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Trouble on Titan, one final pesky secret!


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Just completed Jim Flynn's epic Trouble on Titan. In fact this marks the last of his Titan series I have done and it was a worthy finale. Anyway. For anyone who has done this map I have a question: There is a lone blueberry health potion in the semi-circular room with two lifts which leads to the first set of stairs. It is far up on a ledge and I now, having completed the map, have no idea how to get it. It has been bugging me since I started this map, but I hoped its secret would eventually be revealed by the end. Using freelook I can tell there is a portion of the roof of the semi-circular room between the two lift doors which is different from the rest of the ceiling in this area which is blue (sector 651). Two yellow lines in the overview map show it is some kind of movable sector, but I cannot press or punch any linedefs in the area to move it. Further the texture of the wall panels is slightly misaligned in this area. Checking the map out in Slade offers no clues. Has anyone actually gotten this item? I need 100%!

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Me :) 




OK if I understand, you are not talking about 100% secrets but 100% items, so sorry for misreading. However, about 2 minutes in my demo there starts a sequence which makes the health potion accessible at 2:20 (I don't pick it up, but get close enough to it to give the idea that it is possible).

Edited by vdgg

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Don't have PRBoom or Crispy Doom. Could you explain how you did it or upload a video of the first 3 minutes (since you got access to the blueberry by then)?

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You don't necessarily need PrBoom or Crispy Doom. These play back with Chocolate Doom, Eternity,, Prboom+ and DSDA-Doom.


The much more impressive demo by @JCD (skill 5) also shows how to access that




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