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  On 7/29/2022 at 1:53 PM, Thatonespymain said:

Tell civcord i said hi, it's me el jeff.


Already done.

By the way, if we're adding custom midis and custom skies, how do you want us to go about putting them in? So, like, do we just set the map as MAP01 and the midi as D_RUNNIN and the sky as a custom texture and you'll just figure out the rest, or what?

Edited by Emperor S P O O N

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  On 7/29/2022 at 1:59 PM, SuperPecanMan said:


So my version of PrBoom+ ( didn't like this map, turns out it's just 2 years old and doesn't support UMPAINFO. I played through it in GZDOOM but tested in DSDA later just to check and it loaded fine, just a heads-up for anybody else who has an issue. I just don't have a demo as a result.


I liked this map overall, ran out of ammo a few times (archies ressing archies can really put the squeeze on your supplies) but I'm personally OK with that. A few (MOSTLY VERY MINOR) things bothered me slightly, but I can understand why you did them:

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1. This is probably a GZDoomism since i have only playtested this map on DSDA and GZDoom is known to have bugs regarding conveyor belts and voodoo dolls;


2. I could do it nearly 100% of the time using SR40, maybe you're just running normally;

3. The name is a reference to Quake's E4M6: "The Pain Maze", and, since that map doesn't have any mazes, i didn't feel too obligated to include a lot of them in my map;


4. Probably a consequence of me playing with crosshair on so i could see whenever my bullets will hit the archie. Either way i have no idea on how to make shooting at them easier;


5. It does; grabbing the plasma gun will set off a 10 (i think? or maybe 20? idk) second timer that eventually makes the bars lower. Once again, i have no idea on how to make a blue switch while simultaneosly requiring the player to kill all the enemies in the trap, unless i make one set of bars lower after ten seconds, then put a blue switch and another set of bars behind the first ones, which is stupid;

6. This comes as a consequence of me REALLY wanting this map out in june, which led to me doing an 8-hour mapping session on june 29-30th which lasted until 4 AM, everything behind the blue bars was done in that one session. So, when i noticed that the section behind the blue bars looked empty, my tired brain couldn't come up with anything better than just slapping a random underwater segment and hoping that no one would question it; 


7. The blue torch is actually a part of a larger secret, where you have to press the torch AND shoot the evil eye AND press on the wall with different coloured wines; this leads to a teleporter which leads to a megasphere. In retrospect, making it a megasphere was kinda stupid since you soon get a supercharge, but oh well;


8. The final fight is intended as revenge against the pain elementals that caused you so much pain throughout the map. I'll be honest, this concept isn't as great as i intended it to be, but i can't be bothered to replace it with anything else.

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  On 7/29/2022 at 4:10 PM, Emperor S P O O N said:

Already done.

By the way, if we're adding custom midis and custom skies, how do you want us to go about putting them in? So, like, do we just set the map as MAP01 and the midi as D_RUNNIN and the sky as a custom texture and you'll just figure out the rest, or what?


Set map as map 01 and same as the sky I’ll do the rest

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  On 7/29/2022 at 11:10 PM, Emperor S P O O N said:


Could you elaborate just a bit? Still not clear.


Set the map as MAP01, define the midi in UMAPINFO and the sky the same way. i'll organise the maps depending on their difficulty and/or general pacing.

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Most of the maps seems to have gone for nasty combos and hard fights. I wanted to do the opposite of that and make a nice relaxing map with lots of corpse explosions and dead Zombiemen. The main gimmick of the map is shooting switches, that explains why there are random ammo clips everywhere, I didn't want the player to be out of pistol ammo. I've added a small puzzle toward the end of the map to keep your brains stimulated.


Name : Dissolution of the Flesh
Monsters : Imps and Zombiemen
Tested with DSDA and GZDoom, should work on any -complevel 9 ports.
Difficulties and Co-op fully implemented. Co-op is much harder than solo.
Music : Infestation by AD_79
Sky : None
Estimated time to complete : 10-12 minutes


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Changelog v2

Dissolution of the Flesh v2.zipFetching info...

* Completely reworked the starting area.
+ Added a lift at the end of the map to make backtracking possible if you want to explore for secrets.
+ Added "subtle" clues in the puzzle area about how to utilise the teleporter. Made one switch easier to see.
- Removed the Chainsaw.




Dissolution of the Flesh v3.zipFetching info...

* Corrected a visual bug in software mode.

Edited by Shawn
Updated the map to V3

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  On 7/30/2022 at 7:55 PM, Shawn said:

Most of the maps seems to have gone for nasty combos and hard fights. I wanted to do the opposite of that and make a nice relaxing map with lots of corpse explosions and dead Zombiemen. The main gimmick of the map is shooting switches, that explains why there are random ammo clips everywhere, I didn't want the player to be out of pistol ammo. I've added a small puzzle toward the end of the map to keep your brains stimulated.


Name : Dissolution of the Flesh
Monsters : Imps and Zombiemen
Tested with DSDA and GZDoom, should work on any -complevel 9 ports.
Difficulties and Co-op fully implemented. Co-op is much harder than solo.
Music : Infestation by AD_79
Sky : None
Estimated time to complete : 10-12 minutes


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i actually quite like this map. The GR switches are mostly used as a gimmick with the exception of the puzzle and the fight before that (where you get the chaingun) where they're used pretty well. Pretty much my only suggestion would be to add some sort of a building or a mountain to one side of the first area. It doesn't even need to be inside the playable area (could be on one of the walls), just something to break up the otherwise flat-feeling area.

FDA: fda-2enemy55.rar


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I've decided to sum up the progress so far. @Thatonespymain if you have any map releases that didn't make it onto DW please tell me so i can update the list.

If someone finds a map that I've missed, please tell me.


🔴 - unsubmitted

🟡 - submitted but unfinished

🟢 - finished

- unclaimed


MAP01 - 🔴

MAP02 - 🔴

MAP03 - 🟢

MAP04 - 🔴

MAP05 - 🔴

MAP06 - 🔴

MAP07 - 🔴

MAP08 - 🔴

MAP09 - 🟢

MAP10 - 🔴

MAP11 - 🔴

MAP12 - 🟢

MAP13 - 🔴

MAP14 - 🟢

MAP15 - 🟢

MAP16 - 🔴

MAP17 - 🔴

MAP18 - 🟡

MAP19 - 🟢

MAP20 - 🔴

MAP21 - 🔴

MAP22 - 🔴

MAP23 - 🟢

MAP24 - 🔴

MAP25 - 🔴

MAP26 - 🔴

MAP27 - 🔴

MAP28 - 🔴

MAP29 - 🔴

MAP30 - 🔴

MAP31 - 🟢

MAP32 - 🔴

MAP33 - 🔴

MAP34 - 🟢

MAP35 - 🟢

MAP36 - 🟢

MAP37 - 🔴

MAP38 - 🔴

MAP39 - 🔴

MAP40 - 🟢

MAP41 - 🔴

MAP42 - 🔴

MAP43 - 🔴

MAP44 - 🔴

MAP45 - 🟢

MAP46 - 🔴

MAP47 - 🟢

MAP48 - 🔴

MAP49 - 🟢

MAP50 - 🔴

MAP51 - 🟢

MAP52 - 🔴

MAP53 - 

MAP54 - 🟢

MAP55 - 🟢

MAP56 - 🟢

MAP57 - 🟢

MAP58 - 🔴

MAP59 - 🟢

MAP60 - 🔴

MAP61 - 🔴

MAP62 - 

MAP63 - 🔴

MAP64 - 


Total progress = 20/62 (32.26%).

31/07/2022 - Updated with MooseFart's slot; 02/08/2022 - Updated with DoctorNuriel's map; 07/08/2022 - updated with marxr's slot; 11/08/2022 - updated with Emperor Spoon's map; 13/08/2022 - updated with Doomy__Doom's map; 18/08/2022-updated with Moazoom's

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@Thatonespymain, I'm in, I could take any slot and my two monsters are Revenants and Archviles, I'd like to make a relatively difficult close to the end/penultimate map. Also would camera textures/textures ripped from doom 1 or final doom count?


Edit: On second thought I think I might want to take slot 63



Edited by MooseFart045

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  On 7/31/2022 at 1:24 AM, MooseFart045 said:

@Thatonespymain, I'm in, I could take any slot and my two monsters are Revenants and Archviles, I'd like to make a relatively difficult close to the end/penultimate map. Also would camera textures/textures ripped from doom 1 or final doom count?


Edit: On second thought I think I might want to take slot 63




yeah sure lad

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I like how Mine is finished...BUT I've decided to work on it more to make it better...but if I don't finish it by the end of the project you can use the old one...

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I havent even started on my map since i scrapped the first version bc mappers block. yay. if i dont finish my map blame rct2

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Sorry, can I make more than one map? I have made a couple and was just wondering which I should post for this project.

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  On 7/31/2022 at 11:30 PM, Astro X said:

Sorry, can I make more than one map? I have made a couple and was just wondering which I should post for this project.


yeah i can give you map 62 if you want

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|||| Deus Ex Cathedra ||||

MAP01 replacement for Doom 2

Author: DoctorNuriel

Music: "I Break" - Katatonia

Tested in: GZDoom

Multiplayer support: Co-op only

Jumping: No

Crouching: No

Freelook: Allowed

Size: Small/Medium

Difficulty implemented: Yes

Est. playtime: 5 minutes


Set in a hell-cathedral near the Kadingir Sanctum, Deus Ex Cathedra is a compact, interconnected map featuring close to mid-range combat against Chaingunners and Revenants.








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  On 8/2/2022 at 1:26 PM, Doomy__Doom said:

"P_SetupLevel: Level wad structure is incomplete. There is no ML_SECTORS lump" in dsda/prboom



Oh dear, thanks for the headsup. I've only ever mapped for GZDoom with Slade 3, how can I make this map compatible?

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I've never mapped in SLADE3, but this worked as a quick fix to make it load - open your map in Slade with Game: Doom2, Port: Boom, and save the map. You probably don't need to change anything about nodebuilder configuration, I set up ZDBSP quickly since my slade was not setup at all as map editor.


I did not test further for now, in case something in your config produces a different result.


You will also need to convert your MAPINFO to UMAPINFO, we are using the latter (the former is not supported by boom family anyway).

Edited by Doomy__Doom

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@Thatonespymain - Based on some of your comments, I'm curious if you wish to preserve the level order as people signed up or adjust them based on difficulty? I designed my map with a few homages to the MAP23 from Doom2 so I would prefer for it to remain in that slot. I also have an updated version I'm working on, I should be able to post it this week.


I'm also curious about what you think the level progression plan should be for continuous play? Are you envisioning one giant mapset that goes from 1-64 in order, a pair of companion 32-map WADs (with the 31 and 32 slots being secret maps accessible the normal way), or something else?


I've never followed a project from start to finish before so I'm also wondering how many people we can expect to drop out as the deadline approaches. I'm sure some people will need to for one reason or another, I just have no concept of how many to expect. For those of you who've dealt with it before, I'd love to be enlightened with your experiences.

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  On 8/2/2022 at 3:16 PM, SuperPecanMan said:

@Thatonespymain - Based on some of your comments, I'm curious if you wish to preserve the level order as people signed up or adjust them based on difficulty? I designed my map with a few homages to the MAP23 from Doom2 so I would prefer for it to remain in that slot. I also have an updated version I'm working on, I should be able to post it this week.


i personally am having trouble coming up with an engaging level that uses PEs and arachnotrons that isnt too hard or slaughtery, and/or a glorified run and gun level that would look like it was made for the regular roaster but with my two monster picks on top of it.

i wouldnt mind being moved according to difficulty so i can make the level i wanna make without worrying too much.

on the other hand my friend @Savarin picked map07 specifically to take advantage of the monsters he picked.

i also noticed 3 arachnotron levels are in a row including mine.

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  On 8/2/2022 at 4:40 PM, Luleta said:

picked map07 specifically to take advantage of the monsters he picked


We're on UMAPINFO+dehacked with bossdeath actions for every monster type. Anyone can have map07-like stuff for any slot+pair.

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  On 8/2/2022 at 12:10 PM, DoctorNuriel said:

|||| Deus Ex Cathedra ||||

MAP01 replacement for Doom 2

Author: DoctorNuriel

Music: "I Break" - Katatonia

Tested in: GZDoom

Multiplayer support: Co-op only

Jumping: No

Crouching: No

Freelook: Allowed

Size: Small/Medium

Difficulty implemented: Yes

Est. playtime: 5 minutes


Set in a hell-cathedral near the Kadingir Sanctum, Deus Ex Cathedra is a compact, interconnected map featuring close to mid-range combat against Chaingunners and Revenants.


2enemycp_doctornuriel.zipFetching info...







The fourth screenshot has an out-of-place STUCCO texture over a window


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  On 8/2/2022 at 6:52 PM, Doomy__Doom said:

We're on UMAPINFO+dehacked with bossdeath actions for every monster type. Anyone can have map07-like stuff for any slot+pair.



Honestly I picked map 07 and my monster types to sort of make a parody or homage of Dead Simple. I don't have much experience with UMAPINFO stuff, so the bossdeath actions were just a bonus to play around with. Depending on how everyone decides if we reorganize based on difficulty or not, I wouldn't mind switching slots or even monster types, however my original idea was the dead simple thing.


I could also compare the maps before and after mine, and balance the difficulty accordingly!

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  On 7/30/2022 at 9:08 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

i actually quite like this map. The GR switches are mostly used as a gimmick with the exception of the puzzle and the fight before that (where you get the chaingun) where they're used pretty well. Pretty much my only suggestion would be to add some sort of a building or a mountain to one side of the first area. It doesn't even need to be inside the playable area (could be on one of the walls), just something to break up the otherwise flat-feeling area.

FDA: fda-2enemy55.rar



Thank you for the feedback !

I agree with the empty starting area, I'll rework it and add more details.
It was fun seeing you avoid the chainsaw and I could feel your frustration in the puzzle part. Maybe I'll think about adding more subtle clues about what to do in this section. You even opened the second secret in a way I didn't anticipate. Thank you for the replay, it's a gold mine for me.

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  On 8/2/2022 at 12:10 PM, DoctorNuriel said:

|||| Deus Ex Cathedra ||||

MAP01 replacement for Doom 2

Author: DoctorNuriel

Music: "I Break" - Katatonia

Tested in: GZDoom

Multiplayer support: Co-op only

Jumping: No

Crouching: No

Freelook: Allowed

Size: Small/Medium

Difficulty implemented: Yes

Est. playtime: 5 minutes


Set in a hell-cathedral near the Kadingir Sanctum, Deus Ex Cathedra is a compact, interconnected map featuring close to mid-range combat against Chaingunners and Revenants.


2enemycp_doctornuriel.zipFetching info...







So to even get this level to run i had to edit it: I rebuilt nodes using ZDBSP and i changed the MAPINFO to the UMAPINFO. But I'll say, the time i spent editing the level was worth it since this is actually a pretty cool map. I usually say one or two sentences about graphics if they're good and plenty more if they're bad, and this level is in the former category. That said, there are a few STUCCO textures that don't look like they're supposed to be there, so maybe check that. 

Onto the gameplay problems: 

1) You can actually skip like half the map if you SR50 into the SSG, then you run past the chaingunner trap and can immediately pick up the red key;

2) Speaking of the red key, because of the differences between how GZDoom handles linedef actions and how DSDA does so, the red key lift doesn't work and so the player is stuck in the pit;

4) The 4 revenant trap in the RL secret feels too cheap and RNG-based compared to the rest of the map; unless you know that it's coming and prefire rocket launcher into it your run is decided entirely by if the revenants fire homing missiles or regular ones, since the hallway has 0 cover and is too narrow to make the missiles fly around you and into the wall. 


Since you mentioned that you have never mapped for Boom, and i have pretty much only mapped for Boom/vanilla (outside of one brief stint with MBF21 and UDMF), i have decided to fix the nodes, UMAPINFO, and glitch №2 for you: 2enemycp_doctornuriel.rar


And here is the FDA: fda-2enemy09.rar

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  On 8/2/2022 at 7:37 PM, Shawn said:


Thank you for the feedback !

I agree with the empty starting area, I'll rework it and add more details.
It was fun seeing you avoid the chainsaw and I could feel your frustration in the puzzle part. Maybe I'll think about adding more subtle clues about what to do in this section. You even opened the second secret in a way I didn't anticipate. Thank you for the replay, it's a gold mine for me.


The puzzle style reminds me of Half-life's puzzles, where you don't really know what you're supposed to do so you just do everything until something works

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