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Which weapons would you like to see in Doom III?


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I think there will be a DB shotgun, but one must admit it would be rather odd to see an old shotgun in the middle of a high-tech military base.Maybe if it was in a glass case in the middle of the base with a engraving on it when you find it, like a symbol of the Corps success or something.

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Joe Doom said:

I think there will be a DB shotgun, but one must admit it would be rather odd to see an old shotgun in the middle of a high-tech military base.Maybe if it was in a glass case in the middle of the base with a engraving on it when you find it, like a symbol of the Corps success or something.

Yes. I feel that all marine weapons, or most of them, should bear the UAC logo. That'd be appropriate and make the influence of theirs seem more...far-reaching.

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Actually, that'd be retarded. I want all the old Doom guns but some kickass new ones, BUT NO FUCKING RAILGUN.

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But there will be some outdoor areas!

I think the Railgun is dropped because it´s a typical Quake weapon, and Quake4 is on the horizon.

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Joe Doom said:

one must admit it would be rather odd to see an old shotgun in the middle of a high-tech military base.

I´m not expecting it to be an old double barrel shotgun, the single barrel shotgun on the screenshots isn´t oldfashioned either (it had wooden parts in the old Doom as well).
The double-barreled side-by-side shotgun in Quake2 is a nice example of a futurist shotgun with realist touch :)

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Ct_red_pants said:

...a assult rifle, and a RAILGUN.

I agree with the assault rifle thing, but not with the Railgun. Railgun was Q2, this is going to be D3. Doom is not Doom with a Railgun IMO, it just doesn't feel right.

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Ct_red_pants said:

ecxept the chaingun behaves like the quake 2 chaingun.

Bah! Couldn't they have made it a little more fresh instead of once again making it work in a style we've all tried before?

I want to be able to fire it effectively in bursts - not having to hold down the firebutton and burn away all its ammo in less than a minute for most effective use.

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But there will be some outdoor areas!

There should be outdoor area as it is needed.outdoor area seems to remove some scary factor IMO.well,Fighting Cyberdemon on large outside battleground should be an exception = )

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Ct_red_pants said:

all of the orignal set, ecxept the chaingun behaves like the quake 2 chaingun. also, a assult rifle, and a RAILGUN.

Saving that one for Quake4 hopefully, and not Doom3. I wanna see the berserk pack! Maybe some more plasma based weapons too, like pistols or beam weapons.

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All the original Doom weapons of course. Don't let dsm see all that talk about the railgun^, it just don't belong in Doom, no more than the BFG belonged in any other game beside Doom and look where that went.

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Vulg@r said:

Yes. I feel that all marine weapons, or most of them, should bear the UAC logo. That'd be appropriate and make the influence of theirs seem more...far-reaching.

Come on why wouldent they want a SwdOff bouble barrle shotgun?? it'll literaly blow someones torso off and come on that gun will be around till the end of time. Its just to loved

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Tyockell said:

Come on why wouldent they want a SwdOff bouble barrle shotgun?? it'll literaly blow someones torso off and come on that gun will be around till the end of time. Its just to loved

I'd be as happy as the next person if they had a db shotgun in Doom III. I was just suggesting that it'd be a nice touch if all the weapons on the base were implied to have been manufactured by the UAC and, accordingly, bear their insignia.

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I have this strange feeling that the chainsaw will be the funnest weapon in doom3. It's just a hunch, but the mroe I imagine it the more giddy I get.

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chilvence said:

Id be hurt if there was a new double barrel shotgun and it was futuristic. I want it to be a relic like it was before.

I on the other hand would be disappointed if it WAS a relic - that would be kinda ridiculous. I mean, what good would a relic do on a Martian base in the year 2145? A relic belongs in a museum, not a space station.

I would, however, prefer that it had some sort of break-barrel reload mechanism - not necessarily like the old one, for that wouldn't make sense, but something that makes sense.

Like having it containing eight shells and when it runs out of these, you'll have to break the barrels and insert shells into it.

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nxn said:

I have this strange feeling that the chainsaw will be the funnest weapon in doom3. It's just a hunch, but the mroe I imagine it the more giddy I get.

Makes me wonder if the zombies will make a funny face or writher in pain when you stab the chainsaw into it.

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a tator tot gun and a water baloon launcher.... NOT!!
I wish they would make a quad barrel shotgun, for cleaning out big rooms of guys, it also is more realistic then the BFG...

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I think a flame-thrower is doable. That's fairly high-tech. Though it could be argued that demons are resistant to fire, considering they're born from a Lake 'O' Fire (TM). As for the crazy shotgun dilemma, why not just make an auto-shotgun with 4 rotating barrels and semi-automatic firing? That'd be fairly satisfying. And there could be an alt fire where it fires as many shells as you've got loaded in there. I say that because you could interrupt the reloading in HL, so you can have anywhere between 1-4 shells in the chamber.

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Vulg@r said:

I think a flame-thrower is doable. That's fairly high-tech. Though it could be argued that demons are resistant to fire, considering they're born from a Lake 'O' Fire (TM). As for the crazy shotgun dilemma, why not just make an auto-shotgun with 4 rotating barrels and semi-automatic firing? That'd be fairly satisfying. And there could be an alt fire where it fires as many shells as you've got loaded in there. I say that because you could interrupt the reloading in HL, so you can have anywhere between 1-4 shells in the chamber.

Well, imps can harm other demons with their fireballs, the mancubus can harm other demons with his flamethrowers - I think it'd be fine if they included a flamethrower and made some demons more resistent towards it (some would be immune - just like Venom Soldiers and Proto/super soldiers are immune to the flamethrower in RtCE).

Fuck that shotgun idea - Doom 3 needs only two shotguns: The single barrel and the double barrel so fuck off with those lame Quadro-mega-ultra shotguns, because they would just be stupid, period. You should rather try and think up some interesting energy cell spending weapons, or some sort of smart mines.

And I repeat to enlighten those who missed it last time around: There will be no alt fire in Doom 3 - that's official. It's all in the PC gamer mag article.

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dsm said:

And I repeat to enlighten those who missed it last time around: There will be no alt fire in Doom 3 - that's official. It's all in the PC gamer mag article.

Which means that the sniper rifle won't be included (unless id decides to have a zoom in function that only works with the sniper rifle, but it's highly unlikely and not really necessary).

Oh well. That's the doom spirit that we know and love.

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dsm said:

DSM's smackdown of Vulg@r

Oh...you rained on my parade. Hm. Better cell weapons? It's so hard to one-up the plasma rifle. And I'm sure as hell not advocating that soul weapon (of course it is possible it's just a powerup). As for your refutation of the flamethrower, well, IMO, there's a world of difference between flaming petrol and demon fire. : /

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I'll tell ya what, find me a weapon that's more fun to use than a flame thrower? Who doesn't love the idea of setting things on fire and watching them run around screaming. It's the coolest fuckin weapon ever invented.
I like dsm's idea of adding another energy weapon too, it'd seem to make it more balanced for the future, instead of having almost 10 weapons and only 2 high tech ones.

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The_Aeromaster said:

I like dsm's idea of adding another energy weapon too, it'd seem to make it more balanced for the future, instead of having almost 10 weapons and only 2 high tech ones.

Heh, well in theory, the rocket launcher is close to a high tech weapon, because of its rate of fire and because it can fire without a backblast, which is impossible to avoid nowadays.

But I understand what you mean.

But then again, I deeply favour a flamethrower as a new weapon. Except for RtCW, id has never used on in any of their games.


1. Fist/chainsaw
2. Pistol
3. Shotgun/Double barrel shotgun
4. Machinegun
5. Chaingun
6. Grenades (either gren launcher or hand grenades)
7. Rocket launcher
8. Plasma rifle (it's also possible that the PR is 9 and the FT is 8)
9. Flamethrower (see contents in brackets just above this line)
0. BFG 9000

It doesn't seem too likely that there's gonna be room for some new energy weapons if they include the flamer, unless they add more "weapon classes" than no. 1. and no. 3.

As for your refutation of the flamethrower, well, IMO, there's a world of difference between flaming petrol and demon fire. : /

Who says the flamethrower is gonna use flaming petrol as ammo? This is the future dude, you'd think they wouldn't come up with some sort of fuel that is a little more handy and efficient.

Besides, the mancubus does not use "demon fire" but fire from man-invented flamethrowers.

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Yeah, true enough. Though I'm at a loss for reasoning for a futuristic flame thrower. Any ideas, DSM, or anyone else?

::EDIT:: "Besides, the mancubus does not use "demon fire" but fire from man-invented flamethrowers."

I think that during the process of attachment, the man-made weapons were twisted in a demonic fashion. It's an arguable stance.

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dsm said:

Heh, well in theory, the rocket launcher is close to a high tech weapon, because of its rate of fire and because it can fire without a backblast, which is impossible to avoid nowadays.

But I understand what you mean.

But then again, I deeply favour a flamethrower as a new weapon. Except for RtCW, id has never used on in any of their games.


1. Fist/chainsaw
2. Pistol
3. Shotgun/Double barrel shotgun
4. Machinegun
5. Chaingun
6. Grenades (either gren launcher or hand grenades)
7. Rocket launcher
8. Plasma rifle (it's also possible that the PR is 9 and the FT is 8)
9. Flamethrower (see contents in brackets just above this line)
0. BFG 9000

It doesn't seem too likely that there's gonna be room for some new energy weapons if they include the flamer, unless they add more "weapon classes" than no. 1. and no. 3.

Who says the flamethrower is gonna use flaming petrol as ammo? This is the future dude, you'd think they wouldn't come up with some sort of fuel that is a little more handy and efficient.

Besides, the mancubus does not use "demon fire" but fire from man-invented flamethrowers.

1. Fists / Chanisaw
2. Pistol / Energy-Type Handgun (ETH)
3. teh shotguns
4. chaingun / machinegun
5. Rocketlauncher / Grenadelauncher
6. Plasmarifle / Flamethrower
7. BFG9k
G. Grenades (toggles between regular and napalm)

This would be quite cool.

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