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What's a movie you watch that's objectively awful, but you enjoy anyway cus of how terrible it is?

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For me it's those animated films from Video Brinquedo that are basically just poorly made bootlegged knockoffs of Disney/Pixar films.

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Is that not a movie but hunt down the freeman cutscene was so bad that make hilarious.

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Not The Greasy Strangler. That's the most cursed movie known to man. But there was this one called King of the Ants that had some seriously wooden dialogue and cringy acting and people being stupid but seeing the bad guys get taken down in flames (literally in one or two cases) was funny


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Ninja Terminator, the action is both terrible and hilarious at the same time. Also Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, the title itself makes me laugh.

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Batman & Robin, but I actually really like that movie too. I’m a big Batman fan anyways though. The speech Batman gives to Freeze at the end is one of my favorite Batman moments. 

George Clooney apologizes for this movie but I never thought his performance was that bad. The movie wasn’t what people were wanting, but for someone like me who’s been a fan of Batman for a long time, before Batman 1989 was even a thing, I always enjoyed it. Seeing multiple versions of Batman (played by different actors too) on screen has never felt weird to me because the comics have always been like that. There’s multiple continuities and variants of Batman that the films can only touch the surface of. 

Movies tend to be made for the mainstream, not the diehard fans, but in Batman & Robins case, it got far more right as far as comic book connectivity goes than a lot of the other Batman films. Batman doesn’t kill in this film. Batman wants to rehabilitate his villains, Robin actually exists, even Batgirl, and Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend Julie Madison is even in this movie! That’s his very first lover in Batman history, and so far the only woman he’s been involved with who never found out about him being Batman. 

Now sure, it did get some stuff wrong, namely Bane being a brainless brute who does Ivy’s bidding. Should’ve gone with Killer Croc for that instead. Bane is a much more interesting character than he’s shown here, or having Batgirl somehow be related to Alfred’s family is kind of strange too, but my point still stands. As someone who is a big fan of the comics; this movie really was fun for me. 

Edited by 7Mahonin

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House of the Dead


Hawk the Slayer


Prisoners of the Lost Universe


Hard Ticket to Hawaii




and many more

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Star Wars: Holiday Special, it's kinda boring at times but, every scene with the Wookie family, the Life Festival (Wookies in red robes snarling and roaring rhythmically as if they were chanting), Carrie Fisher being so high her eyes look like they point in opposite directions and she doesn't even know where she's standing at, and some Harvey Korman scenes always makes me laugh.


Wizards (1977): It's a bizarre abimated film about a conflict that takes place 1 million years after a nuclear holocaust. It's about a war between the mutant descendants of humanity and the mythical creatures that reclaimed what's left of the Earth after humanity went extinct, each side is ruled by a wizard, Avatar for the fair folk, and Black Wolf for the mutants. The former represents nature, the latter represents technology. 


This movie i don't know whether it's actually bad or just very bizarre, but i enjoy how bonkers it is, especially how the bad wizard uses an enchanted movie projector to cast a film on the entire sky about Nazi Germany propaganda, military parades, stuka bombings, and Hitler screaming at the top of his lungs, just to demoralize, scare and disorient the fair folk army into disarray, while the mutants go apeshit about it, it's so fucking dumb.


Dungeons and Dragons: Jeremy Irons performance carries this awful movie.

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Jay and silent Bob strike back, I love Kevin Smith movies because their dumb but intelligent at the same time. That ones just dumb. I rewatched after reading the Chronic and Bluntman comics, and it's still dumb but it grew on me. Still not a blanket recommendation though, an acquired taste maybe.


Of course I also enjoy B-movie on purpose films like Army of Darkness, Planet Terror, Braindead, etc.

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The whole Paranormal Activity series. The Japanese one is particularly awful, and I love every minute of it. 

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  On 7/10/2022 at 12:35 AM, 7Mahonin said:

Batman & Robin, but I actually really like that movie too. I’m a big Batman fan anyways though. The speech Batman gives to Freeze at the end is one of my favorite Batman moments. 





A really underrated movie. People didn't get what director Joel Schumacher tried to do: to embrace the campiness from the Adam West Batman show and film (and some of the comics).


The sets are lavish, the action cartoony, the acting and one-liners are over the top. It's not a parody, but it is a B-movie, almost like a musical or Batman on ice.


Have fun with it. That's a point many people missed. Because it's not the Batman movie people expected or wanted. 

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It's an obvious pick, but The Room, written, directed, produced by, and starring Tommy Wiseau.


If you ever get a chance to watch this at a midnight screening, do it, and bring friends. It was the most fun I've ever had at the cinema. There's a bunch of rules and traditions when watching this atrocious film, and these really enhances the collective experience, like:


- tossing a ball around

- throwing plastic spoons at the screen

- yelling "focus" when the camera is unfocused

- yelling "unfocus" during the extended sex scenes

- yelling "meanwhile, in San Francisco" or "go! go! go!" during redundant establishing shots

- quoting the movie's terrible lines

- humming the Mission Impossible theme

- laughing Wiseau's weird, fake laugh at the most inappropriate moments


And many, many others


Anyway, how's your sex life?

Edited by Pistoolkip

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I don't tend to watch many, if any So Bad, It's Good! kind of films because I prefer to simply watch good stuff. However, I do have one that a mutual friend from my old forum introduced me to somewhere around 2017: The Treasure Planet. It's a 1982 animated film adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island from Bulgaria and it's so fucking stupid and cheaply animated, drawn in a very oddball, inconsistent and downright ugly art style and barely makes any coherent sense story-wise the entire time. There are so many dumb little moments thanks to its dialogue and janky animation that, if you really love out-of-context internet style humour or just enjoy weird stuff in general, you'll love this absurd little trainwreck. It really is an experience you have to see to believe and will render you completely bonkers.


Best of all, you can watch the whole thing right here on YouTube.



Edited by Biodegradable

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Most of the Godzilla franchise. Incidentally, Godzilla vs Megalon is one of the few I don’t really enjoy haha, but they’re good dumb fun.

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Every time I get an excuse to bring up After Last Season I will do it, honestly it's so poorly done and drab that it circles round and becomes an avant-garde comedy (it's supposed to be a murder mystery thriller, I think?).


The very definition of phoning it in, me thinks the actual millions that were pumped into this may have been embezzled.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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I don't know why people say "Prometheus" is bad. Ok maybe it breaks the lore in some places but i really enjoyed it.

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Middle-aged white guys dressed as ninjas in colorful costumes, and dubbed even more poorly.

Edited by Master O

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