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1 hour ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

Almost done with my map.  Will be done by the original deadline.  

Nice :)

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my map is basically done but I just wanna double check it before release, I'll have it by today or tomorrow. if not then by the deadline 

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Map done:




No new textures

Difficulties: Easy and Hard (HMP and UV)

New midi: Seasons of Insanity by Jimmy

and it's not slaughter if anyone cares.  


EDIT: Forgot to test it with the custom .deh file.

Done and still works.  

Edited by General Rainbow Bacon

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8 hours ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

Map done:




No new textures

Difficulties: Easy and Hard (HMP and UV)

New midi: Seasons of Insanity by Jimmy

and it's not slaughter if anyone cares.  


EDIT: Forgot to test it with the custom .deh file.

Done and still works.  

1) In the first area, textures change too rapidly. I would suggest placing a border texture, like SUPPORT2 or 3 or METAL2 or any other, really.doom160.png.694ce135e2cd611ff3e9d825c7308208.pngdoom161.png.4ecec62c76b8f06e214814a9d12449ed.png

2) This DOORSTOP texture tiles for some reason;doom162.png.5c594edee01d1cd0ce3a3f437157b015.png

3) Traps aren't marked as "Show as 1-sided on automap", which means you can spot them in advance;


4) The teleport destination sector lines aren't marked as "Not shown on automap", meaning you can see them when you shouldn't;doom164.png.280f1f12e0632ec014b0d9f351252cb2.png

5) These linedefs have no lower texture, resulting in a HOM effect. F4 in 2D mode to spot problems like this.doom165.png.2c129b297bcefe59e0692f09a5416741.png

6) This switch texture tiles.doom166.png.312dcbe54fa856816163a0c61b1c7bf6.png



Also, on a more general note, 1) The first area feels too samey, it has mostly same floor & ceiling heights, lighting, and textures. 
2) Door ceilings blend into the surrounding ceilings. I would always suggest having the ceiling texture of a door as FLAT20 unless it's a wooden door.doom167.png.67936bf8fd2bd207d6ba28fb4e4120d0.png


Demo: fda-2enemy39.rar


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20 hours ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:

@ThatonespymainMy map probably won't be done before the deadline. the layout if effectively finalized so it shouldn't take too much longer.

It’s fine, I can always extend it

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19 hours ago, LSC Lasico said:

hey, so im terribly sorry, but unfortunately i wont be able to make my map by the deadline.

That’s fine, I’m excited to see what you do in the future. Have a nice time friend :)

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14 hours ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

Map done:




No new textures

Difficulties: Easy and Hard (HMP and UV)

New midi: Seasons of Insanity by Jimmy

and it's not slaughter if anyone cares.  


EDIT: Forgot to test it with the custom .deh file.

Done and still works.  

I like that name

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Name: On Pillars

Song: Strange Beginnings by Mark Klem

Sky: DSKSKY9/10 (?)

Tested in: Woof

Difficulties: All

Co-op/Multiplayer: None

Download: OnPillars.zip







I'm not convinced about the gameplay, but it may be fine. It's a little short, but it should also be fine as it is. I'm not convinced about the sky and music, but I don't know of anything better. I think the pillars are fine as they are, but if they're badly blocking rockets, I can remove them.


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On 6/15/2022 at 2:07 PM, Thatonespymain said:

The deadline is September 30th


How flexible are you on the deadline?

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@Thatonespymain Ok, last minute upload. All Skill levels implemented.

Name: The Flaescus

Par time: 2:30

Edit: I forgot to add health to the map

Edit 2: New version, should be fixed

Edit 3: Screenshots!








Edited by LoneAlpha2401

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8 hours ago, Kuro_mahoh said:

Behold! (If the balancing is too mean or too nice or anything else should be changed just tell me)

No new textures except for a new sky 
Can be difficult or easy depending on your skill
Midi: Led Zeppelin midi (D'yer Mak'er) 

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dp7u3hhl1i9bor2/SmellsLikeBoners.wad/file


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I have remarkably few things to say about this map's gameplay (good thing btw). I do have a few bugs though.
1) This LITE texture isn't lower unpegged.doom168.png.a83a713e0483306c8ce57580546fc7c0.png

2) This TLITE texture cuts off, i suggest making a small sector at the edge with CEIL5_2 as it's ceiling so that the  TLITE texture naturally transitions into the regular one.doom169.png.77e58f061cc28930abd025714b999dba.png

3) Small HOM here.doom171.png.570ea6d26d59a344a0a0688b3be521ce.png

4) This light repeats. I suggest dividing this linedef up into smaller ones and then giving some of them the regular brick texture. doom172.png.c7ce856ede460a68c8ff4b4ab64c1152.png

5) This lift actually damages you, like the surrounding floor.doom173.png.f65910a5cdb4de2f2e0c0dd2330e54e9.png

6) You can grab the supercharge in this secret by SR50ing at the wall, which i assume is not the intended method since i couldn't trigger the actual secret that way.doom174.png.2c88b7c077bafb31a0408f11bd3bd9d2.png

7) This EXIT sign tiles vertically a lot, what you could do is make a little dent in the wall just big enough to fit a single EXITSIGN texture.doom175.png.4872b5b20c429c4c0fcbb1f6253642f6.png

8) This STEP texture doesn't look like it's supposed to be there.doom176.png.912c9f20f122f1d27e50c1a9f6e65880.png

FDA - fda-2enemy04.rar (P.S. sorry for my shit aim in the demo, i played this in early morning and tired.)

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8 hours ago, Engired said:

Name: On Pillars

Song: Strange Beginnings by Mark Klem

Sky: DSKSKY9/10 (?)

Tested in: Woof

Difficulties: All

Co-op/Multiplayer: None

Download: OnPillars.zip


  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents

I'm not convinced about the gameplay, but it may be fine. It's a little short, but it should also be fine as it is. I'm not convinced about the sky and music, but I don't know of anything better. I think the pillars are fine as they are, but if they're badly blocking rockets, I can remove them.


The map feels kinda circle-strafey, all 3 arenas need to be beaten in that way. Also, i think the exit should be marked with the white GATE4 texture since in the IWADs GATE4 has been used as an exit and not as a regular teleport. GATE3 looks like it might be a teleporter that leads somewhere. 

Also, for whatever reason UDB crashes when i open your map. 

FDA: fda-2enemy17.rar

EDIT: forgot to mention that the midi has a weird pause at the end, not sure if that's intentional.


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7 hours ago, MooseFart045 said:

All done!! @Thatonespymain

may be a bit buggy


Name: Dam of The Damned

Difficulties: all

co-op/multiplayer: yesScreenshot_Doom_20220908_190309.png.543df1fc3e34da8ed6438ce466d069c6.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220908_190303.png.d288ac5bddf4436e7b6428892926329a.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220908_190207.png.72f10edd6e72311ea0b8c1bf1d1a3b9e.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220908_190152.png.08bc01971d6c380f0d2d522db0479fbb.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220908_190142.png.eb57852f51b6d02f18ab0ff418ee82dc.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220908_190128.png.b7888d29f71846c3b58c9b5e57511773.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220903_193223.png.7e18871a8b34c20d5a7a121294f3a19c.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220903_175145.png.273fddac1baa9c6847a3ecbbc5314759.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220903_175133.png.ff8a52f5de0b31b28bee021f8e35b18b.pngScreenshot_Doom_20220903_175114.png.d5a22a483b789cddaadb9c290e3a3220.png

uses in-game sky.


1) R_TextureNumForName: RSKY3 not found. To fix this, change RSKY3 to SKY3 in UMAPINFO.

2) The first area has an insane amount of large HOMs.doom178.png.ab5f843e9e6cb728f2556cd93199e48c.png

3) You can fall down the pit with the first archvile without raising it's floor, softlocking yourself.doom179.png.1946efff0a532b27a12193082ffbf85f.png

4) This floor is randomly different.doom180.png.bb83c89faf8758ab7fbcfeacd83c9960.png

5) Finally, if there is a way to get past the first bridge, then i am too lazy to find it. 


FDA (uncompleted): fda-2enemy63.rar
Wad used to record: MAP63-fix.rar

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Quick update: OnPillars.zip

I've never noticed the pause at the end of the midi, and I'm not sure why it crashed UDB. Added an exit sign and changed the colour of the exit teleport. Also fixed the UMAPINFO.

Edited by Engired

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I Really should get mine done...its the last day (I think)

and even if it does get expanded...theres still not forever.

Edited by Rabbid

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12 hours ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

1) R_TextureNumForName: RSKY3 not found. To fix this, change RSKY3 to SKY3 in UMAPINFO.

2) The first area has an insane amount of large HOMs.doom178.png.ab5f843e9e6cb728f2556cd93199e48c.png

3) You can fall down the pit with the first archvile without raising it's floor, softlocking yourself.doom179.png.1946efff0a532b27a12193082ffbf85f.png

4) This floor is randomly different.doom180.png.bb83c89faf8758ab7fbcfeacd83c9960.png

5) Finally, if there is a way to get past the first bridge, then i am too lazy to find it. 


FDA (uncompleted): fda-2enemy63.rar
Wad used to record: MAP63-fix.rar

There is a way, in fact there is a red line on of of the sides for each hole, cross it, and your dead. also I will fix this shortly


Edited by MooseFart045

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15 hours ago, Thatonespymain said:

Don’t mind extended it by a week or two

What's the verdict on this? -- just so I know if I should rush to finish my map in the next however many hours.

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