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Ultrakill style kill messages... A sequel to that pointless post I made about hudmessage...

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Hey guys...


How do I make ultrakill style kill messages that appear when you kill enemies?.


Here's how I want it to go:


1. You kill an enemy and a message appears on your screen depending on what damage type is inflicted on the enemy (death by pistol = "+KILL", death by chaingun = "+PERFORATED", etc...).


2. The message or popup disappears after about 2 seconds after being on screen, no fade out, just normal.



3. They are set in a custom font (Regular hudmessage doesn't work for me, but hudmessagebold works for some reason...).



4. The popups are set for each monster and any popups that appear will appear below existing messages...

For example:


5. There would be a custom cvar or option to disable these if it gets too much (OPTIONAL).







+G L O R I O U S

+G L O R I O U S




If anyone would like to help me out with all this, feel free to do so...



Edited by DELTA256

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