters. And even raise/lower pillars (extra cover).


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, i played through map 1 (video is like 64 pixels so i cant post that on youtube, you wont be able to see the gameplay) but i enjoyed it so far, good detailing and stuff. Also died few times whe the revenant crew show up. Nice and short, Later will play another one

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  • 4 months later...

Tested in: Nugget Doom (-complevel 2)
Difficulty: Ultra Violence

I'm not exactly a doom master, but I didn't have that much difficulty completing the mapset with 100% kills, overall a really fun mapset.

My favorite map is the third one, the gimmick of the pillars and x on the ground was really memorable.

The beginning of map 08 is nasty, and the timed secret was a challenge for me lol.

The only map that is not completable outside of gzdoom is map02.

I also made an UMAPINFO for this with some other stuff added.


The folder contains 3 files.

Holistic Original - TITLEPIC and INTERPIC adapted to 4:3, as well as the things related to the STBAR corrected, to show properly in all source ports.

For those sourceports that do not have support for widescreen assets (For example, Eternity Engine)

Holistic Widescreen - Same as above, but everything is in 16:9 aspect.

Holistic UMAP - Proper map labels, sky textures, music and intertext, also includes CWILV graphics for the levels.


Andy Chen, Claude Martins - For the STBAR (From INVASION... Level 1--Contamination)
PKr - For the widescreen STBAR
Terraformer9x - For the Borders of the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC of the widescreen versions (Taken from the widescreen assets made by he/she for Alien Vendetta).
Me (Floowand) - For the UMAPINFO, CWILV graphics and widescreen/4:3 versions of the TITLEPIc and INTERPIC


Astro X - For having patience with me when asking questions :p
Arsinik - For helping me on how to made propers CWILV graphics.


Holistic UMAP.zip

Edited by Floowand

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Thanks, @Clippy that was a lot of fun to watch!


And thanks @Floowand, I'll take a look at MAP02, and thanks for all your help :)

Edited by Astro X

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Thought I would do another one since it seem to be surote but this one went off the rails or had some issues maybe lol 







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