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Anyone have info on getting a Dehacked/DeuSF wad working properly in modern source ports (like DSDA-Doom)

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Greetings Fellow Doomers,

I'm trying to play /themes/starwars/swdoom2b off of /idgames, but it's a bunch of batch files using DeuSF and DeHackEd to assemble a modified doom2.exe. Does anyone have a guide on how to get total conversions like this assembled properly so they can be played in modern source ports?

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7 hours ago, wertercatt said:

Greetings Fellow Doomers,

I'm trying to play /themes/starwars/swdoom2b off of /idgames, but it's a bunch of batch files using DeuSF and DeHackEd to assemble a modified doom2.exe. Does anyone have a guide on how to get total conversions like this assembled properly so they can be played in modern source ports?






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-deh dehfile[.deh]


Causes ZDoom to apply a DeHackEd or .bex patch to the game. This must be a text patch; binary patches are not supported. (As far as I know, most patches are text patches, so this should not be too much of a problem.) Also, only patch format 6 is known to be supported. Other formats may or may not work properly. If the .deh extension is omitted, ZDoom will automatically add it.


That should also work with GZdoom as well.  Dunno about DSDA-Doom, though.

Edited by Master O

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After experimenting for a while, I got it to load correctly (I think, I don't have a reference to compare to) in dsda-doom by loading either SW1_9.DEH or GORE1_9.DEH with -deh (the difference between the two is that the latter makes blood splats persist after they fall to the ground) and the wads in the following order with -file:

  • DOOM1-2.WAD
  • ENEMY.WAD (yes, again)

So a command-line something like "dsda-doom -iwad doom2.wad -file ENEMY.WAD DOOM1-2.WAD ENEMY.WAD STARSNDS.WAD STARLVLS.WAD -deh SW1_9.DEH"


With other orders I tried, I ran into issues like the sounds not being replaced, the levels not being replaced, textures being missing, or dsda-doom not loading at all with the error "S_START not found." These WADs seem very particular about the order in which they're loaded; I think it has something to do with all the marker lumps I see in the WADs when I view them in SLADE. It might be simplest to remove those or merge the WADs in SLADE.

Edited by Shepardus

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