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What was your first purist/semi-purist source port?

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Prboom Plus, which froze my entire pc on the first build I used, was fine on a different one though. 


Then I went to DSDA Doom and Woof which I use now.

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  • 6 months later...

I first discovered Doom through downloading Doom 95 on Download.com back in late 2006.


Then I started discovering various source ports as time went on (Doom Legacy, Skulltag, ZDaemon, etc)

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20 hours ago, ifreakinlovedoom208 said:

Won't comment on compatibilty settings, that too complicated for my mushy brain to process

They're not hard at all once you understand and start to use 'em :-)




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My first purist/semi-purist souce port was Chocolate Doom followed by PrBoom+, but Woof! has quickly become my go-to vanilla Doom source port since it has controller support and many of the benefits that Crispy Doom and PrBoom+ provides to suit my needs.

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For me it was DOSDoom, as that is all there was when the source was released. Of course it later evolved into EDGE thanks to the then EDGE Team (in which I had a small part), then 3DGE (thanks to Coraline), then EDGE Classic (thanks to Dasho et al). Modern EDGE is nothing like its roots, but we should remember its humble beginnings :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i started with DOSbox -> crispyDOOM -> GZdoom -> DSDA (for most wads).

though for more purist purposes, i use DOOM retro.

Edited by esspressoman
forgot to mention something

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The first way I remember playing doom was through DOSBox from the original disc. Can't remember which version I was using back in 2014. The first sourceport I played dedicated to being purist was in fact chocolate doom. I later on discovered crispy doom in 2020, and thanks to it's additional QOL features (such as widescreen support) I continue to use crispy doom to this very day.

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Reading the comments here reminds me of how, years after having first played Doom, I've never actually tried playing the original DOS version. I should try that out once, just for curiosity's sake...


I had first started out with GZDoom like most people nowadays, then moved to Chocolate Doom once I had found out that GZDoom didn't offer the real vanilla experience. It wasn't long before I settled on Crispy Doom as my go-to purist port though. Love the additional QoL features.


I'm going to mention International Doom while I'm still at it. Although I still slightly prefer Crispy Doom, in the case of Heretic and Hexen there doesn't seem to be an established vanilla+ port (the Chocolate versions are just too basic for my tastes), and International Doom is one of those that comes the closest in offering that experience. Plus, being able to bind Hexen inventory items to a key is just so handy!

Edited by Jules451

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The only purist ports I ever used were the original DOS engines under Windows 3.11/MS-DOS 6.22 in 1996. When I upgraded that machine's OS to Windows 95 I tried Doom 95 but performance was so bad I just dropped to pure DOS mode and ran the original Doom binaries from there.


I found Doom Legacy around 2000 and ran it for a while (I had a much faster PC running Windows 98 SE at that point), mainly for its split screen functionality: I played many, many hours of DM with friends using daisy-chained Gravis Gamepad Pros with the PC connected to a 27" RCA TV via my Voodoo 3 3000's TV-Out port. I then migrated to JDoom/JHeretic/JHexen, then Doomsday once they all merged.


I think I started using GZDoom around 2007 and never looked back, though I restrict how it runs to mirror how the originals ran to a large degree: 35 degree mouse look for the games that had look up/down (Helps minimize the cardboard cutout effect of sprites), no look up/down at all for Doom/etc and vertical aim assist enabled. I also don't use bilinear filtering/etc.



Edited by Sliver-X

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On 1/5/2023 at 12:45 PM, Jules451 said:

in the case of Heretic and Hexen there doesn't seem to be an established vanilla+ port (the Chocolate versions are just too basic for my tastes),

Crispy-Doom actually has Heretic and HeXen binaries available, however they are less feature rich than their International Doom equivalents. They still get some, but slower, degree of development (HeXen for example got widescreen support a little while ago).

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