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Mapmakers, what is your least used monster? Nazis and Keens don't count

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I think this is interesting cuz it's gonna vary between person to person. Kinda says something about the kinds of maps you like to make. Wolfenstein SS and Hanged Keens don't count because everyone would answer them and that would be boring.

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John Romero's head.


What? You didn't mention that one.


Ok fine, Spider Mastermind. Big spongy enemy that needs big open spaces otherwise barely moves. Doesn't even move when shooting. Glorified large hitscan turret. Only fun in specific circumstances, like shocking the player with a monster closest and acting as a blocker to a path.

Edited by Chezza

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Probably Barons for me. I only really use them to prevent escape by blocking doorways and such. But apart from that, they tend to be a chore to deal with.

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Probably barons. They're low threat, high health dudes, I still don't know how to use them well. In most scenarios I can think of, using few hell knights in place of a single baron makes it more fun. Or mix in some imps too. If they had some interesting quirk, that would be great. Like shooting more often or multiple fireballs in sequence, or something. Like this, they're just standing there, and a mancubus does a much better job at being in your way. 


Right now, I'm spamming barons to figure out whether they can open doors or not. 

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Lost souls. I find them extremely irritating and unfun to fight, so I'm not going to subject my players to them. I do occasionally (read: once) use pain elementals as they encourage target prioritization.  

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Honestly, probably Pain Elementals since they can spawn more enemies when they attack,  forcing me to add extra ammo to my map which means either A: the ammo count is fairer or B: the map suddenly becomes much easier.

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It's very rare to find a chaingunner in my map, shotgunners take the second place perhaps. It's just not fun kind of challenge they present imo and in big scale combat they disappear pretty much instantly anyway. If I want some area denial I'd rather use viles or smms.

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I hate including Lost Souls in my maps. I don't like them; they're unsatisfying and just a pain to play around. I'd rather add in more pinkies or soliders or shotgunners for more pump.

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43 minutes ago, Silent Wolf said:

Lost souls. I find them extremely irritating and unfun to fight, so I'm not going to subject my players to them. I do occasionally (read: once) use pain elementals as they encourage target prioritization.  

This. Placing Pain Elementals is like placing a ticking time bomb in your map. Placing Lost Souls is like placing the explosion in your map.

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I actually wish the Wolfenstein SS would be used more often, as it feels like the missing link between the Zombieman and the Chainguner.


Just replace its sprites and sounds with the Zombieman's and you are all set!

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I tend not to use Cyberdemons or Masterminds, because I get bored pretty fast from running around the same room just to focus on killing a single boss.

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I try and use a variety of monsters in my maps, and there's not really a monster that I never use--I've even made a couple maps around the SS men and Commander Keens are useful for some door/trap gimmicks in vanilla.  That said, I've gotten to a point where I've decided I don't like spectres or think they contribute anything valuable to the Doom experience.  Even Barons can be useful in scenarios where having a bulkier enemy in close quarters makes things more interesting than a simple knight would.  The blurred invisibility gimmick mostly just feels cheap to me and in dark spaces it's not much scarier than just being stalked by a regular demon (or anything else).

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I've definitely used the SS Nazi far more than the Spider Mastermind in total over the years, but only because the hitbox is JUMBO.


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Depends, for Doom 1 WADs I will rarely use the Lost Souls and Spider Mastermind, while in Doom 2 WADs I will rarely use Arachnotrons or Mancubi...And Spider Masterminds too. (Mainly because their hitboxes are huge.)

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2 hours ago, El Inferno said:

It's very rare to find a chaingunner in my map, shotgunners take the second place perhaps. It's just not fun kind of challenge they present imo and in big scale combat they disappear pretty much instantly anyway. If I want some area denial I'd rather use viles or smms.

Just place them around every freaking corner like ribbiks did lmao

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For me it's probably spidermommas and cybers, for the level of difficulty my maps are (probably easy-intermediate), they really don't fit in much. I will still gladly place 1 arch-vile though. 

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  • Barons: too much health for their easily dodgeable attack, i'm worried they might be boring to face even in groups larger than just a pair of them. Usually i preffer to use them as "bouncers" for the exit area, or as something to push the player forward in some places where there's not enough ammo to face them and not enough monsters to infight with and distract them all.
  • Spectres: I don't know why, they are better than their counterparts in darker areas, maybe its how they stick out even in the dark in Zdoom based ports.
  • Cacodemons: I preffer their more annoying cousins. 
  • Zombiemen: Too little health coupled with a pitiful threat level, i find Imps, Shotgunners and modified Nazis (functionally the same monster with zombie marine sprites) more suitable to use.
  • Masterminds: Massive pushover of a monster that's difficult to implement on a map so i don't bother with it.
Edited by Solmyr

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Kind of an obvious pick, but it's definitely the SMM. It's kinda frustrating at times, because I really love the design and the idea of having a giant, tanky, hitscanner monster, if it were more dangerous. But it's barely useful for anything in practice, which mostly comes from it's extremely weak infighting capabilities in combination with it's high tendency to infight.
I guess it's a decent sniper, though I think I'd always rather use Chaingunners or a Cyberdemon. In my time as a mapper, I have been able to create one fight where the SMM is not a sniper, and also not completely useless.

Edited by Yumheart

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I don't use alot of :

  1. Cyberdemons I think they are stupid when they are put in a map
  2. Zombiemen : Very Little health and easy to kill

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2 minutes ago, Frost-Core said:

I don't use alot of :

  1. Cyberdemons I think they are stupid when they are put in a map
  2. Zombiemen : Very Little health and easy to kill

I get your points but c'mon who doesn't like big groups of zombiemen when you have the rocket launcher?

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Spider Masterminds, as many others have said, because they're basically a sponge that is easy to lock into place and make dead unless used well, in which case they can become ridiculously lethal.


Aside from that, probably Barons. They're best used in large groups of other monsters where infighting is very likely so that they can be whittled down a bit without dying as quickly as Hell Knights or as a lone enemy blocking off access to a way out of the room.


Spectres are very situational for me, as I tend to only use them in dark areas, but when I do use them, I tend to use multiples. Lost Souls are used sparingly in maps with Pain Elementals so that I don't run afoul of the vanilla Lost Soul limit too quickly, but they're very useful to place instead of a Pain Elemental in easier difficulties and are good ambush monsters since they don't have a wake sound.

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Just now, thiccyosh said:

Mancubi. I don't know why.

Mancubi Fanbase NOO U CANT JUST UNMANCUBI MAP!!!!!111one

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I rarely use Mancubus and spider babies, because my maps aren't that spacious enough to fit them in my levels and sometimes I'm not sure how to use them right. 

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Painelemantal. It's not a bad enemy I just use it sparingly because otherwise they aren't fun to fight.

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