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Last Concert You Were At??

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Big: Dream Theater, like, 20 years ago.

Local: Some paleophonics research recital a few days ago. 

Chaperoned my daughter and her friends to a lot of things here and there in between, mostly extreme metal stuff, but I spent most of the time dozing off so it doesn't count. 

Honestly, not a huge fan of live music in general.

Edited by Thelokk

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53 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Seeing Slayer waay back in 2008 was goddamn amazing. GWAR kicked ass too, around that same era I also saw them. They tore apart McCain and Obama on stage and sprayed green and red "guts" everywhere. It was amazing.

Nice! that was a great era for Gwar, and when I saw them the most. I'll bet seeing Slayer with Hanneman was nothing short of spiritual, and I'm sad I never got to see them. The late 2000s were a really good time for live heavy music.

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I haven't been to a concert in forever. The last one I recall was Emmure and Asking Alexandria in Allentown PA, ten years or more ago.

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I think the last one I went to was ZZ Top back in 2017...? Not sure on the date, but it has been forever.

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Last concert I went to was Steven Wilson in 2018 for his To The Bone tour. Eagerly awaiting for Porcupine Tree to be back in Montreal this September. 

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Not including my own, last show I went to as an observer was Peter Hook & the Light a few weeks ago, playing both Joy Division albums in full with an opening set of New Order tracks. 

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I just saw Pearl Jam a couple weeks ago at the Forum in LA. The show was two nights and they played a different set each night. It was amazing and felt great to be at a concert again after so many years. I am going to see Fu Manchu in December too so I am really looking forward to that.

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Last was a small festival, small village not too far from Lisbon, all Portuguese bands : Attick Demons, Sacred Sin and Speedemon being the biggest ones. 

I try to go to as many concerts and festivals as I can, and the week before that was at a bigger fest, SWR Barroselas, the headliners were Autopsy and Mgla :


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Last one was Manchester Orchestra in March and it was great. Plus, it was nice to go to a concert after the last few years.


I'm going to see Caspian in a couple weeks, and I have tickets for My Chemical Romance and Gorillaz later in the year. 

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On 5/19/2022 at 2:22 PM, kwc said:

Try me

Just out of odd curiosity, did any of the bands I mentioned ring any bells?

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16 hours ago, Jello said:

Just out of odd curiosity, did any of the bands I mentioned ring any bells?

You out-obscured me, not one ;P

As you said, Fleshies was the closest-to-famous on your list, but I never listened to them.

I did look them up, however, Alternative Tentacles and Life is Abuse Records, could have easily had the chance to listen to 'em back in the day.

I tried to find some recordings of Living Under Lies online, as they seemed right up my alley, hard to find but soulseek did the trick. Listening to the S/T. Thanks for putting me on, they are perfect.

Edited by kwc

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12 hours ago, kwc said:

You out-obscured me, not one ;P

As you said, Fleshies was the closest-to-famous on your list, but I never listened to them.

I did look them up, however, Alternative Tentacles and Life is Abuse Records, could have easily had the chance to listen to 'em back in the day.

I tried to find some recordings of Living Under Lies online, as they seemed right up my alley, hard to find but soulseek did the trick. Listening to the S/T. Thanks for putting me on, they are perfect.

Glad you enjoyed Living Under Lies, they are hard to track down, but they played a really good live set. They played a great impromptu show on a bridge in the park that got busted up by the cops; that was fun.


I'll try to track down my Bible of the Devil cd's and upload them somewhere. You'd probably enjoy them as well. And if you like Fleshies you'd probably enjoy Victims Family, they were on AT as well, Apocalicious is one of my favorite albums.


Sadly most of the recordings that I have from those bands are on vinyl, so it's not that easy to transfer them. And it's not easy to track them down online either, but at least I still have the memories. And the records.


Well shoot, here's Apocalicious if you're interested.


I'm pretty sure the last song on there, Son of a Bastard, is one of the best punk/ska/beat songs ever. It rivals Op Ivy, Against All Authority, and even closes in on Miles Davis. I love brass, I used to play Baritone, and every time I hear brass instruments my heart jumps a little.


Anyway, hope you enjoy it, I've known people that just find the album to be a bunch of noise, described as a cacaphony, messy, noisy, I've never heard that myself. Yeah they can be all over, but it always seems like there's a method to the madness.


Although to be fair my favorite musician is Tom Waits, and I can agree that he doesn't have the best voice in the world, and I'll admit that he can sound like crap at times, but he can spin an amazing yarn, and his musical acumen is bar none.

Edited by Jello

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Hawkwind's 50 Anniversary tour gig at Cambridge (UK) in 2019, before it all went to hell. They cancelled the 2021 'Somnia' tour and while no great loss (for me it's one of the worst albums they have ever put out) I really hope they do one more big tour of the UK before Dave Brock, who is aged 80, gets too old to tour.

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  • 10 months later...

Rednex + Mr. President and others in 🇸🇰 Bratislava, 2023.






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I went to Melbourne to see Jimmy Eat World and My Chemical Romance about a month ago! I was so stoked to see these two bands live, and it was definitely worth the trouble of traveling half way across Australia

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Last concert was Lord of the Rings orchestra couple months ago, best 30 euros I spent. As for bigger concerts, I saw Muse back in 2015 when they came to my country with friend I no longer keep in touch... Still, remains highlight in my short life. 

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Let's raise our lighters for anyone here who went to Coachella for Frank Ocean... I am so sorry for you.

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In november we went to see Obituary play with Carcass and Amon Amarth and in june we are off to Kreator playing with Sepultura. It was like last may we went to Death Angel, Exodus and Testament. It has been a GREAT time for old metal heads with big name death/thrash/speed metal shows left and right.

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I saw Orbit culture, imminence, at the gates and in flames. Seeing At the gates and in flames was awsome and both of them hit like a truck 

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It's been years, but I think the last rock concert I went to was Jack's Mannequin, here in Dallas at the Starplex. Good stuff. My wife really enjoyed it.


I turned her on to Jack's Mannequin by way of a pre-race concert that ABC showed at the Indy 500. They rocked the living hell out of "The Mixed Tape" that day.

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Since having young children again and until recently living over-seas with no baby sitters it's been a long time. Maybe 8yrs ago, Bruce Springsteen playing in Manchester.


Very nearly got to see Tom Petty in Toronto but things messed up last minute, it ended up being one of his last performances, so doubly sad about that one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in 2019, I went to a Pink Floyd tribute band who played through the entire "Dark Side of the Moon" album while Wizard of Oz played on a projector in the background, it was pretty cool.

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I saw my favorite band Starset last May and what an experience that was. I had VIP so I got a picture with the band and since I was one of the first in, I had a really great view of the stage.



The openers, in order, were Smash Into Pieces, Fame On Fire and Red. SIP was ok, FOF kicked ass, and Red kinda sucked. Red in particular had too much bass, I could barely make out the other instruments, and there was just zero interactivity between the band and audience (not even a "how's everyone doing tonight?"). Starset was incredible live, and apparently we were the loudest audience in the tour up to that point. I also made a couple new friends that I still talk with, which is exciting to me because I didn't have any music friends up until that night.


Sorry for the tangent, I still get excited about this concert since it was the first one that I had been to in years. Not to mention Starset is my favorite band and I was dying to see them in concert.

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