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A few single level Doom 2 wads

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Very nice map - after my last experience with your maps I expected overwhelming oppression but this was more friendly - still had a big bite to it I died here and there lol - but I love the design, impressive for quick build - good times


(wait longer for HD still processing)



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It seemed a bit like you were throwing areas together in your first set but here, architecture is presented quite naturally and each area complements each other well. I really liked all the bloody touches at certain locations in the wooden rooms. Also like how you can still throw in a nasty ambush now and then. The Arch-vile that appears when you get the red key is quite the nasty shock, ngl.


And thanks for mentioning me!

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@Clippy and @Biodegradable thanks for the videos :) I really enjoyed them both. I appreciate you guys taking the time to record these. I know you both play a lot of different wads. I laughed when you both called out the ending trap! I guess this map was pretty easy and predictable overall, but I didn't want to go all out crazy with the traps like my other maps. Just a nice, easy going level with way too many secrets for how small it is haha.


@Kor Thanks for playing!


@LadyMistDragon Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad you liked the overall look of the map. This was kind of a speedmap for me, so I know the detail isn't all that great for a modern map. I still wanted it to look good, but didn't want to spend a lot of time detailing (I also want to work on making maps vanilla compatible). 

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Nice level. Liked the hellish theme. Sky and music is nice too. Gameplay seemed too hard to me, but it's because i haven't slept well before. I should replay this level somwhen later.
Style reminded me works of  Pablo Dictter.(AV map21, hatomo battles the yomi demons) Which is good. 
Thanks for making this level. Looking forward for your future works.

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Wow I really liked this level!  Very polished gameplay and visual design.  For me on UV it put me in some difficult positions, especially at the start, but was able to just scrape by, so difficulty was an enjoyable challenge.  Very tight, intricate layouts brimming with secrets that also weren't that hard to spot so I was able to 100% this, but they felt rewarding.  Really great work!



Edited by sandwedge

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@Chainie Thanks for playing the map! Sorry if the difficulty was a little off. This is the fastest map I've made by a wide margin (I'm trying to get a little quicker/more efficient with map making as it takes me ages to finish anything), so I didn't spend as much time as I normally would trying to get the balance right.


@sandwedge Thanks for the Video! I know like Clippy and Biodegradable you play a shitload of wads, so thanks for taking the time to record this and give some feedback as well :)

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Very fun and compact level! Great aesthetics and lighting, and I'd consider it to be in a nice goldilocks zone of difficulty. Finished in ~11 & 1/2 minutes on UV with all secrets.


Now for 2 very tiny nitpicks:


- In the blue key door room with the specters, the rockets in the alcoves closest to the door can be somewhat difficult to grab (at least in PrBoom+, I didn't test this in other ports)

- The monster closets are visible in the automap, as the outside linedefs aren't shown as one-sided


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This bite-sized, traditionalist, tight-yet-not-claustrophobic design is exactly what I wanted to be playing today! I adore maps like this: ones that aren't too cryptic, but you still feel like you're unlocking the pathway; with plenty of secrets to uncover that are likewise just there for the observant player (no wall-humping required), and little peeks into potential avenues that you've yet to access. The detailing matches everything about that design, too - quietly intricate. It's just a delightful little blood-soaked septic tank to explore.


I also really enjoyed the roster switch-ups between HNTR and HMP, so I'm looking forward to revisiting it on UV.


3 hours ago, Gothic Box said:
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the rockets in the alcoves closest to the door can be somewhat difficult to grab (at least in PrBoom+, I didn't test this in other ports)



I had trouble with that in both GZDoom 4.7.0 and dsda-doom, moreso the former. It's a super, super tiny quibble, but I'm glad you mentioned it, because I thought I was going mad!


On 7/11/2022 at 11:16 AM, Chainie said:

Style reminded me works of  Pablo Dictter.(AV map21, hatomo battles the yomi demons)


I just watched a couple of vids on Hatomo and I gotta say that's a really great comparison, giving me something in a similar style for the rest of the afternoon - thanks!

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completed playing this in uv earlier today. this is fine map, with some memorable nasty traps. many thanks for the awesome experience playing it. really enjoyed it :)

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@Gothic Box, Thank you for your feedback and taking the time to play this :) I tried to not go more subtle with detailing to stay within vanilla limits, so I'm glad it still looks alright. 


I've implemented some of these suggestions, and updated the ZIP in the main post (moved the rockets so they're easier to bump grab, removed the pillars that stick out in starting room as Clippy got stuck on them in his video, fixed a monster blocking issue with a teleporter also from Clippy's video, as well as some minor detailing/monster changes).


@Daytime Waitress Thanks for playing, as well as your mini-review :) Calling it a "delightful little blood-soaked septic tank" made me burst out laughing! Also, thanks for checking out the other difficulties as well. I didn't spend a huge amount of time testing the other difficulties, so I'm glad they seem to work out pretty good.


@Delisk Nice video! Thanks for playing :) The mod setup your using seems like it really amps up the difficulty, so nice job getting through it!


@rita remton Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for trying it out :)

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Really good, especially considering how long it took to make and test. I enjoyed the gotcha moments and the midi is a great fit

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Sorry for the double post, but I decided to repurpose this thread to a place where I can post my short, single level wads. I figured it probably isn't worth creating a new thread for every little map.


Anyways I added a new map, Crushed & Maimed, to the OP.

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I guess I'm just a big silly goose, because I waltzed into a map with "crushed" in the title and didn't anticipate


irreparable hearing damage.


Typically I have zero patience for crusher mazes, but that was a fun little diversion from the rest of the map - you provided plenty of mitigation, but it still stayed true to the central theme of hitting the player from absolutely every angle at all times.


I really enjoyed the red-key area: the map finally felt like it was going to be less claustrophobic, but I was still inching my way forward due to the light level. The only knock I could give it was that it can be a bit easy to back up and cheese that area's entrance, especially the tomatoes, but I dunno if that's just my playstyle, or if a lock-in could be a workaround.



Once I hit the exit, I felt that the finale was a little bit anti-climatic (HMP, btw). But after mulling it over while writing my thoughts down, it was already a harrowing trek, and sometimes it is nice to not end with a 1000 monster massacre.


I also really liked the little visual touches, such as the fireblu seam for the soulsphere trigger: even if in this case it was pretty obvious, I love little pointers like this so the player's not wondering what the heck that sound indicates.


I can't say I enjoyed it as much as PSP, but I definitely did like it; and more than that, I think you absolutely nailed the relentless, oppressive atmosphere. Are you working towards an episode/megawad with these?

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Demo of Crushed and Mamed, recorded DSDA Doom, complevel 2 The Megaarmor secret eluded me, but I did like the one with the rocket boxes. Contrary to appearances, I died a few times at the YK trap, that was so sneaky!


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  • 2 months later...

Sorry @Daytime Waitress and @LadyMistDragon for not responding earlier. I was away for a while, and I kind of forgot about this thread...whoops. You're feedback and demos are always helpful, so thank you for taking the time to do that. I appreciate it.


On 7/29/2022 at 11:21 PM, Daytime Waitress said:

I really enjoyed the red-key area: the map finally felt like it was going to be less claustrophobic, but I was still inching my way forward due to the light level. The only knock I could give it was that it can be a bit easy to back up and cheese that area's entrance, especially the tomatoes, but I dunno if that's just my playstyle, or if a lock-in could be a workaround.


It's always tricky for me to know how far to go with traps and whatnot. I never quite know what people are going to like, so sometimes I've just got to play it safe, and let people cheese it once and a while haha.


On 7/31/2022 at 6:25 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

YK trap, that was so sneaky!


Haha yeah, I'm glad that trap worked out. The Pain elemental that spawns in behind is probably the most annoying part of that trap for me.


Oh, and I added a new map to the OP, Suppression.



It's more of a techbase style map (with an open outdoor section). Fairly challenging (for me at least), and a handful of nasty traps, so I would stick to using saves for a blind run.

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@LadyMistDragon Thanks for the demo:) I just finished watching it. Nice job! You did great finding the secrets as well. 


Yeah, the outdoor area is pretty tough, especially on a blind run. I may have to change up the switches to raise the bridges, as they're kind of small and hard to notice. I usually just grab the invuln and go to town, cleaning out as many enemies as possible with the RL, as well as raising the bridges as it opens the level movement wise ( and is necessary for progression).


I also noticed as few texture alignment issues, as well as a teleport trap that didn't activate (Teleport destination was set to hard only), so yeah, this demo was very helpful. I'm going to fix the issues and reupload)


Thanks again!

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Pea Soup Peril has been a very enjoyable experience, thank you. I'll confess that I played it in a less than orthodox fashion, with the GZDoom mod Hideous Destructor. A few challenging points, but nothing over the top or insurmountable.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for the double post but I added a new map, Backwater Station to the OP.





It's been while since I did any Doom mapping, so this is just a quick one to get me back into the swing of things. It's a techbase style map mainly focused on combat, but there is some light exploration/non-linearity as well.

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