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This was a really good one

I really like how your use of portal does not fell like just a gimmick, but a clever way to get a great layout.




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Pretty sweet map, Red. Really well made with cool detailing and more lovely use of your custom textures. Sorry I have no video for you, I neglected to hit the record button.

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8 hours ago, Delisk said:

This was a really good one

I really like how your use of portal does not fell like just a gimmick, but a clever way to get a great layout.




Hey, @Delisk Thank you so much for playing. Glad you like the map

6 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Pretty sweet map, Red. Really well made with cool detailing and more lovely use of your custom textures. Sorry I have no video for you, I neglected to hit the record button.


No problem man! I'm really glad you like it!

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18 hours ago, Clippy said:


Thank you so much @Clippy .
A really fun video, and a lot of notes to improve the map!

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Perhaps you should compile all your stand-alone WADs into a single set? It would probably help people like me easily access all of them in one sweep. If you'd like, I'd gladly help with that :)

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21 minutes ago, Sr_Ludicolo said:

Perhaps you should compile all your stand-alone WADs into a single set? It would probably help people like me easily access all of them in one sweep. If you'd like, I'd gladly help with that :)

Oh I'll do that.
I was waiting till have 10 maps.
Right now I have all in this folder if you want to check:

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This was an extremely fun map to play on stream!

I would say that for my skill level, UV was very easy for me... But that doesn't take away from the fact that the map was still fun!


I don't think I ever really got lost in the map... (I would asking players to turn off "overlay portals" in the automap settings of GZDoom, since that actually makes the automap useless with that setting on)


I'm very glad to see that you are using the UDMF map format to the fullest with 3D floors and scripting!


You can watch my playthrough below:




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On 7/19/2022 at 12:20 AM, RED77 said:

Oh I'll do that.
I was waiting till have 10 maps.
Right now I have all in this folder if you want to check:


Much appreciated. I had an absolute blast with INNARDS and have been a lazy bastard about going through the rest of your catalogue. I guess this new release is as good an excuse as any!

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5 hours ago, Arsinikk said:



This was an extremely fun map to play on stream!

I would say that for my skill level, UV was very easy for me... But that doesn't take away from the fact that the map was still fun!


I don't think I ever really got lost in the map... (I would asking players to turn off "overlay portals" in the automap settings of GZDoom, since that actually makes the automap useless with that setting on)


I'm very glad to see that you are using the UDMF map format to the fullest with 3D floors and scripting!


You can watch my playthrough below:





Thank you so much for all the feedback.
I'll make a new version for this map soon.
All that feedback was really usefull.

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2 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:


Much appreciated. I had an absolute blast with INNARDS and have been a lazy bastard about going through the rest of your catalogue. I guess this new release is as good an excuse as any!


Lol. No problem. I'll compile all of the maps in a single Wad soon.

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I really enjoyed INNARDS: you seemed to have a really solid foundation there, with lots of neat detailing and Doomcute ideas, and ways the level wrapped around on itself and opened up. It was compact, but felt whole, and was a whole lot of fun. And I was expecting more of the same here: a little bit more detailing, a slightly more complex map.


How did you improve so much as a mapper in such a short amount of time, Red?

The layout itself is obviously the star of the show. It's a sprawling behemoth, but you signpost almost everything so well that the player is never spending any time wondering where they should go next - rather, they're tossing up which paths to take, which is pretty much ideal. The unique ways in which the player gets shunted about to each new section, and the way those sections intersect with what's already been explored, makes the entire level feel simultaneously more open and more interconnected. It's complex enough to make the player take their hands off the mouse from time to time and just soak it all in, but never convoluted nor overstaying its welcome.


Then you've got the phenomenal attention to detail: it's never too ornate, nor does it get in the way of the gameplay. Each section feels like it belongs with all the others, but also has its own distinct personality, and that feeds back into the concept of helping the player navigate.


And on top of all that, you've got a bunch of advanced port features as icing on the cake. As I was taking on the revs and mancs in the "nukage pillars" area, I was reminded of shootouts amongst containment chambers in Ion Fury... and then you go and pull a Build on us with the security camera shenanigans! Again, wonderful little touches that give the stage so much personality.


The finale was definitely my favourite part, though. Not for the fight itself, though I thought that had enough neat tricks on HMP. No, I adored the ending because that moment where you crest the stairs and see the sky gave me the same thrill I got as when I played @Viggles' Brigandine, so many parts of @antares031's Antaresian Reliquary, and, for a more apt comparison with the sky-elevator, the end of Erebus Reactor in Dusk. The sheer awe of realising that the whole complex you've explored up until now, that whole adventure you've been on, everything you've endured, was just a minute part of something much bigger. And that's probably the only knock I can make against this map: it made me want to ride that elevator and explore this universe further right now.


This was a spectacular map, Red, so much so that it makes the already great INNARDS look positively embryonic: you can see each of the elements starting to take shape there, and fully come to fruition here. The phrase "take [something] to a whole new level" has been overused to the point of insignificance, but you really have taken your mapping to a whole new level in just a matter of months - masterful stuff.

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7 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:

I really enjoyed INNARDS: you seemed to have a really solid foundation there, with lots of neat detailing and Doomcute ideas, and ways the level wrapped around on itself and opened up. It was compact, but felt whole, and was a whole lot of fun. And I was expecting more of the same here: a little bit more detailing, a slightly more complex map.


How did you improve so much as a mapper in such a short amount of time, Red?

The layout itself is obviously the star of the show. It's a sprawling behemoth, but you signpost almost everything so well that the player is never spending any time wondering where they should go next - rather, they're tossing up which paths to take, which is pretty much ideal. The unique ways in which the player gets shunted about to each new section, and the way those sections intersect with what's already been explored, makes the entire level feel simultaneously more open and more interconnected. It's complex enough to make the player take their hands off the mouse from time to time and just soak it all in, but never convoluted nor overstaying its welcome.


Then you've got the phenomenal attention to detail: it's never too ornate, nor does it get in the way of the gameplay. Each section feels like it belongs with all the others, but also has its own distinct personality, and that feeds back into the concept of helping the player navigate.


And on top of all that, you've got a bunch of advanced port features as icing on the cake. As I was taking on the revs and mancs in the "nukage pillars" area, I was reminded of shootouts amongst containment chambers in Ion Fury... and then you go and pull a Build on us with the security camera shenanigans! Again, wonderful little touches that give the stage so much personality.


The finale was definitely my favourite part, though. Not for the fight itself, though I thought that had enough neat tricks on HMP. No, I adored the ending because that moment where you crest the stairs and see the sky gave me the same thrill I got as when I played @Viggles' Brigandine, so many parts of @antares031's Antaresian Reliquary, and, for a more apt comparison with the sky-elevator, the end of Erebus Reactor in Dusk. The sheer awe of realising that the whole complex you've explored up until now, that whole adventure you've been on, everything you've endured, was just a minute part of something much bigger. And that's probably the only knock I can make against this map: it made me want to ride that elevator and explore this universe further right now.


This was a spectacular map, Red, so much so that it makes the already great INNARDS look positively embryonic: you can see each of the elements starting to take shape there, and fully come to fruition here. The phrase "take [something] to a whole new level" has been overused to the point of insignificance, but you really have taken your mapping to a whole new level in just a matter of months - masterful stuff.

Wow, man! I'm really glad you like it that much.
I try to learn new things at every level and apply them in a creative way. There's a lot of road ahead, but I really appreciate that you enjoyed it!

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7 hours ago, Custom Longplay said:

Very nicely designed map with many enemies and I found the concept with the lift very well implemented!




Thank you so much for playing.
It's so weird, in a good way, to see the level with all those mods.

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Map played in GZDoom 4.8.2, UV level. I've never seen a multilayered map before, very inventive indeed. Difficulty is not very high (I died a few times, but I suck haha). At the last arena I had to chicken out downstairs to get some cover and buy time. I failed to get the last optional key, but again, I suck (and I tend to prefer short maps).


Great map, very classy, well finished, your work was worth it!


Edit: you could disable jumping and crouching in ZMAPINFO. I was able to jump and crouch during gameplay, although I respected the requirement to not use these maneuvers.

Edited by ARMCoder

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1 hour ago, ARMCoder said:

Map played in GZDoom 4.8.2, UV level. I've never seen a multilayered map before, very inventive indeed. Difficulty is not very high (I died a few times, but I suck haha). At the last arena I had to chicken out downstairs to get some cover and buy time. I failed to get the last optional key, but again, I suck (and I tend to prefer short maps).


Great map, very classy, well finished, your work was worth it!


Edit: you could disable jumping and crouching in ZMAPINFO. I was able to jump and crouch during gameplay, although I respected the requirement to not use these maneuvers.

Thank you so much for playing! I'll check the deactivation on ZMAPINFO next time! Thanks for the info. 

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Played on HMP, took 22 minutes to complete, got half the secrets (on the first run). Cool map!

One thing i've found while playing. I wanted to reach to the medkit up there but the terminal is surrounded by impassable lindefs so I had to circumvent it. I get that they're impassable so the player doesn't walk over them.




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16 minutes ago, Drywtler said:

Played on HMP, took 22 minutes to complete, got half the secrets (on the first run). Cool map!

One thing i've found while playing. I wanted to reach to the medkit up there but the terminal is surrounded by impassable lindefs so I had to circumvent it. I get that they're impassable so the player doesn't walk over them.

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Thank you so much for playing, and for the feedback! all the notes will be used on a new version for this map

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I played through your map and I gotta say it's literally one of the best maps I have ever played and it looks amazing. I did change the map number it was on to 5 since I didn't want to start a new game on my mod. Since your map was a single map I teleport back home instead of pulling the exit switch when I get there so I don't have the slot for map 6 taken when I load another single map later on. I also downloaded the song you linked but didn't use it in my recording but I did listen to it. It's in my playlist on foobar now.


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2 hours ago, Mercury Spade said:

I played through your map and I gotta say it's literally one of the best maps I have ever played and it looks amazing. I did change the map number it was on to 5 since I didn't want to start a new game on my mod. Since your map was a single map I teleport back home instead of pulling the exit switch when I get there so I don't have the slot for map 6 taken when I load another single map later on. I also downloaded the song you linked but didn't use it in my recording but I did listen to it. It's in my playlist on foobar now.


That's a big compliment! Thank you so much for playing. I'm so glad you like it!

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  • 5 months later...

Hey Guys! Since this was my most ambitious map this year I think There was a lot of room for improvement.
So I've decided to publish a second version




- General visual improvements
- Several texture changes

- Cleaner Automap
- Settings info

- RED AND YELLOW KEY FLOOR's fights were changed, especially the final fight.
- Presentation screen and logo
- Some FX added

- Lighting improved.


Download Here:



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v1 was a highlight for me this year - looking forward to cracking on with the enhanced edition.

Love the settings png, too - very cute touch!

Edited by Daytime Waitress

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11 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:

v1 was a highlight for me this year - looking forward to cracking on with the enhanced edition.

Love the settings png, too - very cute touch!


Thank you so much! it means a lot!

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