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"Copper" / Quake style HUD messages



For those not in the know, Copper is a Vanilla+ mod for Quake that fixes bugs and adds some much needed polish to the '96 classic we all know and love! Quick question in regards to message behaviour.


When picking up a healing item in Copper, the specific amount of health restored is reflected in the message: for instance "You are healed by 9" or "You are healed by 13", and when power-ups are about to expire in Quake, instead of the flashing screen (ala og Doom) a timeout message and alarm style SFX play: for instance "Quad Damage is wearing off..." or "Ring of Shadows magic is fading...".


Is there any way to replicate this behaviour in Doom at all? Thanks in advance for any assistance! :)

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3 answers to this question

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  On 5/30/2022 at 3:31 AM, Pokemanic33 said:

Changing health pickup text to tell you how much you got would be very trivial with DeHackEd - you can change any string to say whatever you want. So you would just change the string that says "picked up a stimpack" to "got 10 health" and so forth.


Yeah but if your health is at 97 and you pick up a stimpack, you'd get healed by 3 points and the message would still tell you you got 10 points.

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Changing health pickup text to tell you how much you got would be very trivial with DeHackEd - you can change any string to say whatever you want. So you would just change the string that says "picked up a stimpack" to "got 10 health" and so forth.


As for powerup ending warnings, I'm not sure. I'm sure there would be a way to script it in ZDoom, but that's out of my wheelhouse. And at any rate, if you were moving up to ZDoom requirements you would probably not want to use DeHackEd like I previously explained. I'm sure ZDoom has similar functionality, but again I'm not sure. 

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when it comes to pickup messages, I don't know that I've seen that exact behavior myself in a mod before, but I reckon it must be possible with zscript. without looking at the wiki, I'm gonna guess there's some sort of "onPickup" method on items that you can plug into/override, in which you could dynamically adjust the pickup message based on the player's stats. so if I were to investigate this, this is what I'd be looking out for first!


for the powerup behavior, I imagine it's probably something pretty similar. there must be some sort of tic() function that powerups play every tic when in use, and in there would be behavior to control how the wearing off is handled. again, don't know this for certain, but that's what I'd be on the lookout for

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