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Oldest game you've actually enjoyed.

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I know there's been stuff in the past like, "what is the oldest game you own?" but I think the "enjoyed" bit is a key part here. I mean I own Wolfenstein 3D sure, but do I ever play it, not really no. So here, what's the oldest game you've really enjoyed playing, have great memories of, or is a personal favorite of your's.


And no, Doom doesn't count... that's like going on the Fallout nma forum and asking if anyone likes Fallout 2.


I'll go first, while the new hitman trilogy is great, the old games are great too, and Contracts is a personal favorite of mine. While it's not as versatile as the modern stuff, the game's dark tone sets it apart from the rest, gloomy rainy towns, snowy russian submarines. Of course the game has it's rough edges (the previously mentioned submarine level sucks imo) but overall it holds a soft spot for me.


Edit: Actually I'll include Fallout 1 and 2 on here, I've gotten pretty far in 1 and am meaning to get to 2 at some point, but I group them together since they're pretty similar.

While they show their age sometimes, they're a good romp once you get your footing and realize that Agility is amazing and Intelligence is better for speech than Charisma, (dont ask)

Edited by Mr Masker

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Just now, dybbuk said:

Jungle Hunt on Atari 2600, and my all-time favorite from Atari is Centipede 2600 and 7800

Never played the 7800 Centipede, but hell yeah, Jungle Hunt is amazing. Great graphics for a home console game for the time, too!

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Not counting simple arcade games, I can enjoy anything from the NES era onward without being irritated. Not an Atari fan, sorry. I think the PS360 era has aged the worst, I can't enjoy a lot of those anymore due to the awkward and charmless attempts at realistic graphics and gameplay in many flagship titles.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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I can enjoy a lot of late 70s-early 80s arcade style games as brief diversions but I think the oldest game I could consider as one that I really like is Galaga.

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5 minutes ago, Ragu said:

I can enjoy a lot of late 70s-early 80s arcade style games as brief diversions but I think the oldest game I could consider as one that I really like is Galaga.

This would be my wife's favorite game of all time

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The earliest game I still enjoy playing is Space Crusade (1992), although I do play the previous game Heroquest (1991) from time to time.. it's not as good imo but that is probably more preference.

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I'll join the Atari 2600 crew here. Space Invaders on the 2600 was released in 1978 and is still a good time, especially if you can bring along a second player who tolerates your old video game bullshit.

Edited by Spie812

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I first really got into gaming in 1989 with a little arcade game called P.O.W: Prisoners of War. I regularly play those old arcade and console games on emulators. Nostalgia is perhaps colouring my judgement. But I recently played a random arcade game in the Capcom Beat 'em Up bundle I got on Steam since it included Final Fight. I forget the name, but I enjoyed it. There's some older arcade and console titles I think still work well too. But also a lot that don't.


My family had a basic Atari knock-off console in I think the very early 90s that had 60 odd games built in. The only game I remember from it is Pitfall. They sounded dreadful and the graphics just were not good enough to create anything engaging and memorable. Obviously people who were around at the time will still regard them fondly and that's great. But I doubt I would enjoy them if I played them now. So I would say mid 80s is my cut-off point.

Edited by Murdoch

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I remember playing various Commodore 64 games at the tail end of the 1980s on a friend's machine, so potentially something like Dizzy The Egg.


In terms of something I owned though, it's hard to remember, it all blurs together. I remember owning Toki on the Amiga 1500 in ~1990, so possibly that? 

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Like Legend of Zelda. Or Rad Racer. Maybe Final Fantasy 1 too. Maybe even Pitfall (on Atari). At a certain point, the simplicity gets painful however. Ultima IV would probably be the best one, but I never really got far into it for mnany reasons, but it certainly has more going on than any of the other games I mentioned


Oops, I forgot about Donkey Kong

Edited by LadyMistDragon
donkey kong

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Enjoyed or still enjoy? Because from what I could find, Grand Prix Circuit (1988) was the oldest game I actually enjoyed when I was little but nowadays it seems... bad. The oldest games I still actually play are from the mid or late 90's. (Descent, Warcraft 2, Starcraft and such.)

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Fire Truck (1978), an absolute blast if you're playing with others and drinking, although it will lead to some heated arguments.

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Ghouls'n Ghosts and Master of Monsters. But I got to know this game well after other more current ones, like Black Thorne among all Snes and Mega Drive games.

Edited by K_Doom

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I'd probably go for Blaster Master, Castlevania, and Mega Man 2 as the main ones, although if you decide to add another criteria and say I have to actually play it on a semi-regular basis for it to count, then I'd have to say Final Fight.

Edited by Sena

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Attack of the Timelord! on the Magnavox Odyssey 2. I still play it every now and again with the O2EM, it's simple, addictive, and has great sound effects. I didn't have the speech synthesizer attachment as a kid so hearing it in the emulator was a great way to make it feel brand new. Other games I still enjoy on the system are Smithereens!, Pick Axe Pete! and Out of This World!/Helicopter Rescue!. Odyssey 2 games have some of the most wild box art as well.


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I kinda grew up playing NES, 2600, and downloads from DOS abandonware sites, so my tastes kinda skew way older than they should. Totally adored late 70s and early 80s arcade games. Space War was great if you could convince someone to play it with you. Battlezone and Star Wars Arcade were fantastic. Loved Discs of Tron.


Spent an embarassing number of hours with Pacman and Donkey Kong 2600, lol.


Far from the oldest, but did anyone else play Cybersled? Nothing was cooler to me as a kid than the fully decked out vehicle-cabinets.

Edited by Smouths

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Pac Man (released in 1980) is one of my favorite arcade games ever, so that's my pick. If pinball machines count, I always have a lot of fun with Big Shot (1974.)

Edited by Mr. Freeze

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ngl, Pong is still a damn fun game to play with another person.


I also still have fun with various 2600 titles, like Jungle Hunt (I actually prefer the 2600 version, even), Centipede, Yar's Revenge, Demon Attack, Mouse Trap, and Beamrider. My first console was a 7800, and I was given a TON of 2600 games for it, so I started my video game adventures with these. 


Also, Tombstone City on TI-99/4a (my first computer). That game is still a badass.


I love old games lol

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35 minutes ago, Smouths said:

I kinda grew up playing NES, 2600, and downloads from DOS abandonware sites, so my tastes kinda skew way older than they should. Totally adored late 70s and early 80s arcade games. Space War was great if you could convince someone to play it with you. Battlezone and Star Wars Arcade were fantastic. Loved Discs of Tron.


Spent an embarassing number of hours with Pacman and Donkey Kong 2600, lol.


Far from the oldest, but did anyone else play Cybersled? Nothing was cooler to me as a kid than the fully decked out vehicle-cabinets.


Cybersled is super cool, I really love the smooth, flat shaded look of a lot of the Namco and Sega polygonal 3D games of the time.

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30 minutes ago, Ragu said:


Cybersled is super cool, I really love the smooth, flat shaded look of a lot of the Namco and Sega polygonal 3D games of the time.


The bright/frequently-untextured polys, the loud sfx and announcers (sometimes you could even hear them over the rest of the machines...)


I dunno, maybe they just played well with my ADHD, but I really liked the bombastic tone/presentation of a lot of those games XD

Edited by Smouths

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I was gonna say Pong as well. I don't see how it's possible not to have at least a little fun with that, with a friend or 2. Not every game needs to be a sensory overload that feels like the scene in Clockwork Orange where Alex DeLarge is being brainwashed..


I respect the Atari, Intellivision, and Commodore era, but games from that era are generally a teeny bit below what I'd like in my games. Not by much though.. And same goes for mid 80s DOS games.


Anything comparable to the NES or above though? Bring it on! (and hell, there are some Atari games which are just timeless like Missile Command, I just happen to prefer the ever-so-slightly more polished editions that came a tad later.)

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Chess was invented ~800 BC, and I play all the time, like 5-10 blitz games per day. It's a great metric for my health, I've found. The more I exercise and eat well, the higher my elo climbs. But, it can be kind of stressful, so I don't currently spend long periods of time playing. The puzzles on Lichess are a much more relaxing experience. My puzzle rating is currently around 2100, but only because you can take an infinite amount of time to think about the answer. My blitz elo... I don't want to talk about right now.

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