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The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

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What is the DWmegawad Club?

This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind.


Can I join?

Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before.


What levels am I allowed to post about?

Whatever day of the month it is, is the upper limit for the map you can post on. So if it’s the 6th, you may discuss up to MAP06.


Do I have to post an entry every day?

Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club.


When do we vote on the next month’s megawad?

Voting begins on the 25th of the current month. Remember to add one “+++” before your vote to make it easier to count. For example:


+++ Ultimate Doom


Note that you can vote for up to three separate nominations in a single month, and every wad must contain at least three maps each. The winning nomination must receive at least four votes for a thread to be made. Ties will be decided by RNG.




What are you supposed to do when Hell takes over Earth and kills the entire human population except you? Why, kill all of them of course! Uprising is a limit-removing megawad by Cheesewheel, touting a strong focus on narrative cohesion between levels. Not only that, but expect some modifications made to your arsenal—along with the demon’s bestiary! Now get out there and get some revengeance!


Maplist for Uprising:

MAP01 - “Emergence”

MAP02 - “Swamped”

MAP03 - “House of Hate”

MAP04 - “Remnants”

MAP05 - “Trainyard”

MAP06 - “Sewer Rat”

MAP07 - “Human Processing”

MAP08 - “Street Fighter”

MAP09 - “UAC HQ”

MAP10 - “Outskirts”

MAP11 - “Shipping Zone”

MAP12 - “Bunker Bust”

MAP13 - “Sci-Labs”

MAP14 - “Lockdown”

MAP15 - “Communications”


MAP31 - “Dereliction”

MAP32 - “Beyond”


MAP16 - “Thermal”

MAP17 - “Digsite”

MAP18 - “Biodisaster”

MAP19 - “Circuit Break”

MAP20 - “Heroism”

MAP21 - “Voidwalk”

MAP22 - “Welcoming”

MAP23 - “Digital Demons”

MAP24 - “Mars City”

MAP25 - “Bloodvine”

MAP26 - “Shrine of Adam”

MAP27 - “Armageddon”

MAP28 - “Olympus Mons”

MAP29 - “Uprising”

MAP30 - “The End”









The DWmegawad Club Metathread














Edited by dobu gabu maru

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Joining back on this one.  Uprising is one of my favourites.


Uprising - MAP01 - Emergence by Tristan Clark:

Port: Sprinkled Doom

Skill 3


100% kills


Well this one starts off a bit solemly using Haze from MAP13 of Revolution.  It definitely sets the mood and brings back those electronic sounding 'Solar Fields' vibes, great stuff indeed.


The combat was very rudimentary, but expected from a MAP01.  I enjoyed the doomguy's and their plasma rifle's and the dark imp at the end was a bit surprising.  Never gets old.


I disliked the cheeky Revenant at the end as I think these should be in a MAP03 and above but it was just one so I'll let that pass.  The design and architecture are stunning as usual, though my one gripe (as with most modern-ish megawads) is that the author assume's Tutti's are fixed by limit-removing ports..  nope, I'm a rebel in this regard :)


Tristan did an amazing job on this map, a wonderful introduction.


I'll be using the widescreen statusbar from NightFright2k19 for future videos, I assumed it didn't have one and didn't check before my playthrough.






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As I mentioned last thread, I've just finished playing this a couple of weeks ago. I don't normally like replaying WADs, especially so soon after completing them, but I do want to take part in this since it's pretty fresh in my memory. So I may replay it. Or, if this is allowed, I can use people's vids to give myself refreshers of the maps and try to recall my experience with this from about a month ago. Whether or not I do either of those, I did enjoy this WAD quite a bit! Though I do have some unfinished business with map 29...

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MAP01- Emergence

UV - 100% kills - 100% secrets


I'll be honest, I was a bit skeptical when I saw we were playing yet another dehacked / modded megawad, but I still gave the first map a shot and I'm solidly in for the long run. Unlike last month's challenge, Uprising's modifications seem really unobtrusive and functional to a strong traditional / vanilla sensibility. Not too thrilled to see the dark imp once again, but can't have it all...

Map01 is your typical short, sweet, mostly linear intro map, and it does its job competently. A two-part key hunt, it leads you through a few natural rocky environments and then some techbase, all vanilla textures as far as I could tell. Loads of doomcute, which I loathe, and lots of architecture reminescent of late 90s' -early 2000 wads, which I love. The black shotgun is smexy, the plasma soldier trivial on UV but certainly a force to be reckoned with on NM, the map overall doesn't overstay its welcome and leads well into challenges to come. Good stuff, will definitely stick around for more. 

Edited by Thelokk

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Map 1 Emergence 


I like the way that your immediate surroundings set the scene. You get the sense that doom guy has been hiding in his hovel for a while and that he's been trying to avoid an out right fight with something bad for sometime now. The midi choice goes well with the level and further helps immersion. I like the natural surroundings and I wish it continued a little longer. Fights were basic map one stuff imps and zombie guys milling around nothing to note other than the new guys, final flash imps and plasma zombies.


Good job

Edited by Anarkzie

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Found out about the DWMegawad Club recently and decided to hop in!
I haven't played Uprising before. Gonna aim for 100% kills on Ultra Violence and pistol start every level. 

Map 01- Emergence 
It's a pretty simple but enjoyable opening. Not much to add other than the modified pistol made this level more enjoyable than it would've been if we used the og one. Plasmaguy didn't stand out much but the dark imp was a little surprise. 
Overall, it was fun. 

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I don't think I ever played this one, so let's get on to it! 


MAP 01 - Emergence

Oh, it already won me over with a doomcute cavern! And then we get outside and we have a faster pistol too! Grab the blue key, kill lot's of zombiemen, lift, find a plasma soldier, grab the shotgun, secret ammo pack, enter the warehouse, yellow key, enter yellow door, kill a pair of imps, find a dark imp and the exit is here but I'm missing one secret, so.. Go back, find the switch, grab the soul sphere, switch, exit! 

100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 6:56 minutes.


Nice entry level, the new pistol makes me want to know what else was changed for the better.  

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Uprising is great, it was one of my favourites from last year and the custom monsters lend themselves to a very entertaining, fast style of gameplay which I really enjoyed. Looking forward to replaying this one.


As always I will be playing with DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, complevel 2, pistol starts on UV. I will go for 100% kills, but I won't worry too much unless it's obvious I've missed a large secret battle. I've played most of this before, so this won't be blind impressions.


I'm not putting a rankings list this time because I've changed my mind on whether it actually adds anything to my write-ups.

MAP01 - Emergence:
Uprising opens with a slow atmosphere builder, that shows off one of it's best traits - grim, dread soaked environments. The vanilla scenery isn't particularly beautiful, but it definitely captures that feeling of desolation, that you're walking around in a destroyed world. The world-building you get in this wad starts strong with doomguy's little cave dwelling. There's a calendar on the wall and a map with points marked on it, flickering fire in the corner and dotted around are the few supplies doomguy has managed to save. There's a lot left to the imagination, and with strong foundations like this my mind wanders a lot about this world and what happened to it. The music really helps with the atmosphere, it's called "Haze" by Tristan Clark, and his more somber, atmospheric tracks are some of my favourites and I really don't think this map would be the same without it.


The cave wall opens to a shot of 2 zombiemen feasting on the corpse of a demon, and we get a small arena to try out the new pistol in. I think the sound is a bit weak, but a faster, more accurate pistol is an appreciated addition to the arsenal, especially considering Uprising's monster changes. The first custom monster appears about halfway through the level - a plasma trooper. Now these are fairly common, and this one acts as you'd expect from a zombie - it wanders around and then shoots plasma at you in bursts of 2. The action in this map is easy, but entertaining and with barrels placed such that they can be used to dispatch a group of monsters with a well timed blast. The little courtyard with crates has plasma zombies behind every corner, to make sure you've got your wits about you and the little revenant + shotgunner ambush in the exit room keeps you on your toes while being pretty unpunishing. The exit room is also guarded by the dark imp who has about twice the health of a regular imp and fires a baron projectile that doesn't stand out in this map, but that I liked enough to completely rip off for one of my own wads.


Overall, this is a great opener that builds the world this is taking place in, while not waiting to show off the new tricks Uprising has up it's sleeve.

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I fell of the train last month due real life stuff. Real happy to get back into this.


I have heard of Uprising before, but I have never played it and I know next to nothing about it. So I'm going in complitely blind, which is pretty nice.


I play on ultra-violence with pistol starts on DSDA-Doom


Map 01: Emergence


The map starts with a some sort of doomcute camp in a cave. I really like the detail here. The outside is quite bit less detailed, but has really nice color coordination. I also like the skybox, gives a good contrast. The pistol is quite a bit faster and has a new sound and thus is more fun to use. The combat is pretty basic in this map, I gues the whole wad is more run and gun style of gameplay? I have been wanting to play something a bit more casual. There are four or five revenants in this map, they pose the most of the danger. The shotgun has a new sound, reminds me of A.L.T. There are two new enemies, a plasma trooper, which might become a pain later on, and a stronger imp. The maps ends with the player going into a sewer and the next map starts in one, so we have continuation in this wad. Nice. Fun, casual opening to this wad.


Some screenies:



Like the vine midtext usage


Nice colors


I dunno why I took this one xd


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I guess I'll take part this time. I've played RC versions of Uprising, but stopped around 2X mark. I have general impression on what to expect and know how new enemies function, but not much memory of map specifics.


Playstyle: dsda-doom (-cl2), UV (generally max but occasionally might skip secret hunt), pistol start, sparse saves/rewinds (no mid-combat)


Map01 - Emergence:

Right off the bat, a massive pain point - red health/armor numbers on red status bar = terrible readability. Sorry about the effort put into STBAR and STARMS, but I'm pressing that delete button in SLADE, especially considering foreknowledge of how busy some fights will get later. Now onto the map itself.


Sporting 80 enemies, map 1 stats out as an atmospheric piece with relaxing music. After introducing some doomcute, we get an armor right off the bat, which is very nice. Map 1 = hitscanners after all, right? Immediately comes an opportunity to appreciate the improved pistol. Just past the first room's blue bars after a brief zombiemen/imp engagement in an open rocky area comes a pinky, and shooting down one doesn't feel like a complete chore with the stock pistol.

Feeling empowered, after some lift and stair exercises, come plasma-toting marines, some more zombies and a... sniping revenant across an area I can only describe as "longboi". Okay. Of course it's a "mostly homing" one too. Bit further down there are imps guarding a shotty, so there's at least something to put between myself and the rev.

Next stop is some sort of warehouse, the doors blazing open with fodder and two more revs. Take a guess as to how many were spitting homers like there's no tomorrow:


2/2 a taste of home

Plasmarines behind boxes quickly lead to a disappointment in pistol buff - don't take your (pain) chances standing still, even for a test. Looks like chaingun will still be the goto incidental stunlock tool.


YK = another fodder ambush, this time without bony bastards. Last fight takes place in a (escapable if you wish) low room with a massive metal pillar in the center. I ended up chasing after 2 homing missiles around said pillar. Oh and there was a dark imp, in this wad sporting A_BruiserAttack.


The secrets of the level were both of "see the goodie first" kind, which I always welcome.


The map does its job as an opener thematically, introduces just enough new enemies to pique interest as to how they'll be used.

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Blah blah blah, stealing the MtPain27 grading system for the 7th time now





- GZDoom 4.7.1 source port
- Doom (strict) compatibility 
- Ultra-Violence difficulty
- Pistol start every map
- Saves are allowed
- Completely blind to all maps
- I try to get 100% kills sometimes
- Using mods Autoautosave and IDCLEVer (Improves GZ autosaves and auto-forces pistol starts) and a few other mods that don't change gameplay (Doom II Minor Sprite Fixing Project, DSDA-Doom hud in GZDoom)


MAP01: Emergence

Kills: 100%

Items: 90%

Secrets: 0%

Time: 4:13


After emerging from a dusty and crumbling cave, Uprising starts off with a fairly paint-by-numbers and standard MAP01. It'll make you appreciate the new pistol for sure, it's darker, fires faster and has 100% accuracy. I always like when weapon number 2 gets that treatment. There's a particularly high Revenant focus in this map surprisingly once you get your hands on a shotgun. Another DeHackEd element this wad introduces is the Plasma Gu- Okay look this thing has appeared in so many wads I can't keep introducing it. It's a part of Doom II now. Anyway the yellow key fight is definitely this map's highlight, bringing a jolt of energy to this lonesome MAP01. Overall Emergence is alright.


Grade: B-

Difficulty: D-



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Uprising is another wad that I downloaded after it caught my eye on the 2021 cacoawards, but that I still didn't get around to play it. As with last month, this is a blind continuous playthrough, but I am coming back on Prboom+ instead of using DSDA again. Of course saves are still allowed



Map 1: Emergence

100% kills, items and secrets

Time: 3:50


You start this adventure in a silent, ominous cave that is also pretty and oddly calming thanks to Tristan's midi. However, when you get out of here, Cheesewheel turns up the heat, making you use the new faster-firing and perfectly accurate pistol against lots of imps and zombies. After that, he is not afraid to throw revenants and big monster closets despite Emergence only being map 1. Luckily you will get a shotgun (which sounds absolutely great) just in time to deal with the big groups of enemies, which is more fun than it sounds as killing groups of fodder with it never gets old. Thiw map also introduces 2 enemies : the marksman, who shoots plasma bolts and seems to have the same health as an imp and the dark imp, who seems to have the same health as a lost soul and shoots hell knight projectiles. Emergence is a great opener and if it represents what we can expect from the rest of Uprising, then I am gonna love this wad.






Really Like: 

Map 1



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15 hours ago, Gibbon said:

Uprising - MAP01 - Emergence by Tristan Clark:


Well this one starts off a bit solemly using Haze from MAP13 of Revolution.


Tristan did an amazing job on this map, a wonderful introduction.


Hello, just looking in on this thread - I don't know this WAD but seems like all the maps are by Cheesewheel. I didn't work on this, the map is just using my music!

Edited by Tristan

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So, last month I played until MAP13, after which I was hard pressed to find more time and, admittedly, motivation to keep on with the club. I kind of enjoyed the freedom of playing any wad, or the freedom to not play at all, and I thought I had let go of the whole DWMC thing.


But then I felt a bit sad to not participate. So, here goes again. Won't promise to keep with Uprising to the end in schedule, but I'll try. Playing on DSDA v0.24.0, UV, pistol starts.


MAP01: Emergence. 80/80 K, 2/2 S. Completion time 11:55.


A decent opener that somehow reminded of Speed of Doom's first level. I guess "emerging" from a cave in the first map isn't that unique a concept, but still. The first map doesn't pose that big of a challenge, although the plasma zombies and especially the revenants, against which you march on with an improved pistol and a shotgun, did surprise me a bit. I loved the music, where have I heard it before?


Completion time got inflated because I was so blind as to not see the soul sphere in the first open area, and instead went on investigating some crates which in automap looked like they could be lowered somehow to reveal something.

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Map01: Emergence

Played continuous with saves on Ultra Violence through PrBoom+\UMAPINFO


Never played this wad before, so far this is an excellent start! Great lighting, nice Doomcute at the start, fun fights and interesting Dehacked. I really like the music as well. The faster pistol is a very welcome change and wastes the new plasma zombies. The nightmare imp at the end was a surprise but it kept me on my toes.


Excited to see where this goes!

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OK FINE, I'll replay it. I forgot pistol-starts were a thing I could do to spice up a 2nd playthrough.


GZDoom/UV/Pistol Start/Saves

Map 01: Emergence

100% kills and secrets

Time: 5:59


This is a more narrative-based WAD, and it's very apparent in this opening, as you start in a small cave hideout. Some shells and a green armor lay about, along with a calendar and map on the walls. Grabbing the armor lowers the cave wall and starts the fighting. You're going to deal with a few zombies and imps in a little canyon connected to a building. You'll get to test out the new pistol. Its rate of fire is increased, and its accuracy is perfect, making this a very effective weapon. If we want to compare this to last month's Judgment, which also has a lot of changes to the weapons and monsters, I prefer this pistol over the rifle from that, since its rate of fire is greater. Grab the blue key, find the switch on the side of the building to lower the soul sphere, and head into the building. Idk why we need to ride one lift to activate another one across the room to actually progress; seems dumb. Also, I punched the pinky to save ammo. Once you progress, you'll finally find a shotgun to use those shells with, along with a bunch of zombies and imps, plus the marksmen. They're plasma troopers, and if you've seen one variation of the plasma trooper, you've seen them all. Hitting the switch by the rev opens up the path to the yellow key. Monsters pour out of both entrances, with the far entrance holding some revs to surprise you while dealing with the imps, shotgunners, and zombies in the close one. Grabbing the yellow key opens some closets with a few baddies. Behind the yellow door is the first dark imp of the WAD. Unlike in Judgment, we have both imps in the WAD, and these dark imps fire hell noble projectiles instead of caco ones. They still go down in 2 shotgun blasts, so it's not too bad. One final ambush with a rev and crew stands before you and the exit. Overall, a strong opening map. Nice new pistol and there's a slight challenge for a map 01.

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Uprising - MAP02 - Swamped

Port: Sprinkled Doom


Well, the midi is once again pretty good but the level itself is a small romp through lots of wood textures and trees.  The entrance to the structure is pretty neat and looks like an actual building of some sort but the back-tracking to the red and blue key doors didn't do much for me.  Having a key in a sunken pit is just saying "trap" and trap there was.


Not good, not bad but a decent MAP02.






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MAP01- Swamped

UV - 100% kills - 100% secrets

Port: based and modpilled GZDoom


Liked it even more than MAP01. Less doomcute, which is a good thing, but lots of very nice vanilla-feel detailing - this wad would go really well with Anomaly Report. Progression is still fairly linear, a two-part key hunt with lots of saucy ambushes in cramped rooms / arenas. Ammo is tight, and health even more so, which I find slightly irritating given the wealth of hitscanners. The true potential of the plasma dude, as a faraway sniper, is unlocked. Shotgunning a mancubus is alright, but only barely better than shotgunning a baron. Ymmv.

The new shotgun sound effect is crispy and I like it. 

Edited by Thelokk

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Map02- Swamped
100% Kills; Pistol-start

Fun and simple Map 02. The plasma marine felt more pronounced here and I have a solid expectation I'll end up hating them by the end of the wad :P. Ammo and health were both a bit tight but nothing too unmanageable. The pit trap was the highlight and was but the rest of the level was not much of note.
I'd say I prefer Map 01 due to the yellow key fight in that level but nonetheless, this was an enjoyable level!


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I am so looking forward to this!

Uprising is one of my favourite megaWADs to play. It is also may most favourite megaWAD to think and ponder about!


Looking forward to reading everyone's thoughts! I will write my reviews of Map01 and Map02 later today.


2 hours ago, Cheesewheel said:

I must admit that the dehacked changes have very little reasoning behind them other than I did it because I can - hence why I now think the Chaos Knight (Baron Replacement) is unecessary, though some people seem to like it.

Dude, making something because you can is an integral part of creative process!

Without it, life in general and Doom mapsets in particular would be much more boring. (Full disclosure: I am a big Chaos Knight fan. Why is this - I will explain later, when the chaos knights will properly appear on the maps.)

Edited by Azure_Horror

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Map 1 (Emergence): Pretty much your standard map01; quick and mostly non-lethal, though the first few revenants did do quite a number on me, which kept me on my toes for the rest of the level. Also starts out with some pretty neat doomcute. The upgraded pistol and shotgun feel nice, though I don't really like the sound replacement for the pistol, sounds more like machinery than a gun. Not much to say about the new enemies introduced in this level; the plasma zombie is just a zombie with projectile instead of a hitscan, and the dark imp I killed before it could even take a step.


Map 2 (Swamped): I found this surprisingly easier than the last map. Maybe i was just lucky, but the long range mancubus and PZs never really attacked, so i was able to steamroll the opening area. That red key trap though, ouch. Being stuck in a pit and surrounded by hitscanners and imps is a pretty nasty trap, thankfully it loses its bite when you have the chaingun. Speaking of which, my feelings about the swapped pistol sound are even stronger with the chaingun, which might be a thorn in the side of an otherwise decent wad so far.

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MAP02 - Swamped:
A shorter, and less involved map than Map01 - Swamped is saved from being forgettable by containing razor-sharp combat that is just enough of a threat to keep you from feeling safe, but holds back enough so that you're not getting constantly punished for playing incorrectly. The speed of combat in this map is something that's going to become a trend in Uprising, due to it's monster replacements being pretty squishy for the most part. The high amount of shotgunners here is going to be your main threat as they'll constantly be taking potshots at you and generally being a nuisance.


The blue key has an ambush that I initially thought was a bit wimpy as it just spawns one revenant behind you, but exiting this little room reveals that a lot more stuff has teleported in that I was expecting, including a lot of plasma zombies. The red key ambush spawns imps and zombies in all around you and the lack of cover here is pretty brutal for Map02 as I doubt it's possible to get away without taking at least one shotgun hit, even though this trap is very obviously telegraphed. I wasn't able to get the secret chaingun but that's fine, I'm sure it'll pop up next map.


Overall, this is a fun, bite-sized map that serves as a showcase of the pace of combat that Uprising will be going for.

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Playstyle: dsda-doom (-cl2), UV (generally max but occasionally might skip secret hunt), pistol start, sparse saves/rewinds (no mid-combat)


Map 02: Swamped

With less enemies than map 1, it's a pretty casual stroll with vanilla-esque aesthetics and sparse combat. Another armor early on, I'll take that any day. Much as I wanted to, getting the fence Mancubus to infight the Rev didn't happen. Secret Chaingun (still giving points for showing the stuff first) reaffirms its expected capability to reliably deal with fodder.


BK fight ended up in a nonchalant doorway shootout - plasmarines that were supposed to block the way out to safety got stuck in teleport closets for far too long. RK fight is potentially a bit RNG-nasty - with multiple shotgunners in the open, if you don't hide behind the imps well you can get that high hit or two in the face.


The highlight of the level was unquestionably a strip of metal left of the RK bars, as it proved itself to be able to silently consume a Rev fireball colliding with it.


Verdict: swamped, I was not. The map does however demonstrate what I vaguely recall having a lot of further along the wad - elevated position fodder taking potshots from awkward angles, be it hitscan or not.

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MAP02: Swamped. 74/74 K, 1/1 S. Completion time 8:38.


Another decent level, although I liked the first map better. I think the problem here is that some of the areas (most notably the RSK area?) just are there. The BSK room also just lies there where it is, but on the other hand I found inevitable ambush enjoyable.

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(Played continuously on UV with Prboom+, saves are allowed)

Map 2: Swamped

100% kills, items and secrets

Time: 3:53


Swamped is another short exciting level scored by a track from the TVR! midi pack and that actually contains some pretty threatening encouters for a map 2. It's scenery and visuals are very "vanilla", but they still look great and serve the gameplay well (also, there's a very subtle hint about what the scenery in the map title). The pretty threatening encounters I am referring to are the blue key one with a rev, imps, marksmen and zombiemen, along with the red key one, in which you drop into a pit and get surrounded by marksmen, imps, zombiemen and shotgunners. Thankfully, finding the secret chaingun just nullifies all of Swamped's threats. The rest of the map is still consistently enjoyable, even if I prefer the opener.






Really Like: 

Map 1

Map 2



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I play on ultra-violence with pistol starts on DSDA-Doom


Map 02: Swamped


This one is visually very much like the first one. Again, I like the continuation that both the end and the beginning of this level employ. The combat is still pretty basic, but the ambush by a Revenant and bunch of plasma troopers is lethal if you fuck up. The secrets feel very easy at least at this point, I don't really mind that tho. There are some cute details in this map like the sunk crate in the storage building. Cute chill map.


Some screenies:



Similar view as in the first map


Nice hangman trees


The storage room, something different


Edited by Alaxzandarz
wrong map name and number lol

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Map 2 Swamped


First thing I noticed about this level is that it contains yet another great midi, the bleak music sets the tone well.


Snipers and some kind of abstract wooden structure greet you once you stick your head out from the sewer. There's a little bit of a challenge in trying to descend down to the swamp while avoiding enemy fire which is cool but nothing too hard, I'm surprised to see a mancubus so early but considering you have cover and there's a not too hard to find chain gun laying around it no biggie.


Two minor ambushes while picking up keys and your done. The level has lots of bodies hanging around which suggests that the previous uprising did not go so well, let's hope we can do better.

Edited by Anarkzie

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MAP03- House of Hate

UV - 100% kills - 100% secrets


I dig how the author brings out hell aesthetics this early in the megawad - it's not something you see every day. Wooden hell is a map subgenre I enjoy a lot and, therefore, the map is a winner in my book in spite of a few shortcomings that are starting to rear their ugly head. 


First the pros: the atmosphere is spot on, dark and foreboding, enhanced by the obsessive-sounding MIDI chosen. There is a lot of height variation, which helps to make the map feel like a real place, rather than an arena existing only for me to fight stuff. No doomcute at all, nice! Detailing is a standout.


Then, the cons: I know we're only on MAP03, but I can't help notice how, so far, all maps are frightfully similar in layout and progression. A slightly-skewed-to-the-side courtyard, surrounded by a series of blocky corridors, in which you get key1, ambush; get key2; ambush; exit - with an, in my opinion, excessive amount of untreathening fooder enemies to mow down in the middle. Sure, I love blasting through three zombiemen at a time with my rifle, but... with very few exceptions, enemy positioning is rather toothless in general, revenants being a sore standout.


So yeah, still in for the ride, but I really hope the next few maps throw a wrench in the cog, 'cause deja vu setting in after barely three maps is never a good thing. 

Edited by Thelokk

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Level 3 House of Hate

I think we take for granted some of the weird sh*t we see in Doom at times, for example this level has a floating marble block gushing blood, that's kind of a strange thing to see wouldn't you say?

Gameplay is really starting to shine now, interesting groupings of still mostly low tier enemies and a penchant for playing with elevation makes for some really interesting fights. The interconnectivity of the level construction plus the deliberate spotty cover is another highlight as you're often having to consider enemy sightlines, as you will find yourself getting shot at by enemies in areas that you cannot yet access. The ambushes are starting to get a lot more deadly too.

It again features a great midi, speaking as someone that more often than not does not like the music you find in Doom games, I'm surprisingly enjoying this aspect of this mod a lot. This level feels less like its trying to convey any kind of story and more like a random computer game level but it's my favourite so far, even though the level name does remind me more of a couple going through a divorce rather than a Doom level.

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