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MAP 01: 

  • Replaced blue armor in the eye room on HMP with a green one;
  • Added an extra clue for a previously far too cryptic secret. 

MAP 34:

  • Made an extensive graphic overhaul, added 2 new textures;
  • Added an extra archvile;
  • Delayed the spawn of two pain elementals;
  • Added a wall to the water pit to hopefully make it more useful in combat;
  • Added a few extra optional areas.

TheChasmv1.3.rarFetching info...

a typo

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  On 9/9/2022 at 9:45 AM, epicyolomaster420 said:

Upon further playtesting I found that my map is indeed too hard so I made some modifications that should make it doable (though I've got to warn ya: Ultra Violence is still too much for me - though less so than after I first made the map)

Cyberdemonic sin_1.zipFetching info...


1) The start of this map is pretty tiring. It was annoying to pick the weapons up in the original, it's even more annoying to run around the entire room to pick them up, especially considering... THE FLOOR HEIGHT VARIATION

2) The arena i actually quite like. I would suggest making the textures around the switch bright and differently coloured than everything around it to draw attention to it, since currently it kinda blends in. I don't really agree with the fact that UV is very hard, yes, there are 5/8 cyberdemons that are annoying and hard to kill with 2 BFG shots because of THE FLOOR HEIGHT VARIATION, but you can just, like, not, as you get so many cells that you can afford to spend 5-6 shots on a cyber while still having several hundred left over to deal with whatever the Icon's spawned while you have been dealing with the cyberdemons. Plus you also get an invulnerability, which means 3-4 free cyber kills. 

THE FLOOR HEIGHT VARIATION is the thing that annoys me the most about this map. In doom, you cannot change your direction mid air. Perfectly realistic. However, if you go really fast on stairs, then you will get very little time of actually being on the steps, instead spending most of your time in the air, which leads to you not being able to stop/change directions. This is the reason it's so annoying to berserk punch things on stairs, and it's also what's going on here.

I don't actually recommend that you remove the steps completely, the flatness would look rather boring, and the steps can lend themselves to interesting gameplay. I do suggest two things:
1. Either widening the steps or reducing their height, so the player has more time on the ground and thus has more control;

2. Make the texture on the steps that are too high to use (>24) different to the ones you can use, so that the player can make a path at a quick glance without having to divert too much brainpower from combat to navigation.

FDAs (The blind one is HMP, after that I've decided to replay the map on UV): fda-2enemy58.rar

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Okay, so right now i face a difficult choice. I have discovered that MAP 34 doesn't work properly and lost souls do not appear after i cru. Right now, i have 3 options:

1) Replace the pain elementals with 3 lost souls and fix the traps, but break the 2 enemy limit;

2) Keep everything as is, but break GZDoom compatibility;

3) Radically redesign the map to avoid any lost souls.
I would've personally went with option 1, but i can see why people would disagree.

@Thatonespymainwhat do you think?

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  On 9/9/2022 at 2:39 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

1) The start of this map is pretty tiring. It was annoying to pick the weapons up in the original, it's even more annoying to run around the entire room to pick them up, especially considering... THE FLOOR HEIGHT VARIATION

2) The arena i actually quite like. I would suggest making the textures around the switch bright and differently coloured than everything around it to draw attention to it, since currently it kinda blends in. I don't really agree with the fact that UV is very hard, yes, there are 5/8 cyberdemons that are annoying and hard to kill with 2 BFG shots because of THE FLOOR HEIGHT VARIATION, but you can just, like, not, as you get so many cells that you can afford to spend 5-6 shots on a cyber while still having several hundred left over to deal with whatever the Icon's spawned while you have been dealing with the cyberdemons. Plus you also get an invulnerability, which means 3-4 free cyber kills. 

THE FLOOR HEIGHT VARIATION is the thing that annoys me the most about this map. In doom, you cannot change your direction mid air. Perfectly realistic. However, if you go really fast on stairs, then you will get very little time of actually being on the steps, instead spending most of your time in the air, which leads to you not being able to stop/change directions. This is the reason it's so annoying to berserk punch things on stairs, and it's also what's going on here.

I don't actually recommend that you remove the steps completely, the flatness would look rather boring, and the steps can lend themselves to interesting gameplay. I do suggest two things:
1. Either widening the steps or reducing their height, so the player has more time on the ground and thus has more control;

2. Make the texture on the steps that are too high to use (>24) different to the ones you can use, so that the player can make a path at a quick glance without having to divert too much brainpower from combat to navigation.

FDAs (The blind one is HMP, after that I've decided to replay the map on UV): fda-2enemy58.rar


Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into fixing these issues when I get the chance!

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  On 9/10/2022 at 11:32 AM, StarfishCommand said:

I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out. I haven't been able to finish my map and I don't think I'll have enough time 😟


that's fine, i havent even started making my map and i'm trying to find inspiration. thanks for signing up though

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  On 9/9/2022 at 6:20 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

Okay, so right now i face a difficult choice. I have discovered that MAP 34 doesn't work properly and lost souls do not appear after i cru. Right now, i have 3 options:

1) Replace the pain elementals with 3 lost souls and fix the traps, but break the 2 enemy limit;

2) Keep everything as is, but break GZDoom compatibility;

3) Radically redesign the map to avoid any lost souls.
I would've personally went with option 1, but i can see why people would disagree.

@Thatonespymainwhat do you think?


Placing lost souls is fine if you have pain elementals, it's kind of a package deal. it's only 3 lost souls, it's fine.

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I know it's been awhile, but I couldn't even make a draft map for this project and I don't have any ideas or motivation to make a map, so unfortunately I have to leave the project :-(

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  On 9/9/2022 at 9:45 AM, epicyolomaster420 said:

Upon further playtesting I found that my map is indeed too hard so I made some modifications that should make it doable (though I've got to warn ya: Ultra Violence is still too much for me - though less so than after I first made the map)

Cyberdemonic sin_1.zipFetching info...


hey can you remove the monster spawners please, they kinda remove the entire point of the project.

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  On 9/10/2022 at 4:02 PM, CittyKat112 said:

I know it's been awhile, but I couldn't even make a draft map for this project and I don't have any ideas or motivation to make a map, so unfortunately I have to leave the project :-(


It's fine, i too dont have any ideas. i'm currently playing through plutonia and ancient aliens to find ideas. I'm very new to doom mapping so i do not know how to do open maps but i'm trying to.

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  On 9/10/2022 at 4:02 PM, Thatonespymain said:

hey can you remove the monster spawners please, they kinda remove the entire point of the project.


Why? Didn't you say the icon of sin counts as one monster ? (in case you don't know THE ICON OF SIN IS NOT JUST THE BOSS BRAIN, but is also everything from the big face you see in game, to the monster spawners and targets that make everything work)

Also the answer to your question is NO, I will not be removing the spawners. Now if this results in you pulling my map from the project than so be it. Just be sure to do your bloody research next time and say boss brain counts as one monster instead of saying that for the whole icon... 


Also why would the whole icon of sin spawning out enemies different from itself thing be a problem if the same doesn't apply to the pain elemental? What I mean is that if the icon in your project is not suppose to be able to spawn monsters, but the pain elemental is then there are some double standards going on...

Edited by epicyolomaster420
added last paragraph

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  On 9/10/2022 at 6:07 PM, epicyolomaster420 said:

Why? Didn't you say the icon of sin counts as one monster ? (in case you don't know THE ICON OF SIN IS NOT JUST THE BOSS BRAIN, but is also everything from the big face you see in game, to the monster spawners and targets that make everything work)

Also the answer to your question is NO, I will not be removing the spawners. Now if this results in you pulling my map from the project than so be it. Just be sure to do your bloody research next time and say boss brain counts as one monster instead of saying that for the whole icon... 


Also why would the whole icon of sin spawning out enemies different from itself thing be a problem if the same doesn't apply to the pain elemental? What I mean is that if the icon in your project is not suppose to be able to spawn monsters, but the pain elemental is then there are some double standards going on...


eyo, i know am not the project lead but i felt like givin some insight.

on the original 1 Monster project the Icon of Sin map has only the romero head.



its more of a ganlet of traps and serves as a closure to the megawad, doesnt contain spawners.


i feel like it kinda defeats the purpose if you get the random spawns of the IoS. since part of the idea is to think of maps that work with a very limited monster pool.


when it comes to the pain elemental spawning lost souls, well thats just what the PE does lol,  its one entity and it works that way, otherwise it wouldnt be the pain elemental. it doesnt need any spawners or targets.


now i know its all semantics but i think a more fair comparassion is the fact that for some reason the pinkies and spectres count as one?!

this doesnt make sense, those are different monsters and serve different roles in fights.

at that point you could argue its the same with hell knights and barons.


PS: i feel like if we used the IoS that way it should only be avalible on one map, to prevent this from becoming an IoS CP

Edited by Luleta

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  On 9/10/2022 at 4:03 PM, Thatonespymain said:

It's fine, i too dont have any ideas. i'm currently playing through plutonia and ancient aliens to find ideas. I'm very new to doom mapping so i do not know how to do open maps but i'm trying to.


If you're trying to do a tech base level, a trick that served me well is to open up DavidXNewton's Factory series:

and to copy a room or two from there. In the process of you copying the rooms, it will be obscured so much it will become your own creation.


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  On 9/10/2022 at 6:41 PM, Luleta said:

eyo, i know am not the project lead but i felt like givin some insight.

on the original 1 Monster project the Icon of Sin map has only the romero head.



its more of a ganlet of traps and serves as a closure to the megawad, doesnt contain spawners.


i feel like it kinda defeats the purpose if you get the random spawns of the IoS. since part of the idea is to think of maps that work with a very limited monster pool.


when it comes to the pain elemental spawning lost souls, well thats just what the PE does lol,  its one entity and it works that way, otherwise it wouldnt be the pain elemental. it doesnt need any spawners or targets.


now i know its all semantics but i think a more fair comparassion is the fact that for some reason the pinkies and spectres count as one?!

this doesnt make sense, those are different monsters and serve different roles in fights.

at that point you could argue its the same with hell knights and barons.


Still purpose/tradition aside I'm not taking out the spawners as doing that would also make the big IoS face not make sence either (at least in my eyes) and would require a radical map redesign, which I'm not prepared to do. And as if that's not enough, it would also go against my original vision for the map (which is also a no no in my book...)

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  On 9/10/2022 at 6:07 PM, epicyolomaster420 said:

Why? Didn't you say the icon of sin counts as one monster ? (in case you don't know THE ICON OF SIN IS NOT JUST THE BOSS BRAIN, but is also everything from the big face you see in game, to the monster spawners and targets that make everything work)

Also the answer to your question is NO, I will not be removing the spawners. Now if this results in you pulling my map from the project than so be it. Just be sure to do your bloody research next time and say boss brain counts as one monster instead of saying that for the whole icon... 


Also why would the whole icon of sin spawning out enemies different from itself thing be a problem if the same doesn't apply to the pain elemental? What I mean is that if the icon in your project is not suppose to be able to spawn monsters, but the pain elemental is then there are some double standards going on...


the pain elemental only spawns lost souls, you wont see a pain elemental spawn a mancubus, an archvile, an arachnotron and a chaingunner back to back. i'll make some edits to your map because i have an idea for a final boss while keeping your final map unedited as a seperate wad file for those that want to experience your final map.

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  On 9/10/2022 at 6:51 PM, Thatonespymain said:

the pain elemental only spawns lost souls, you wont see a pain elemental spawn a mancubus, an archvile, an arachnotron and a chaingunner back to back. i'll make some edits to your map because i have an idea for a final boss while keeping your final map unedited as a seperate wad file for those that want to experience your final map.


What kind of edits are we talking about here?

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  On 9/10/2022 at 6:53 PM, epicyolomaster420 said:

What kind of edits are we talking about here?


maybe custom boss enemy and removing icon of sin, idk yet. again your final map will be included in a seperate wad file if people want to experience the original final map

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