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Map/Weapon mod pairings you enjoyed?

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So recently I had that Brutal Doom mood again and so I booted up Doom 2 in Spain Only with BD. Been actually enjoying it a lot. More than usual for BD (my enjoyment when playing with BD usually starts really high and then falls off pretty fast and I usually don't get past the first 6 maps before quitting) and have now gone up to MAP17.


This got me thinking, what map/map set and weapon mod pairing did you personally enjoy?


We already have had a bunch of "Which wads are good with Brutal Doom?" threads and this is not that. I'm not asking for wad suggestions/recommendations. I'm asking when have you decided to pair a mod with a mapset and it turned really fun for you? Any reason why?


For me it's been:


Doom 2 in Spain Only X Brutal Doom: As mentioned above. I think I'm just really enjoying the vibe this time. It's feeling like a Spanish Doom 2 rip-off made in the modern day and trying to be sold as Doom 2. Again this is the vibe Doom 2 in Spain Only was going for already but with BD is enhancing the illusion of playing a bootleg doom clone for me personally.


Icarus: Alien Vanguard X Complex Doom: I played TNT with Complex Doom years ago and this just felt like a spiritual sequel to that. Again, I enjoyed it for personal reasons.


Extermination Day (A.K.A Hell on Earth Starter Pack A.K.A that Sgt. Mark IV megawad that was made TO BE played with BD) X Complex Doom: Something about playing a megawad designed to be played with Brutal Doom with Complex Doom seemed just amusing to me. That amusement carried on through the whole megawad.

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If I recall correctly, I remember a thread like this but the idea it has was slightly different? Anyways I really enjoyed Plutonia and TNT with Final Doomer +.

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Anything with Supercharge 2.8, unsurprisingly, the vanilla dehacked mod I made with anything I've played it in, boiled doom in anything, even in doom 2.

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For some reason Call of Doom feels like a pretty good mod with even the originals

It obviously changes the cool aspect of Doom guns but I like to imagine what would Doomguy do if he only had access to Military arsenal and not Sci-fi weapons


EDIT: I just remembered Russian Overkill, that's also really cool

It's a shame I can't get it working alongside Brutal Doom

Edited by The Doommer

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5 hours ago, Hitboi said:

If I recall correctly, I remember a thread like this but the idea it has was slightly different? Anyways I really enjoyed Plutonia and TNT with Final Doomer +.

You're probably thinking of this thread:



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