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The Blood Ocean Outpost - Single DOOM II Map

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First time releasing a map outside of community projects, so it's not my first map and I knew what I was doing. I'm pretty happy with how this map turned out. Anyone who have beaten Plutonia can beat this map I think. It only uses stock Doom II textures.


Info on the map:

Game : Doom 2

Port : PrBoom+ (But It should work on pretty much every source port. PrBoom+ is just the one I tested the map on)

Map Format : Doom2 (limit-removing)

Maps : MAP01

Single Player : Designed for

Cooperative 2-4 Player : Not implemented

Difficulty Settings : Every Difficulty Implemented 

Jump : Not Allowed

Crouch : Not Allowed

Build Time : around 10 hours

Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade






The Map: TBOO.zip


Hope you like it and Have Fun!

(Feedback is also appreciated)

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ok well... i didnt have much fun, but heres why: your level design is perfect your texturing is perfect and i think everything is perfect visually. but then theres the monsters... oh boy, theres the monsters. everywhere i step its like: monster closet here monster trap there chaingunner here a million imps over there. i think its too much for uv (in my opinion) thank god the player gets the ssg but then they get stuck in like a 256x256 room with barons and imps with a rocket launcher and everywhere you shoot you just die from the explosion. i know im ranting but it overall wasnt fun for me... but i did love your level design! 4/10

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Well, I'll disagree with a guy above. I am a pretty casual Doom player myself(I usually play Valiant on HNTR), so after reading his comment I tried the map on HMP and thought it wasn't too bad in terms of difficulty, then replayed it on UV and found out that it is also totally managable when you know it's tricks and traps. After that I replayed it couple more times on UV, managed to beat it without saves(which isn't really my thing) and overall had a blast. A lot of cool fights and ambushes, good action from start to finish. Aesthetics of bloody tech-base are also cool.


There is one thing I find weird, though:


So in final fight(really chaotic and fun) there is a crusher to kill barons, right? But I found this out on one of my later playthroughs totally by accident, when everyone was already dead, and I was running around the map looking for secrets. Ok, I replayed the fight and as I understand now there is a certain line that activites the crusher when you pass it. That's great and knowing this made beating this fight even more fun, but I'm afraid many players may miss it on their playthrougs, so maybe some tip can be a good idea


Thanks for the map, great stuff

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Had fun with this one. Short and punchy. I'm not the best player and was able to 100% it on uv without too much trouble. Got the imp, knight, baron trap on my second attempt, the blue key room took me three or four tries and the last room took me several attempts thanks to the cacos blocking me from the mega. The only part I didn't care for much was honestly the first fight which just felt sort of haphazard to me. Good pacing, good design and good fights overall. 

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I really liked this map - it's got that aesthetic beauty of good vanilla maps. I thought the arachnotron up the stairs was a pretty nice touch. :) I also think the gameplay was well thought out here, ammo is sufficient and I just like the enemy placement. It overall just feels polished.

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Nice little map. I do have to admit, that there are a bit too many boxes of shells, I never needed to use any other weapon, except rocket launcher and plasma for some heavier fights. 

I do like that the fights encourage you to run through the monsters instead of staying where you are. It's a nice little map. To be honest I found this maps on par or easier than Doom II (I think i mentioned easier in video, but last fight changed my mind.)


@RedBoule Here is the video (Fully uploaded now):  



@doomer06  Tip for such maps: run up close an personal and shoot them in the face.

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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You sure love those chaingunners, don't you? This was so good, I can't even, honestly. I did rewind a lot in the last section, though I didn't know there were staris on the back of the Megasphere crate until I'd killed almost everything, nor that a crusher takes care of the Baron closet.


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nice short and punchy plutonia style map, lots of ambushes for those who like that style.  I enjoyed some of the cramped fights here with the rocket launcher.  reminds me of rockygaming's style.  keep it up!



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