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DESTRUCTOGASM - now on ID Games🍗

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9 minutes ago, Soulless said:

Damn that was a hard map! The start was really spicy and I havent played any doom in a while so, lots of tries until I kinda got it figured out.

No issues with balance or any other stuff to adress, is one of those violent clippy maps, maybe smaller but that isnt a problem.

Cool secrets to make things more interesting (7/10). Thanks for the dose of doom mister.



Nice to hear from you buddy! 


Yeah I've been into spicy starts lately. It's all about getting the mega armor and trying to get those guns from those guys


I struggle with that fight too and miraculously I pulled it off in my reveal video above


I don't usually have the gumption to make big maps anymore but I'm happy to hear that there's no problems because I already sent it to idgames lol 


Glad you had fun!!🍗

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Hey Clippey, ive played your map on hurt me plenty and it was enough challenge for me lol. Pretty hard map, Died few times on the start & that ending? Gets me as always like damn that was unexpected, anyways textures and gameplay 10/10.. Sorry for no video this time :(

Enjoyed it, deadly as always :D


PS: have found 3 secrets 

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Clippy, thanks for the full reveal video. In my opinion you have a signature style of mapping, so it's always interesting to watch these and get some insight into how you go about things. Like the elevator section. When I was playing it, it never even crossed my mind all the things that when into making it work correctly. I tend to just focus purely on gameplay when I'm playing other peoples maps and not the technical side, so it was nice to see how it was done.



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Played it on UV. Phew, quite a ride, huh? I almost lost hope of finishing the map towards the end, what saved the day was that I found two secret areas with some so needed stuff! Needless to say that I died a ton of times!


Really fun map, congrats!

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@Pezl thanks for playing no worries about providing a video I'm just glad you had a good time. I was worried I may have made it too hard on hmp


@Lerxst_In_Wonderland I'm glad you liked the video. I like doing videos like these because people often have questions and I try to explain as much as I can while giving it one last play test before sending it off. As always I encourage people to run my map to an Editor to see how I did some things


@ARMCoder I'm happy to hear that you had a good time and that you found some helpful secrets. This map doesn't rely on secrets but it sure does help. I did make the ending quite extreme because I wanted the ending to always be accessible but encourage the player to find resources to take it on. 

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On 7/30/2022 at 12:26 AM, Mercury Spade said:

I played your map and recorded my first play through. I liked it a lot and it was very intense. It woke me up.



thanks - sorry only got around to seeing it now


honoured to be your first vid


also happy you spent time with my map - even tho I had no idea what was going sometimes lol - wacky fun stuff - thanks for sharing!!

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