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I forgot to mention: for this event I am comfortable with mappers coming to me with requests to use certain textures. It'll be a limited number, but if you need something very very specific that this resource doesn't provide I'll be willing to work with you given the caveat that you speak to me BEFORE you start mapping with any additional textures.

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Director: Death Bear
Production: "Fight Another Day"
Media Format: UDMF
Soundtrack: "The Anthrax Solution" by Varis Alpha
Backdrop: From Mek's (WRKSKY11)
Film Time: 9.5 Hours plus Post-Production (Balancing)
Rating: UV only, atm. Will be amended to fit other ratings soon.
Cast: 250 (UV)
Tropes: Multiple Arenas, One is multi-stage, Non-linear-ish, Secret that changes the sequence a bit, Berserk Spree
Flikflubs: May need more ammo. There's a decoration that is glitching in the resource pack rn, but I'm keeping it. May need to play with the lighting a little on the flickering. I need to make a script for the final arena; but everything seems to work.
Synopsis: To come, but since it's MAP01, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. 
Director's Comments: Ruined Base with Nukage. This was fun! Hope you enjoy!




Edited by Death Bear

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19 hours ago, FEDEX said:

Hi @Death Bear ! No download link ?

What do you mean? It was there the whole time. Right? R I G H T ! ? ! ?
*wink wink*
Thought I had linked it and didn't double check. I updated the OP. Thanks for the catch.

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Director: Muumi
Production: "Rudy Goes to Hell"
Media Format: Boom
Soundtrack: "Breakthrough" by Jimmy
Backdrop: From Mek's (HCLDSKY5) and FLAME 0-59 by Muumi
Film Time: ~9 hours
Rating: UV only for now
Cast: 420 
Synopsis: Chicken cage of terror! Speeddemons have taken over the hottest and awesomenest theme park in Sandy's City, Thirteenland! Well actually, its kinda shoddy cash crab taking use of the new popular thing. Dunno why everybody cares so much about the mute guy's ventures anyway, he is never gonna be as cool as Rudy. People say that the planetarium show is incredible realistic thought, should atleast check that out!
Director's Comments: Doom cute theme park with lots of thirteen references! Also there is a boat. 









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This is probably the first time I’ve ever thought “man, that screenshot of chairs looks so interesting”. But it does!

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Production: Houston Station

Director: Mememind

Soundtrack: Heretic, Hero and 1st Movement of the Odyssey| Halo 2 Soundtrack| MIDI by vgmusic.com B

ackdrop: STARETH3 Meks Box O Skies

Media Format: UDMF

Rating: (Difficulty Settings) Will be added in by testing

Production Time: 9 Hours (1 Left for additions from testing)

Location Built: Space Station orbiting Earth

Synopsis: The Return of the speed demons was a surprise for Rowdy Rudy, and Rudy knew nothing. They say knowledge is half the battle, and Rudy needs some knowledge. An old military friend is now a top Admiral in the UAC and should know a few things. He is located on Houston Station, a safe place to talk. Rudy doesnt know that the station has been compromised....

Director's Comments: A big reference to Cairo Station from Halo 2. Alot of ACS is used. Plus some AI marines help a bit, to make it feel like Halo.







Gzdoom-4-5-0-windows-64bit Screenshot 2022.07.08 -

Edited by MemeMind

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Hi @MemeMind , no download link? Or it's an WIP? (The description in your post is full, detailed, complete.. this is why i'm asking)

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1 hour ago, FEDEX said:

Hi @MemeMind , no download link? Or it's an WIP? (The description in your post is full, detailed, complete.. this is why i'm asking)

Both his and DB's map were posted to my discord server with links to the wad.


I'm sure both of y'all forgot to link it, but for future reference to any submitters please post a link to your wad in this chat so that folks like FEDEX and any other doom players will be able to play your map and help us provide feedback.

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2022? More like twenty twenty-RUDE!


@muumi, this theme park felt like the perfect merger of Rudy's balls-out gameplay and a Build-style "attempt at a real place". The cacarousel and... whatever the hell it was you posted with the chairs... were just the cherries on top. I love how you included a parking lot and placed all the mooks behind counters, too - fukken adorable.

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This is a two week warning! Submissions for Revenge of the Speeddemons will close on July the 27th! If you'd like your map to be included in the final wad be sure to participate before it's too late!

Edited by BluePineapple72

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For my general Doom education how do you make maps that utilise resource packs like the resource pack you have included here? I tried making a map using the resource pack in Doom Builder but the add resource button does not allow me to locate it.


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24 minutes ago, Anarkzie said:

For my general Doom education how do you make maps that utilise resource packs like the resource pack you have included here? I tried making a map using the resource pack in Doom Builder but the add resource button does not allow me to locate it.



Simple! At the top of the add resource tab is the option to locate PK3 files to use as resources, which ROTS is compiled as.

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Production: Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood

Director: myolden

Soundtrack: The Ace of Sevens by Jimmy

Backdrop: CTYSKY08

Media Format: UDMF

Rating: Will add after testing

Production Time: 8 Hours

Location Built: Rudy's home

Synopsis: Amidst the demonic invasion of earth Rudy hears a rumor that the speed demons are after his most prized possesion: a limited edition Skulltiverse replica key he bought last summer. Furious, he hopped in the nearest vehicle he could find - an abandoned bus - and sped towards his home. There was no way he would let those demon jerks steal his PWAD memorabelia! Rudy pulls up to the driveway just as the bus breaks down, only to find that the demons have changed the locks!


Those bastards are gonna pay!


Director's Comments: Don't let the stripped down detailing fool you - this was a pain in the ass to make. A whole ass house out of 3d sectors, complete with 3d sector doomcute furniture. What was I thinking? A few hours left to touch some things up, I may try to add some furniture throughout the house when I implement balance changes, but for now this map has broken my brain lol. Also of note: some weirdness with enemies waking up early due to the 3d floors, not sure what to do about that.


Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood.zip





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Production: Woodland Workshop
Director: Heich AKA Dynamite Kaitorn
Soundtrack: Raneforus [Jazz Jackrabbit]
Backdrop: Some hazey gray sky
Media Format: GZDooM 2 (Hexen Format)
Rating: Yes. Some enemies are missing on lower dififculties.
Production Time: 5 Hours 28 Minutes? (I know I have a little bit over 4 and a half hours left)
Location Built: Forest
Synopsis: After wiping the sweat off his forehead, Rudy heads to an old friend's house, deep in the woods. Little did Rudy know, this was an ambush.
Without much time to prepare, he hid behind a small rock, just as the demons set up fort in what was once his best friend's home.
"Dang it! It's those frickin' demons! I'm gonna make them pay for kidnapping my friend!"


Director's Comments: I built this whole map in literally 1 sitting...









Enjoy the experience! 


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Production: Seaside Demolition

Director: Engired

Soundtrack: Dewford Town - Pokemon RSE

Backdrop: STARSKY1 (Mek's Box o' Skies)

Media Format: UDMF

Rating: Only UV right now

Production Time: 7-8 hours

Location Built: Small getaway next to the ocean

Synopsis: After all that has transpired, Rudy could only want a break; and what's better than a small coastal getaway. Unfortuantely the demons have also got to it, and the once alive area has since become abandoned. The UAC also happened to send a message, noticing that Rudy was in the general area. It read as such, "There's a building home to the demon teleporter that's allowing them to easily take over this area. There are some charges that can blow up the building that haven't been activated yet, they should work."


Guess it's not a time for a break anymore.


Director's Comments: A small coastal area. Your goal is to blow up a building. Hopefully the gameplay's okay. Most of the time was just getting scripts working. There's about 400-500 lines of ACS after all, even after pointing out that it is very unoptimised. It works though... Also, it was originally meant to be at daytime, but I couldn't find a good sky texture. If anybody knows a good realistic sky texture, let me know. It probably just needs more health though.







Edited by Engired

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Production: Skyscraping

Director: Horselessheadsman

Soundtrack: Adon's Stage from Street Fighter Alpha by Capcom

Backdrop: by plums

Media Format: GZDooM 2 UDMF

Rating: three difficulty settings: easy/medium/hard

Production Time: 10 hours

Location Built: suspicious skyscraper

Synopsis: "Spoust Aerial; Even the name sounds suspicious. The intel pukes agree, as high-ranking Speed Demons have been covertly
tracked going to and from the Spoust Skyscraper. Whatever they're planning, Rudy has been sent to do what he does best(
which isn't watching hockey) and clear this particular hotspot."

Director's Comments: The starting lobby should be fairly recognizable to anyone who's watched classic action films.

Originally, I'd intended for this to have a 'part deux' level following it, but the time just wasn't there to do it.












Edited by horselessheadsman
Finished version 2 of map

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When the story takes it's twist: it releases Beta version 1 of REVENGE OF THE SPEEDDEMONS!


WAD File: Revenge of the Speeddemons.pk3

Author: Various, compiled by BluePineapple72

IWAD: Doom 2

Port: GZDoom (Hardware Accelerated video mode recommended)

Resources: Various texture packs and monsters - Compiled in wad
Comments: MegaWAD created as the eighteenth edition of the PUSS series. Maps are ordered in chronology of submission. Rules/gimmicks mappers followed are in the original post (SEE BELOW).


TITLEMAP - "Reckoning" - BluePineapple72
MAP01 - "Fight Another Day" - @Death Bear
MAP02 - "Rudy Goes to Hell" - @muumi
MAP03 - "Houston Station" - @MemeMind
MAP04 - "Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood" - @myolden
MAP05 - "Woodland Workshop" - Heich AKA @DynamiteKaitorn
MAP06 - "Seaside Demolition" - @Engired
MAP07 - "Skyscraping" - @horselessheadsman


Still some bells an whistles to be added, but nothing too crazy. I'm in the  middle of apartment hunting right now and I'll be starting a new job soon so I've been short on time to work on my level. Sometime in the middle of August I do expect this wad to leave beta. HOWEVER, with 7 maps I am interested in possibly opening up map submissions at a later date. I want to see who is interested in making levels before I commit the PUSS schedule to anything.


Regardless. There's something even more exciting going on over there! Ooh! Shiny new things!




Until next time folks ,o7


Edited by BluePineapple72

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