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Shovelware Society #43 - JON31.WAD & DOOMFIRE.WAD (and also QUAKE! if anyone seriously wants to check out E1M3

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Ok, guess it's my turn now. Here are the wads for this week!


GASPRA.WAD (Doom 1) - Supercharge

CORNERED.WAD - Megasphere

HOTSEAT.WAD - Invulnerbility

DCAT.WAD - Blursphere


Let's try to get this done by tommorrow, hm?




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I knew the map felt familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it looks like nothing really changed from momento mori maybe the sky is different? anyway it's an alright map I didn't like how I had to shotgun barons most of the time here's my playthrough of it 



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The changes between DOOMDEAD and the Memento Mori version are indeed minimal, at least looking at the level layout:


DOOMDEAD: https://assets.wad-archive.com/wadarchive/images/7562febfe9cbcdf032553438478124a0c392837c/maps/MAP01.PNG

Memento Mori MAP08: https://assets.wad-archive.com/wadarchive/images/e4be45898b99f4b987110d2db9f5a3284d82dde2/maps/MAP08.PNG


There is also another version of the level called DEADSHRI, which was probably uploaded between DOOMDEAD and Memento Mori looking at the changes: https://assets.wad-archive.com/wadarchive/images/72595605f20f8f403439809ec856bd3d1e50991a/maps/E4M1.PNG

Edited by Andromeda

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11 hours ago, Andromeda said:

The changes between DOOMDEAD and the Memento Mori version are indeed minimal, at least looking at the level layout:


DOOMDEAD: https://assets.wad-archive.com/wadarchive/images/7562febfe9cbcdf032553438478124a0c392837c/maps/MAP01.PNG

Memento Mori MAP08: https://assets.wad-archive.com/wadarchive/images/e4be45898b99f4b987110d2db9f5a3284d82dde2/maps/MAP08.PNG


There is also another version of the level called DEADSHRI, which was probably uploaded between DOOMDEAD and Memento Mori looking at the changes: https://assets.wad-archive.com/wadarchive/images/72595605f20f8f403439809ec856bd3d1e50991a/maps/E4M1.PNG

it looks like only three minor changes happen with added items and the two rooms in the teleporting baron room were made slightly smaller quite funny the map maker never changed that one super misaligned texture in the pentagram room

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By Matt Keller and Anton Groom


This originally had another name before it was found someone else had already used it and....it's literally just a clone of Hangar only with some areas receiving a slight redesign. For instance, the tower with the armor now has an accessible corridor with a Spider Mastermind that'll probably block your access to the supplies here. The actual outdoor area that appeared here has also been seriously revamped, with something that seems like a tower in the middle. It's also quite nice to be facing out from the slime room. I couldn't figure out the access right away though.




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Yeah not too much to add about this one. it's a silly little Hangar remix! Wasn't able to get into that small orb tower unfortunately.

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ykno the drill :o

i nominate the following wads:

CHEM.WAD  (doom2 map05) - soulsphere

BARONBBQ.WAD (doom1 e2m5) - mega

CHKURBAK.WAD (doom2 map01) - invuln

CITY.WAD (doom 2 map01) - inviso


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I liked this map I didn't even notice what its name actually said until I started making the thumbnail for my vid lol anyway the map has a lot of traps that can easily get you killed if you're not ready for them and surprisingly the combat isn't too bad either only section I thought was a little weird was the outdoors section with the two flame barrels seemed like the player is trapped in that section but if u angle yourself right and with enough speed u pop right out pass the barrels.




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This one was a good time. It's a breeze once you find the secret room that contains the SSG. You're only gonna get fooled once, if at all by some of the tricks pulled in this map. I thought this one was pretty well designed, and the secrets weren't too much of a grind to find. Fun!

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I'm going to agree with the overall consensus here. This is a really fun map and one of the best D!Zone wads I've played so far! Good use of traps and invulnspheres. 

Only nitpicks are the really tight squeeze you have to make between the barrels to progress later in the level, and the unmarked exit at the end cut my last fight short which made me a little sad :(

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By Gabriel Coindrieu


So, is Gabriel either French or Romanian in origin? His e-mail address is Mexican though, so maybe that's a little irrelevant. What isn't irrelvant is the map's combat. It's mostly fun, although you'll want to be sparing with all weapons other than the shotgun because you don't really get so much that you can plow through mobs of Imps or demons with rockets. There are also some cases where monster closet traps can get quite overwhelming. Although it's not too bad because you're provided with Invulnerbility Spheres and there's never too many enemies. Although the general lack of rockets and cells makes it seem like Gabriel didn't really know how to balance resources. Visually, it's two steps from laughably bad. Although I did like the incredibly cheap outdoor courtyard with the Imp in the cage and the other Imps surrounding you when you teleport here. I had to rewind a fair bit here because of how suddenly traps can open up. One hallway which had closets opening on each end was a nasty reminder of a Joe-ilya map from Abyssal 45 and kind of sucked, but at least there was no damaging floor. One of the better ones, but nothing will beat DDS1 for pure shovelware goodness:)


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Ookie dookie here's the next batch of shovelware goodness up for vote same as last time two DOOM maps and two DOOM II maps


GLOOMY.WAD  (DOOM e1m1) - Soulsphere

BIGMAC2.WAD (DOOM II Map01) - Megasphere

CRIMKEEP.WAD (DOOM E3M5) - Invulnerability

MUDVILL2.WAD (DOOM II Map01) - Blursphere

Edited by United VirusX

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Ok, it's sure been a day BigMac2 really won  handily (you're not gonna see that guy in the map sorry). The title should be updated when I get home. Let's try to get this done by Monday, I'm?

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Soooo...who would call this BigMac when the only restaurant looking bit seems to be the outside. But that's a spiffy entrance though. Just look at those overhang lights! I assume this is sort of an office complex/research center? Seems a little bit like dollar-store rent, to be honest though. Rooms with computer banks, tons of little office rooms, break rooms with monsters seemingly placed so you can amuse yourself with them at work "Down Under" or something. I particularly liked the room where one person was using the toilet and another was at the washer. What a shitty ending though, and combat has little thought, with the expected powerup overload and monsters placed in literal frickin' lines. Not to mention, many of them won't even see you unless you step directly in front of them or somehow fire at them. Weird blockage lines or something. I'm not sure. This was pretty fun though.




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BIGMAC2 was a little chaotic with all the monsters basically waking up all at the same time but asides from that the map is kinda fun a little bit on the hitscanner hell side and it did have some weird linedefs blocking monsters view of you and I like the attempt at making a I what I can only guess is a kinda headquarters with all the rooms also @LadyMistDragon I couldn't help but laugh at that caco wanting to get through the front door in your demo.




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i think i may have played this before on a doom roulette...


an absolutely stuffed little office complex thingie with tons of doomcute on it.

gotta appreciate the toilet designs, syncs and what i interpreted to be a vending machine of some sort? very cool

quite a funny map in concept, which gets elevated by the absurd monster placement. good shit.


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This one was a good time! Tons of Doomcute. Gotta respect that - especially considering when this was made. Reminds me of a less refined Going Down map at times. If you manage to get that arch-vile killed early on with a decent amount of health left, it's smooth sailin'! I hated this one at first, but then I grew to appreciate it. Fun. I think I'm gonna keep replaying this until I get a time I'm happy with.

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When I loaded this up, I felt like we were in for the standard shovelware experience, but once I saw the vile in the first room things started to pick up, and the first 5 minutes were a really close shave! 


The map is basically a giant facility, perhaps of the military sort, and it's pretty good looking, with plenty of rooms, some nice doomcute and some well placed health, weapon and ammo pickups. It immediately made me recall SCHOOL.WAD, a map with a similar layout but actually not quite as fun as this map!

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Ok before I forget again, here are the wads for this week, picked by Gibbon and only last night as it turns out. Thursday evening?


DOOMCOMB.WAD (DOOM) - Supercharge

DOOMLERO.WAD (DOOM) - Megasphere

DAM.WAD (DOOM II) - Invulnerbility

JAX01.WAD (DOOM II) - Blursphere

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The only map I liked out of this bunch was the second map, the first map was meh... punching pinkies to death is alright but gets boring fast and then the last map wasn't good IMO here's my playthrough of them.




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Here is my playthrough. This is the first time I have tried recording and making a playthrough so, yeah. Wanted to make a fancy title card like you all have and miss named it Shovelware society #31 which was the last one but oh well. As far as the play through, these levels are rough. I enjoyed the second as the combat was the most engaging. Forgot to set up my source port of choice for the play through, I like to play these old wads with free look off. I get so used to it that I didn't even notice it was on until the second map lol. I die allot, no excuses just bad play. Hopefully someone gets a laugh out of it. Had fun learning how to record it and set it up, but these maps were pretty bland.



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Yeah, this one was pretty much dogshit. Got through it, but I don't think I'll ever play it again. Everything about these 3 maps is lazy.

Edited by BigBoy91

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By Karl Peters


Set of 3 maps that um, combs over, at least in the first two maps. Filled with random exit switch placement and far too many spectres, these are such a complete waste. The honeycomb-shaped second map somehow manages to be the best, only because of that ridiculous exit hallway. 3rd map was just soooo bad though. Trying to find the exit switch in the middle requires pressing some switches on some outside switches behind some doors and um yeah, the Cyberdemon killed me and I might as well have stopped there but these maps are so short, more play time makes no measurable difference.


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