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  On 6/20/2022 at 10:49 PM, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Map Name: Lights Out!
Author: Heich AKA Dynamite Kaitorn
Music: Letni [Jazz Jackrabbit]
Format: Teeechnically I didn't map for COMPLEVEL 9 but rather vanilla but it should run just fine within BooM rules as no fancy mechanics are used.
Difficulty Settings: Yes. Lower difficulties have less enemies and some resources are in different places.

Comments: Outpost Theta has recently disabled it's power output. It's up to you to discover why so many marines are scared of flipping the switch!
(spoilers, there's no switch. :O )



LightOut.zipFetching info...


This map is great, i love it. i'm thinking of making this MAP01 it's the perfect opener in my head 

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Progress on MAP31, my map is probably 100% finished if I didn't find a bug or something else that makes me want to change it:

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Hey, what slots are free?


If 24 is then I'll take it, Even though my laptop is broke It should get fixed mid July or smthn, so I'll have over 2 months to finish it.


Gimme dem archies and mancs


Edited by Codename_Delta

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  On 6/28/2022 at 7:32 AM, Codename_Delta said:

Hey, what slots are free?


If 24 is then I'll take it, Even though my laptop is broke It should get fixed mid July or smthn, so I'll have over 2 months to finish it.


Gimme dem archies and mancs




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I just completed making MAP31 today.

Map Title: Hellish Watchdogs
Pair: Spectres and Wolfenstein SS
Map Slot: 31
Midi: You Ain't The Boss O' Me by Jimmy (from SIGIL)
Sky Texture: NIGHTSKY by myself (although I don't feel like I should be credited, the sky texture looks extremely simple)
Average time to beat: 3-5 minutes
Build Time: 3 days of on-and-off mapping work.
Co-op starts and difficulty settings implemented.

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Edited by Hitboi

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  On 6/28/2022 at 7:22 PM, Hitboi said:

I just completed making MAP31 today.

Map Title: Hellish Watchdogs
Pair: Spectres and Wolfenstein SS
Map Slot: 31
Midi: You Ain't The Boss O' Me by Jimmy (from SIGIL)
Sky Texture: NIGHTSKY by myself (although I don't feel like I should be credited, the sky texture looks extremely simple)
Average time to beat: 3-5 minutes
Build Time: 3 days of on-and-off mapping work.
Co-op starts and difficulty settings implemented.

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By chance my sky texture is called NIGHTSKY too, and it's much better. I can share it if you want.

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I have finally finished on my map for the project. 

Name: The Pain Maze
Monsters Pair: Pain Elementals and Archviles
Map Slot: 34
MIDI: Parallel Dimensions by NIN (MIDIFied by silentzorah)
Compatibility: Boom (-complevel 9)
Sky Texture: NIGHTSKY
Playtested with: DSDA-Doom v0.24.3. I probably should also playtest it with GZDoom, but it's literally 4 am for me so I can't be bothered to do it right now.
Other: Includes a UMAPINFO lump, several colormaps and a palette swap designed to make seeing when damaged easier. Because of the palette swap, playing in software is recommended.
Co-op and Difficulty settings included, Deathmatch isn't. UV can be a bit stingy for ammo and health, so don't be afraid to play on HMP.


You can get the map here: painrchvilenowait.rar. Playtesting is appreciated, Demo/Video recordings of blind runs even more so.

Screenshots of the map from the editor (With things turned off):


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  On 6/28/2022 at 7:22 PM, Hitboi said:

I just completed making MAP31 today.

Map Title: Hellish Watchdogs
Pair: Spectres and Wolfenstein SS
Map Slot: 31
Midi: You Ain't The Boss O' Me by Jimmy (from SIGIL)
Sky Texture: NIGHTSKY by myself (although I don't feel like I should be credited, the sky texture looks extremely simple)
Average time to beat: 3-5 minutes
Build Time: 3 days of on-and-off mapping work.
Co-op starts and difficulty settings implemented.

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This map contains an oversight i see a lot: Lines facing traps and secrets aren't marked as "Show 1-sided on an automap", so you can see traps in advance and you can find 4/5 secrets just by looking at the automap.

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  On 7/1/2022 at 6:55 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

This map contains an oversight i see a lot: Lines facing traps and secrets aren't marked as "Show 1-sided on an automap", so you can see traps in advance and you can find 4/5 secrets just by looking at the automap.


The source port (DSDA-Doom) I used to test my map automatically hides the linedefs of the traps in the automap, I used the "Not shown on automap" linedef flag and thought it would help. Also, I didn't know "Show 1-sided on an automap"'s purpose. Thanks for letting me know.

Update to MAP31:

- Changed sky texture to PLTSKY03 by Mechadon (from Mek's Box o' Skies)
- Fixed a single linedef's texture alignment
- Hid traps and secret areas more properly

Edited by Hitboi

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  On 6/30/2022 at 1:26 AM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

Name: The Pain Maze
Monsters Pair: Pain Elementals and Archviles
Map Slot: 34


The final room will softlock the player should they choose to skip any PE kills. For one, the side wall PE(s) in BK waist-sized maze can be somewhat naturally missable.


Also this bright red floor looks like an issue:

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  On 7/1/2022 at 9:36 PM, Doomy__Doom said:

The final room will softlock the player should they choose to skip any PE kills. For one, the side wall PE(s) in BK waist-sized maze can be somewhat naturally missable.


Also this bright red floor looks like an issue:

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it's an issue but i can't do anything about it unless i redesign the entire trap


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  On 7/2/2022 at 1:23 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

it's an issue but i can't do anything about it unless i recognise the entire trap 


This is what happens if you stand on the backpack and get crushed by the trap before it spawns armor. It's where the 1st vile is, right after initial platforming sequence.

Edited by Doomy__Doom

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  On 7/2/2022 at 2:01 PM, Doomy__Doom said:

This is what happens if you stand on the backpack and get crushed by the trap before it spawns armor. It's where the 1st vile is, right after initial platforming sequence.


i accidentally typed recognise instead of redesign. I knew about this bug myself, but i don't think i can do much


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i'm dealing with mappers block rn, havent seen doom mapping software in a week. it's gonna take a while for this map to be done.

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  On 7/3/2022 at 9:55 AM, Thatonespymain said:

i'm dealing with mappers block rn, havent seen doom mapping software in a week. it's gonna take a while for this map to be done.



I'm in the same boat, struggling to think of a fun way to end my map. Been procrastinating by adding details elsewhere haha.


Here's what I have so far if anyone would like to check it out. Feedback on flow and difficulty would be greatly appreciated :) My basic goal was splitting the map into three parts... first you face shotgunners, then imps, and the final part would be both. It's that final part I've been at a loss to make anything fun yet.


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Oh I know the feel of creative block. Best way to overcome it:

1) Rest a few days
2) Start creating random carcasses. in case of words it would be random words or letter in random order till something pops. in case of maps, i basically create random layouts with totally random vertexes, doesn't matter if the sectors are broken or the whole map is broken. as long as it ends in atleast one or 2 workable shapes, go on from there

3) and now get back to your original project.


If that doesn't work, then movies, music (especially pop music for me, basically the music you listened in childhood is what you want), walks outside, exersice and my personal favorite: netflix and chill eventually puts something into work. 


Working on another CP, been crashing into one block after another...cursed design xd

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So many combinations... Is there something like big Google spreadsheet with all combos that are not in their limit? :C

Edited by RastaManGames

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  On 7/4/2022 at 12:18 PM, RastaManGames said:

So many combinations... Is there something like big Google spreadsheet with all combos that are not in their limit? :C


no, but there are a list of some that are in their limits

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For "ZombieMan X Lost Soul" combination I came up with small and not so hard map w/o any Boom's fancy mapping shenanigans (like conveyor's belts and etc.). It needs several testing playthroughs. I think, if final form of project gonna be sorted from easier maps to harder, then this one may be near easy ones due to it's enemies and size.



Map Name: Incident At Ceres.


Map Format: Boom (CL9).


Author: RastaManGames.


Theme: Base In Space.


Music: Blood - The Overlooked Hotel.


Difficulty Settings: It is implemented. Several fights may be different, depending on easy, medium & hard spawn filters.


Stats (K/S/I): Easy -> 27/7/43; Medium -> 43/7/55; Hard -> 46/7/43.


Multiplayer Stuff: There is 24 plater starts with shotguns near them. Also few secret items was replaced for deathmatch purpose.


Ports Tested: "DSDA-Doom" (used CL9/Boom, so there was no problems), "GZDoom" (also used CL9/Boom and all worked usually without bugs).


Description: You are currently on your mission about investigation of disappearing signal from small UAC base near Ceres. Your management thought that it was just technical issues with their communication equipment, but in reality... Half of personnel are turned into walking corpses with rifles and another half now represents a lost & damned souls. There is no turning back, because their defense system blocked exit door and for now your only hope is small teleporter located in the center of that small complex.


Download:  2ECP-CeresInc_V1.zip


Notes: In the *.wad itself music named "D_RUNNIN" & sky named "RSKY1" just for editing purpose. I included proper music file & sky texture in the archive, so assembling this community project must be not that hard.

Edited by RastaManGames
V1 -> V2

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MAP NAME: Pillar room


Map Format: Boom


Author: Memeboi


Music: Dottie | https://dripchord.com/dottie-free-trap-wav-loop/


Difficulty Settings: It's the same at all difficulty settings


Ports Tested: I tested it only on GZdoom, it should also work on prboom+ now 


Description: There's a misterious room containing pillars and scientists tried to study it but something went wrong


Download (fixed):


Edited by memeboi

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  On 7/8/2022 at 4:22 PM, memeboi said:

Ports Tested: I tested it only on GZdoom 


Your map is broken in many places on the target source port (prboom+) because of local tag 0. Prboom+ does not fix this mapping error by default.



- SSG secret does not function

- lift up from BK area does not raise

- both BK and RK switches don't function

- door to the final area does not function (not that you actually need the door, as you can jump over the fence)

- monsters in the final area do not teleport in, you have no sound propagation to those sectors

Edited by Doomy__Doom

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  On 7/8/2022 at 6:27 PM, Doomy__Doom said:

Your map is broken in many places on the target source port (prboom+) because of local tag 0. Prboom+ does not fix this mapping error by default.



- SSG secret does not function

- lift up from BK area does not raise

- both BK and RK switches don't function

- door to the final area does not function (not that you actually need the door, as you can jump over the fence)

- monsters in the final area do not teleport in, you have no sound propagation to those sectors


The monster should teleport in, in reality sound propagation is in a different sector since in the sector where the monster actually spawn you have no reason to shoot and trigger them. For the other problems, I'll work on fixing them in a few days

Edited by memeboi

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  On 7/5/2022 at 12:16 PM, RastaManGames said:


Map Name: Incident At Ceres.


Map Format: Boom (CL9).


Author: RastaManGames.


Theme: Base In Space.


Music: Blood - The Overlooked Hotel.


Difficulty Settings: It is implemented. Several fights may be different, depending on easy, medium & hard spawn filters.


Stats (K/S/I): Easy -> 27/7/43; Medium -> 43/7/55; Hard -> 46/7/43.


Multiplayer Stuff: There is 24 plater starts with shotguns near them. Also few secret items was replaced for deathmatch purpose.


Ports Tested: "DSDA-Doom" (used CL9/Boom, so there was no problems), "GZDoom" (also used CL9/Boom and all worked usually without bugs).


Description: You are currently on your mission about investigation of disappearing signal from small UAC base near Ceres. Your management thought that it was just technical issues with their communication equipment, but in reality... Half of personnel are turned into walking corpses with rifles and another half now represents a lost & damned souls. There is no turning back, because their defense system blocked exit door and for now your only hope is small teleporter located in the center of that small complex.



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Download:  2ECP-CeresInc_V1.zipFetching info...


Notes: In the *.wad itself music named "D_RUNNIN" & sky named "RSKY1" just for editing purpose. I included proper music file & sky texture in the archive, so assembling this community project must be not that hard.


This map is great, but i feel like the 2 enemy limit has severely hurt it. I would like to see a standalone re-release of this map with additional enemies. As the map stands now, it's extremely easy even on UV - i was able to beat the entire thing without taking damage at all, and, because of that, i think it would make for a great MAP01. The rocket launcher is unneccesary, as you don't fight any tough enemies and most of the map takes place in close quarters anyway so you will get hit by your own blast damage. I can't really say anything about graphics and sound other that the music was well chosen, the graphics are amazing and there are unfortunately a couple of graphical glitches:

1) You can see sky tile near the starting area:doom51.png.98f9849243fcfb712ee409a078eefa72.png


2) You can see a couple of HOM's in the toilet area after activating the chaingun secret:



3) This FLAT17 texture is out of place:



The secrets are fine; i managed to find 6 of them without IDDST and one (The painting one) with. I do feel like the 2 secrets with the rockets are unnessecary and instead there should be just 1 secret with double the rockets on one of the sides.


The two swithces to open/close doors are unnessecary and instead you can make just one switch toggle the doors. I have done it in my own submission for this project in the graveyard section, but i can make a map just for this trick if you want to.


FDA attached, as usual: fda-2enemy56.rar


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