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HELP WANTED : seeking basic gimp or photoshop skills

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Hello , I am working on a weapon pack based off of the 1997 game blood. The mod is about 95% done , This mod is an extension of project reblood but adds more weapons and makes it compatible with vanilla doom plus. I just need someone who can crop calebs hand over x weapons and color existing ones. I have a folder full of source material so you never need to draw anything from scratch. If you are into steam punk weapons or occultic weapons or old weapons you may find this project fun. 

Here is some weapons I currently have , m1 garand , trench gun, explosive remote crossbow, metal yo-yo , necronomicon , demonic railgun, 1950s era raygun. and others.  Only new weapons I might add is a vampiric knife or harpoon gun. All the weapons are coded to work fine but 5 or 6 need to have sprites edited. Your name will be added to the credits of my mod obviously. 

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Instead of that explanation, you can add some cool screens or videocapture, then ask if someone like paticipate (people needs see something man, if not, people will say nothing)


I will provide help depending on my own disponivility you know 🙃

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