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RAMP 2022 [DONE!]

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Just uploaded my map to the linked page, as map 62. Note: there are a few error messages, but the map still loads and functions properly. I'll iron out those bugs in the next few days.


Thanks for letting me be part of this project! I look forward to seeing what people think of my map :D

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I replaced my map "dark egypt" with one called "evil hub".


At some point I want to return to experiment with 3d buildings.

I just found my old maps castle of secrets and inner hell city from 2020 and I may end up doing another map that uses some buildings from those maps.


however "evil hub" is not using any 3d buildings... hopefully its long enough and slightly better than "dark egypt" was


Edited by CBM

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Yeah, ok, so I have submitted two short basic maps to this project as my first Doom maps done complete. It is what it is, nothing to shout about. Only Doom2 textures to keep it simple.


And today I had some inspiration(!): A big Tower, kinda 1960's-80's horror movie style. So I added OTEX to get some more textures... And it's been like 5-6 hours later, and I still can't pick ONE FU**ING TEXTURE! There so many too choose from! Please Satan, release me from this WAD pack!

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Id love to do this. Just a question, do i have to sign up somewhere or just make a map and post it?

edit: i just took a look at when it should be done, DARN IT! And i wanted to make a map for something like this! Some people need alot of time (like me! I probably couldnt even finish a map if i joined day 1). I guess i can try making a map in this short time

Speedmapping mode, enter!



Edited by noob_killer012345678

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3 minutes ago, noob_killer012345678 said:

Id love to do this. Just a question, do i have to sign up somewhere or just make a map and post it?


Just make one and post one.

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the ramp projects could be made stand alone by throwing in a gzdoom release, resource wads and a freedoom release with an appropiate configuration.


there may still be players who have trouble figuring out how to combine gzdoom, iwads and pwads


Edited by CBM

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I was unaware that we were allowed to add custom stuff beyond just textures (like items, custom monsters etc)... is that limited to textures and sprites or does it also include voxels and/or 3d models?


If it includes voxels and/or 3d models then I'd love if you could point me in the right direction regarding a how-to for adding either a model or a voxel to a wad file


(EDIT: I did find a little info on the ZDoom WIKI about defining voxels in a WAD... but nothing about how to include OBJ files in a WAD and voxels are apparently much more resource hungry in GZDoom than OBJ files due to the way voxels are being processed internally in GZDoom... it seems they are inefficiently being converted to 3D models)


What is the allowed range of custom id numbers?

Do you deal out a range of id numbers to mappers who asks for it?


I wanted to add a custom 3d model or voxel or sprite of the robo devil in my robo hell levels exit room, but I didn't because I wasn't sure if it was okay.


Given the recent cheese issue, I suggest adding a feature to the rampart uploader that allows it to check for duplicate textures and duplicate custom id numbers when a map is uploaded for the first time and when a map is updated.


When a map is first uploaded then the uploader can just check if id numbers or texture names match ones already in the project but when a map is updated it needs to only check the other map slots for duplicates ...


ie... lets say a map is uploaded to map slot 10, then when its updated.. then only slots 1-9 should be checked for duplicates.


or... ie.. lets say a map has been added to map slot 11 in the meantime... then slots 1-9 + 11 should be checked for duplicates when slot 10 is updated.


Otherwise, total chaos will ensue when more custom items and custom textures are added...


I hope that makes sense.




Edited by CBM

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search for duplicates should likely also be made for sprite names, actor names and if allowed ... voxels and/or 3d model names/dummy sprites

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I cheekily snuk my MEATBLOCK map into Ramp as well. Improved the difficulty and monster placement a bunch, juggled around with textures and fixed some things that needed to be fixed (like actual swimmable water in a vertical portal). RAMP is my motivator to do mapping things that I otherwise would procrastinate into oblivion. Good project is good project.



Meatblock Title RAMP.jpg

Edited by A Handsome Fridge

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Unfortunately mapper's block seems to have hit me pretty hard this month & I don't see myself finishing my submission before the deadline.

The submissions I've seen from others so far look very interesting, looking forward to trying them out.

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7 hours ago, DoctorNuriel said:

I've added my submission to the site! :D



Looks great! And your avatar is awakening a disturbing memory - was that from a Flash animation called "What's wrong with this picture?"

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8 minutes ago, DavidN said:


Looks great! And your avatar is awakening a disturbing memory - was that from a Flash animation called "What's wrong with this picture?"

Thank you! :D not sure which it's from exactly but it's from one of them ol' screamers for sure!

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I've submitted a map.  I seem to have replaced someone's (deleted?) map in slot 03, so the thumbnail is no longer correct.


I made a little run and gun sandbox to play around with some UDMF features I'd never touched (slopes, colored lighting, fog, and portals) and to reacquaint myself with 3D floors and ACS.  I still feel a lot more comfortable with -cl2 and -cl9 mapping but it's good to learn something new!  I know a typical project submission form isn't necessary for this but here you go anyway:




Name: The Ice Floe
Author: Salmon

Format:  UDMF
Skill Levels:  All implemented
MIDI: Castlehernia by Jimmy
Sky: INTSKY11 by Mechadon
Textures:  OTEX 1.1 and 32in24-15v2


Feel free to give me feedback and point out issues if you play the map.  Thanks!

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Just uploaded my map as map 90 (!)


Basically my first map in 20 years and the first one I'm letting other people play.


Thanks for this, it's getting me back into mapping.


edit: just dawned on me I didn't forbid jumping and crouching in umapinfo. Should I reupload or no? I noticed there was a tick box on the submission form for it and I left it on don't allow.

Edited by grendelw

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14 minutes ago, grendelw said:

edit: just dawned on me I didn't forbid jumping and crouching in umapinfo. Should I reupload or no? I noticed there was a tick box on the submission form for it and I left it on don't allow.

If your map breaks without jumping/crouching then you should probably just update it with the PIN you got when you submitted it.

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43 minutes ago, Worriedidiot said:

If your map breaks without jumping/crouching then you should probably just update it with the PIN you got when you submitted it.


It's the opposite problem, jumping breaks the map haha


But thank you. Reuploaded it with an updated mapinfo.

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19 minutes ago, Worriedidiot said:

Oh sorry. I'm just dumb lol

You're fine. I just found something game breaking in my map that's only in GZDoom (???) So now I'm working on a third pass.

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my submission is almost finished 
tho i have a question, do we still have time tomorrow or the community project will end

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just added a polyobject teslacoil hazard to 2 of my maps... the realm 667 tesla coil looks pretty good as a voxel actually (I created the voxel from 2 3D models I made... one non-broken teslacoil and one broken teslacoil model, the original tesla coil and its sprites were made by Captain Toenail in 2009)


the coil uses COIL A and COIL B for its two states


I guess it would be possible to make enough voxels to have an actual voxel based enemy... but it would likely be a little too demanding on target systems

Edited by CBM

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37 minutes ago, big smoke said:

my submission is almost finished 
tho i have a question, do we still have time tomorrow or the community project will end

I believe it is until the *end* of june 30th.

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30 minutes ago, A Handsome Fridge said:

I believe it is until the *end* of june 30th.


But what time zone

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Whenever I remember to close submissions, basically :) I'll close it for new submissions at some point this weekend (editing existing maps will remain open), but let me know if you miss the deadline by seconds or something! After that I'll concentrate on quieting the warnings on compile and startup...

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whew, i finally finished and sent my submission just in time 
its simply named "the escape" and its a 7 minute ish map where you escape from a prison

this map is a little short since i started working on it at the last few days before the deadline

here is also a zip file if you want to give this map a try (its also available at the RAMP 2022 website)


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Rushing to see if i can make a map for this, but I've never made a map before and am probably not going to be able to finish by the deadline.

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5 hours ago, big smoke said:

whew, i finally finished and sent my submission just in time 
its simply named "the escape" and its a 7 minute ish map where you escape from a prison

this map is a little short since i started working on it at the last few days before the deadline

here is also a zip file if you want to give this map a try (its also available at the RAMP 2022 website)


I LOVE that voxel car, did you create it yourself?

Btw. your level has several missing textures.

Edited by CBM

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