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How often do you play the original IWADs?


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The past couple days I've been playing through Doom 1 again, then I plan to play through Doom 2 and Final Doom.  So it made me wonder how often other Doomers go back to the originals (under the original engine or your favorite source port).   I last did this about six months ago, so I probably do it once or twice a year. 

Edited by Kor

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most the time i just boot it up to try out some new mods or if i found a fresh mappack

Edited by The BMFG

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The IWads are sufficiently tattooed onto my brain that I rarely need to revisit them, so when I do they don't feel that worn out.

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Pretty much every time I decide to update some source port to a newer version, or download a completely new source port I have never used before, or test some mods, etc... The cycle goes like this: I download a new version of source port and decide to check what's new/check some features I am interested in. Then I load some episode from Ultimate Doom or launch Doom 2 and end up playing the whole episode or two. Given how there are no episodes in Doom 2, I always replay ~the first half of the game though. I haven't played the second half of Doom 2 for ages.


I am trying to break the cycle and constantly reminding myself to try and make some of my favorite wads as "default testing grounds", but everytime I lose that fight and end up loading Doom1/Doom2 anyway. :(

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Depends, UD and D2 I barely ever play, except if I need them for mapping reference. I occasionally replay some Plutonia maps, and TNT a little more often than that. 

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I almost exclusively played them up until about two years ago. Now I’m trying to finally catch up on a bunch of the classics and have had a hard time fitting them in.


Turns out AV is pretty good though.

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ive been doing nothing but play underhalls for 3 days...


ok but seriously. not often? i know a bunch of friends that only play iwads and it kinda saddens me cuz part of the appeal of doom to me comes from playing the stuff other people in the community made.


now underhalls, i probably play it every single time i finish a single level pwad lmao.

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Typically, I play Doom & Doom II from start to finish annually because it is always fun when I do. Final Doom, I don't tend to want to replay those nearly as frequently. Heretic, Hexen, and Strife I play far less, not because I don't like them but because I don't feel they have near as much replay value once you've played them enough times. Hexen, though, any chance I can get 2 other people to play through it in one sitting where each player plays as one of the 3 classes so that each character is in the game, I take it, because that is some of the best coop moments I've ever had in a game and honestly feel the game plays even better this way due to the weapon limit per class.

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I heavily dislike the IWADs playstyle so to respond to the post, I don't play the IWADs, might have played them when I was a kid and didn't know about PWADs but now I'd rather not engage in the boring style of gameplay they provide.

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Quite often, interestingly enough. While they're primitive compared to contemporary and even some classic map packs, I find them charming and fun, especially TNT


Yes, you read right


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Played through them as a kid with IDDQD or co-op with my father over 24 years ago. 

I did replay two plutonia levels since then. So 2 levels in 24 years. 

One of those was map 32 of plutonia UV-MAX without running, strafing or bfg, which I completed first try. This was how I used to play as a kid.
The other was map 12 of plutonia on nightmare which I got the iwad record for. 

Edited by Lucky_Edie

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I played through Episode 1 "remastered" a year or so ago with some texture and music mods on GZDoom, and screwed around in Doom 2 for a bit on the Switch I ended up with (long story). Other than that, not seriously for probably 20 years.

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Very rarely. And when I do, I mostly find them very easy. Well made, but easy. I guess modern wads have raised the difficulty standard, and as I always say, I'm a very average player.

However, I do replay things. It's just my classics are very different.

First of all, it's Valiant. A lot of it is too difficult for me, but I sometimes replay the first 6 levels and then several from the last episode.

Another classic is the 5 Rooms wad. I really love this wad and enjoy quite a bunch of levels from it.


And probably AUGER;ZENITH will now also become a wad I'll replay. Such an awesome project! I was absolutely mesmerized by it.

Finally, I am a huge fan of Oblige. For the past couple of years I have been generating levels with Oblige and keeping those that are good. Some turn out to be amazing and some of the best Doom I've played. Sometimes I would slightly edit them, usually to make pistol starts possible, if out of a 4 level wad I like levels 3 and 4, for instance.

This Oblige collection is pretty serious, I note in the filenames exactly which levels are good, I have also created a folder with screenshots, so that I can go through them and immediately remember the level(s).

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Played each IWAD once and don't feel the need to revisit them since there's a lot of other great WADs out there, like Poogers.wad

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Not a great deal, in part because I've probably played them enough that I feel like there's very little for me to see or experience again, and at this point, I think it'd be unfair for me to go back to Doom 2 and play it for the 20th time, when I could get a lot more out of playing a WAD I really like for the 2nd or 3rd time.

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I play through Doom II MAP01 whenever I'm testing some settings for a source port or mod, maybe also MAP18 (The Courtyard) if I want some other monsters besides zombiemen and imps, but aside from that I don't play the IWADs much.

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Rarely if ever, tbh. Even back in the day i would play a lot more Final Doom than the Id games. Nowadays when testing a map or finishing a pwad i'll blast through a level or two but that's about it

Edited by Ex Inferis

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I usually play through Knee-Deep in the Dead a few times a year, and every now and then I'll go through the first 7 levels of Doom 2 - those are my favourites.

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Every few months I'll pick one of Doom 1's first three episodes and play it all the way through, or play the first 12 maps of Doom 2. Booting up the original IWADS in DOSBox never fails to put me in a good place, though sometimes I'll pick a port at random and play through that way, while tweaking and learning every option and feature I can.

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18 minutes ago, Lippeth said:

Every few months I'll pick one of Doom 1's first three episodes and play it all the way through, or play the first 12 maps of Doom 2. Booting up the original IWADS in DOSBox never fails to put me in a good place, though sometimes I'll pick a port at random and play through that way, while tweaking and learning every option and feature I can.

While I can see playing through Doom in its truly original form would be nostalgic, I can't get into the bad sounding music, lack of look up/down support and low screen resolution.  I always do my playthroughs in GZDoom.  I've been spoiled, even though I spent the first few years playing Doom without GZDoom's features.  :)

Edited by Kor

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17 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:

I usually play through Knee-Deep in the Dead a few times a year, and every now and then I'll go through the first 7 levels of Doom 2 - those are my favourites.

Yeah the first seven levels of Doom 2 are the best of the game.  Though I think level 29 is pretty good as well.

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Every day iv'e been playing the entire first episode of Doom 1993. When I go to school I also take advantage of spare time. Just whip out the PSP and play through a couple levels from doom 1&2.

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Quite often, actually. Usually around once every month or two. Generally I play Doom 1 or Doom 64 more often, since those have far fewer levels that I dislike (I tend to sigh and groan once i reach Doom 2 maps 9 and 10).


That's just Doom 1 and 2, though. I rarely play Final Doom.

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