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10 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

Nice puzzle map, the only issues I've found over a couple runs are:
- Starting room secret sector is easy to miss by accident if you stick close to the pillar when going for the switch
- A couple homs when stuff is moving (see red arrows)

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The only suggestion I have is to maybe make a pedestal with an ammo clip when player gets to the exit, so they know it's a shootie first time.


I guess in terms of progression, there is an issue that going left on the lift first will very likely softlock the player due to too many barons riding up the red lifts, but looking at it another way - that's part of the puzzle, because you can softlock on the lift from other stuff like leaving roaming HKs on the armor floor. Idk what was and wasn't intended here, so I'll mention it.



Thanks for the playtest! Will fix the HoMs asap. 

About the barons softlocking the player - in part it's intentional and in part it isn't, in the sense that I meant for the players to manipulate mob positioning by goading them along the hallways, if one decides to skip them instead of confronting them. How bad did it feel? If it's insufferable or excessive I can definitely soften it up, otherwise I think it's just a case of the player having to employ creative thinking on their part, and perhaps try additional routes. 
The exit switch was a bit of a troll move on my part XD I had fun imagining the player running forward and getting ported over and over until they realize the pedestal has to be shot - not to mention them finding the first secret once it's basically useless. Again, if it's too trolly I've got no problem signposting it a little better - maybe have a conveyor belt drop a clip? 

Edited by Thelokk

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1 hour ago, Thelokk said:

How bad did it feel?

I approached this as a puzzle more or less right away, so on my first try as I was investigating the left switch top got clogged by like 6 barons by the lift. At this point I just restarted because it was clear I got something wrong in the puzzle, although it was not obvious as to why barons were there due to poor observations from me (I didn't even register that top row had barons initially). "How bad" probably depends entirely on the type of player here.


1 hour ago, Thelokk said:

The exit switch was a bit of a troll move

That's fine then, it's a type of map where if you get that far you've probably made peace with everything going wrong.

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9 hours ago, IcarusOfDaggers said:

@Thatonespymain Hey! I've been trying to get dehacked to work but I'm definetly doing something wrong. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get it running any time soon. 

So I'm dropping out of community project. Here  (Base Run.zip) is my map so far if anyone wants to use it for any of his projects. Map01 slot is now open. 

Another reason I'm dropping out is free time reduction. I'm going to put more effort into another community project I'm in. 

Have fun with this one, i'll probably get my ass whooped when i download it in a few months xd.


TL;DR: I'm out. Map01 slot is now open. 

k, i might use your map as a base for another map in the project

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Map Name: Lights Out!
Author: Heich AKA Dynamite Kaitorn
Music: Letni [Jazz Jackrabbit]
Format: Teeechnically I didn't map for COMPLEVEL 9 but rather vanilla but it should run just fine within BooM rules as no fancy mechanics are used.
Difficulty Settings: Yes. Lower difficulties have less enemies and some resources are in different places.

Comments: Outpost Theta has recently disabled it's power output. It's up to you to discover why so many marines are scared of flipping the switch!
(spoilers, there's no switch. :O )




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10 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Map Name: Lights Out!
Author: Heich AKA Dynamite Kaitorn
Music: Letni [Jazz Jackrabbit]
Format: Teeechnically I didn't map for COMPLEVEL 9 but rather vanilla but it should run just fine within BooM rules as no fancy mechanics are used.
Difficulty Settings: Yes. Lower difficulties have less enemies and some resources are in different places.

Comments: Outpost Theta has recently disabled it's power output. It's up to you to discover why so many marines are scared of flipping the switch!
(spoilers, there's no switch. :O )





One of my main problems with MAP 03 was that it didn't play into the darkness element of spectres more. This map does exactly that. It features nice enemy and trap placement, and the midi fits right in. My only problems are that you can spot traps in advance on the automap, make sure to mark all the trap door lines to appear 1-sided on an automap, and, although everywhere else the texture choices are fine, more variety in the yellow key area textures would've been nice.


Blind run demo attached.



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On 6/18/2022 at 4:14 PM, gabirupee said:

I updated the google drive link, now the map have difficulty levels.


Hmm. The opening fight is almost exactly the same on every difficulty (just a few less HKs). How about adding extra health/armor? Like a megasphere on HNTR and a blue/green armor on HMP? This allows players with less skill to at least take a hit or two.


Nice choice of textures.

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18 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Map Name: Lights Out!
Author: Heich AKA Dynamite Kaitorn
Music: Letni [Jazz Jackrabbit]
Format: Teeechnically I didn't map for COMPLEVEL 9 but rather vanilla but it should run just fine within BooM rules as no fancy mechanics are used.
Difficulty Settings: Yes. Lower difficulties have less enemies and some resources are in different places.

Comments: Outpost Theta has recently disabled it's power output. It's up to you to discover why so many marines are scared of flipping the switch!
(spoilers, there's no switch. :O )




My only suggestion here: consider playing around with some light level detailing to break up the uniform feel (I struggle with that myself lol). For example, your shotgun pedestal is a natural focal point with lamp ceiling texture, if everything else is a bit darker and the pedestal brighter + some gradient sectors around it, it'd look much more convincing and draw attention away from spectres.

Actually I'm dumb and played with gamma correction level 3 left over from previous map lol, which kill all lighting difference on GL renderer. Now it looks fine and makes sense for the name.



My own map is slowly trudging along as I'm improving detailing skillz and crunch setpiece ideas in my head.

And now I need to redo all the lighting for no gamma correction...



Edited by Doomy__Doom

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@Thatonespymain Should I add a secret exit in MAP31? Leading to MAP32 and the normal exit leads to MAP16. Asking this because it seems to me that the maps are going to be playable in continuous order.

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2 hours ago, Hitboi said:

@Thatonespymain Should I add a secret exit in MAP31? Leading to MAP32 and the normal exit leads to MAP16. Asking this because it seems to me that the maps are going to be playable in continuous order.


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I decided to test without the DEH patch, since it seems to cause crashes. Things may play differently when playing with the DEH.
This is a speedmap so incoming jank ahead.

Title: The Cyber Messiah
Enemies: Archvile and Cyberdemon
Build time: ~2 hours
Editors used: UDB
Tested with: FDWL, Nugget Doom, Eternity Engine
MIDI: Varis Alpha - Ancient Enclosure


Edited by dotQLL

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Hello, id like to choose map 52.

i choose arch-vile and zombieman

(write me in as LSC Lasico pls)

Edited by %some random internet shkila

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Here's the first version of my map for the project. It's a pretty short map set in a factory that plays around with conveyors. It's fairly hard on UV, but HMP and HNTR should be much more doable.


Name: Tomato Juice Plant

Monsters: Imps and Cacodemons

Build Time: 6 hours

Tested with: dsdadoom v0.24.0, Woof! v10.0.0, GZDoom v4.7.1 (NOTE: due to conveyor belt and physics differences in GZDoom, the map plays a bit differently than intended but it's not broken as far as I can tell)

MIDI: Battletoads Stage 4 sequenced by Teck


Download: 2monsters_finnks_v1.zip


Here's a picture:




Thanks to @scwiba and @Dusty_Rhodes for giving me feedback on some of the fights.

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3 hours ago, dotQLL said:

I decided to test without the DEH patch, since it seems to cause crashes. Things may play differently when playing with the DEH.
This is a speedmap so incoming jank ahead.

Title: The Cyber Messiah
Enemies: Archvile and Cyberdemon
Build time: ~2 hours
Editors used: UDB
Tested with: FDWL, Nugget Doom, Eternity Engine
MIDI: Varis Alpha - Ancient Enclosure


I’ll try to fix this, thanks for telling me

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@Thatonespymain Am i allowed to include custom colormaps? i have some mud in a section of my map and i want to tint the screen of the player brown while he is under it.


I have included all my custom colormaps as well as that pain palette swap i promised to make when you announced the CP in the attached wad.


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1 hour ago, Thelokk said:





Fixed the HoMs and some smaller issues, cleaned up minimap and other small adjustments. I'd say you can consider this my final submission to the project!

This will not be your final submission to the project.

1) You can get softlocked in the tunnel with the BFG secret, if you run through it without pressing the key, you can't then go back since the red columns will block your way;
2) The crusher trap area near the shootable switch is just awful. If you run out, there's HOM on the crusher when it lowers, the hell knight trap is almost entirely unavoidable, and the door textures are just fucked up;
3) This may be the least of this map's problems, but the baron crusher activatable via a secret is upper unpegged, meaning that, instead of raising and lowering, how a crusher should, it instead builds and unbuilds itself, which  looks wrong;
4) The combat of this map is frustrating and consists of a lot of berserk punching barons and hell knights in tight hallways, hoping that you don't get a 64 damage projectile in your face. You can make the job easier by luring them out to the central room, but that takes a lot of time. 
Also I am pretty sure that if you leave the starting area, you can't get back there anymore and, thus, can't get 100% secrets if you haven't triggered the secret already.

Accidentally published the post early

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22 minutes ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

This will not be your final submission to the project.


Chill, bro. You ain't ordering around no one. Seen this attitude in a lot of replies of yours, and I don't like it one bit - when you interact with me, keep the tone down. 


Combat is exactly what it's meant to be - if you find it frustrating, awful etc that, like, your opinion. Same with the textures, which I carefully picked to look exactly the way they look. The starting area you return to at the end, so perhaps you didn't really play the map with the due attention. The softlock (which I wasn't able to reproduce after 10+tries) if found will be fixed in a future RC but, as far as I'm concerned the map is finished. 

Edited by Thelokk

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13 hours ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

@Thatonespymain Am i allowed to include custom colormaps? i have some mud in a section of my map and i want to tint the screen of the player brown while he is under it.


I have included all my custom colormaps as well as that pain palette swap i promised to make when you announced the CP in the attached wad.


i think boom defines custom colourmaps so i dont have to worry about the colourmap messing up other maps so yeah sure

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Just now, Thatonespymain said:

i think boom defines custom colourmaps so i dont have to worry about the colourmap messing up other maps so yeah sure

yeah, you can define custom colormaps by putting them between C_START and C_END

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39 minutes ago, Thelokk said:

The softlock (which I wasn't able to reproduce after 10+tries) if found will be fixed in a future RC

Gave it a quick look - if you jump down after the BFG tunnel without pressing the 2nd switch (one that reveals switch for exit alcove), I don't think there's a way to get back there outside of a difficult rocket jump off of scrolling "exit" texture wall. You can walk around the 1st red pillar if you loop back over to the rocket pickup, but not the 2nd one. A way to lower the 2nd red pillar (maybe revealed only after you've crossed the entire BFG tunnel) would help.

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Just now, Doomy__Doom said:

Gave it a quick look - if you jump down after the BFG tunnel without pressing the 2nd switch (one that reveals switch for exit alcove), I don't think there's a way to get back there outside of a difficult rocket jump off of scrolling "exit" texture wall. You can walk around the 1st red pillar if you loop back over to the rocket pickup, but not the 2nd one. A way to lower the 2nd red pillar (maybe revealed only after you've crossed the entire BFG tunnel) would help.

exactly my problem

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4 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

Gave it a quick look - if you jump down after the BFG tunnel without pressing the 2nd switch (one that reveals switch for exit alcove), I don't think there's a way to get back there outside of a difficult rocket jump off of scrolling "exit" texture wall. You can walk around the 1st red pillar if you loop back over to the rocket pickup, but not the 2nd one. A way to lower the 2nd red pillar (maybe revealed only after you've crossed the entire BFG tunnel) would help.


Thanks! Honestly though, I'm tempted to keep it as it is. If the player runs through a gauntlet to reach a switch, and they don't press it in spite of how obvious it is... I mean, it's kinda on them in my opinion. I'll think about it.

Edited by Thelokk

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31 minutes ago, Thelokk said:


Thanks! Honestly though, I'm tempted to keep it as it is. If the player runs through a gauntlet to reach a switch, and they don't press it in spite of how obvious it is... I mean, it's kinda on them in my opinion. I'll think about it.

just because it's obvious to you, the map creator, doesn't mean it's obvious to everyone else. I was too busy dodging the 100500 hell knight projectiles to notice that there was a switch

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5 minutes ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

just because it's obvious to you, the map creator, doesn't mean it's obvious to everyone else. I was too busy dodging the 100500 hell knight projectiles to notice that there was a switch



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