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DW Facial Hair Census 2022

Do you have facial hair? If so, what kind?  

137 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have facial hair? If so, what kind?

    • Yes, a full beard and moustache
    • Yes, a moustache only
    • Yes, a beard only
    • Yes, sideburns
    • Sort of, I'm rockin' the stubble look
    • No facial hair for me, thank you

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The only reason I've grown out my facial hair is cause a friend of mine who can't grow facial hair to save his life gave me $10 to grow mine out. I do need to trim it, it's getting a little unwieldy. 

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I stopped shaving mainly because razors are just too much money that I'd rather spend on literally anything else.
I do keep my mustache trimmed down though so I'm not eating it while trying to eat a sandwich.

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7 hours ago, vyruss said:

Sometimes the mustache is annoying and will get trimmed back a bit, as I dislike something tasting my food or drink before I do.

Food getting into my mustache hasn't been a problem for me, but sometimes it grows long enough that it starts stabbing me in my lower lip, it's so annoying that at that point - I just shave it off immediately. 

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3 hours ago, Billa said:

None, I'm a girl

Nonsense, don't sell yourself short. Bearded Lady used to be a lucrative career.

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During the winter I go full facial hair. When the weather is warmer out in the summer I go clean shaven. I like both so I just split between the two over the course of the year. So naturally right now, I'm clean shaven (actually a bit of stubble since I haven't shaved for a few days).

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I have a full beard and moustache. In my late teens I also tried a moustache and even a soul patch at one point, but eventually settled for what I have now since it doesn't require as much maintenance and looks decent enough.

Edited by Andromeda

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6 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

I have a full beard and moustache. In my late teens I also tried a moustache and even a soul patch at one point, but eventually settled for what I have now since it doesn't require as much maintenance and looks decent enough.

dang, I didn't picture you this way.

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When I was younger, it was just a goatee. Then it started to become a pain to trim it too often, and as a result, it eventually became a mustache and goatee. Then I just figured "what the hell" anyway and began going the full beard route.


Fun fact: I know it's time to trim when I fail "the lip test." If I can use my lower lip to reliably feel my mustache, it's too long, and time to trim.

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Ha, my facial hair genes were never strong. I always kept myself rather groomed, so I haven't had a sight of hair since I was a teenager. Love the beards people are rocking here though, definitely a bit jealous :p

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I tend to just not shave for like a week and then painfully cut it all off when it starts to feel uncomfortable.

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Started growing facial hair in high school, was able to grow a full goatee by the time I graduated. Maintained that look until my early 20's, then went fully clean-shaven for the bulk of my 20's and into my early 30's. Started doing the goatee look again in my early 30's and haven't changed it since. 


I don't shave religiously---basically, it's whenever my facial hair starts annoying me and causing me to scratch my face that I decide it's time to shave my cheeks and trim the beard.

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I've grown a full beard at various points in the past, primarily due to laziness, but I like to keep my head hair and facial here in sync, and these days I can't really tolerate head hair - just find it uncomfortable - so it all comes off once a week or so.

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Had a goatee before my transition. There's still some facial hair, can tolerate about 3 days of not shaving, then it starts to feel weird. Though sometimes the 3 day stubble looks ok and I kinda like it.

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Never had much, no longer a problem since I fully transitioned. One less timewaster. 

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4 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Usually either a trimmed beard or stubble. Sometimes I'll go without any facial hair for a while.


looking like a gigachad as always 

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In the past I rocked the untamed beard - won Best Facial Hair superlative in high school, even. Then one day I decided to shave it all off. I became addicted to the breeze on my face and also being able to actually feel if there were chunks of food around my mouth. In 2018 the addiction began to spread rapidly, until only the hairs on my crown and brow were safe from the blade. Wait, how much information did you want again?

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