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Doom Midi Website

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I have a video that clarifies a bunch of sources for MIDI files, both based on contemporary "radio songs" as well as places to find a ton of MIDIs by Doomers.


I'll post the video and all the links in the description, just to make life easy.


Doom community MIDI files:


https://doommidis.com/ - Still a work in progress by Chris Hansen

https://jamespaddockmusic.com - Jimmy's MIDIs

https://doomshack.org/midi.html - My MIDIs


Contemporary music in MIDI form:

https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/ - Guitar Pro and Power Tabs of TONS of popular songs

https://sourceforge.net/projects/tuxguitar/ - Converts Guitar Pro and Power Tabs from the above site to MIDIs





Various gaming MIDIs:






Video tutorial:


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This dude has a frankly ridiculous amount of sites linked on this post from a midi-adjacent forum (note that for the geocities webpages you’ll have to use way back machine)



Some of the sites in black are an absolute godsend for those trying to source touhou midis, and searching through here early this year I finally found a song that I had been scouring the internet for ever since I got into midi almost 2 years ago.


I don't know if this NotAnAesthete dude linked this, but a few years ago, a bunch of transcribers took it upon themselves to sequence every single track for undertale, and put all 120-ish midis up in a folder. You can get that here:


Edited by Fraston

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Damn, even though most of those links are dead, I found an amazing MIDI uploader site there - it's honestly just like the Doomshack.org wad uploader, but for MIDI files:




It can be easily understood using Google Translate, then you know how it works and won't need to translate it again:




Also found another good MIDI source on there:




I also think I might go through and add links to Archive.org's 50,000 MIDI pack from GeoCities in relevant places, because to be honest I sourced all the MIDIs from Ray Mohawk 1 from this pack, I'd go as far as to say the wad might not have ever been made had I not found the MIDIs first:




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I know a japanese website which contains good quality midis of old and sometimes obscure arcade games you will not find on websites like vgmusic or mirsoft.




two of the midis I found and used in one of my maps :




About , rock and metal songs, I know rppmf, a well-organised website where I obtained all the Porcupine Tree and Dream Theater midis for instance.



Edited by Roofi

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A really huge (approx. 1Gb 7zipped) torrent of random midis:



Edited by ax34

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to bump this thread, but i think this is the right place to write my request:

Does anyone have the midi packs /ost from the 3 sessions from Slaughterfest? I mean sf2011, sf2012 and sf3 ? Thanks a lot

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