unerxai Posted July 29, 2022 (edited) My favorite dream ever is probably the one where I was strafe-jumping through the world at like 200 km/h. Sometimes I have realistic dreams though, like I'm working somewhere and it all feels real and conscious. Edited July 29, 2022 by unerxai 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
nolongeramnion Posted July 30, 2022 (edited) [blanked] Edited November 29, 2023 by amnion 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
cracky-bracky Posted July 30, 2022 Unfortunately I don't remember 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Solmyr Posted July 30, 2022 (edited) Usually i tend to dream about wandering through an unfamiliar surreal city, mostly composed of low to mid raise buildings, a few houses here and there, rarely a mansion or a few skyscrappers, the latter tends to be far away in the background or it's the location where part of the dream takes place and it's an impossibly tall structure often reaching near the edge of outer space. The other buildings tend to look off as well, some have windows but no doors, others are the opposite, but only have one door, some others have stores in them, some of wich are regular stores with somewhat readable signs outside or abandoned stores with weird unreadable mush of colors signs, sometimes these stores are bigger on the inside, sometimes they look like a videogame texture pasted onto the building, these stores oftentimes are right next to or facing each. Other building types are mid raises with no doors but a surrounding staircase that leads to the entrance on the rooftop, a massive unidentified building wich has a street tunnel that usually leads to a series of hallways and sometimes sewers, underground apartments which can only be entered through an air well, on the inside these apartments have no windows on most floors and those that do, either led to a completely different outside area within the city or lead to another air well. These cities are either completely abandoned or have very few people, with most streets empty and some bustling with cars, vans, bus, trucks and an ocasional tram train. The people there either look normal but somewhat blurry like they are seen through an unfocused lens, other people are straight up shadows. I go through different situations in these dreams, sometimes i try to get to a location which i don't know of but feel have to be there either by foot or on a vehicle like a car, a bus or something weird like a motorized hovering couch, some other times i just wander around aimlessly, and the last scenario involves getting chased by something, an angry mob, thugs, lions, or a monster. The only monster i remember because it's recurring, is a being that looks like a Silent Hill version of Nemesis from Resident Evil 3, a portly towering humanoid that looks fat and muscular, his oversized head was covered by a trash bag, he's wearing a black leather apron, his body is wraped in white bandages and chains with several big meat hooks piercing his gut and another one at the end of a chain that's hanging from one of his arms and has a still living kid torso dangling from it. This monster is also carrying a bloodstained meat cleaver on his right hand, he doesn't run but walks as fast as a sprint, nor does he make any noise aside from heavy footsteps which sounds like someone's nailing a hammer to a wall but much louder and, from a nightmare figment i recall, he banged a metal door so loud it sounded like he was punching holes through it. Edited July 30, 2022 by Solmyr 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
BigBoy91 Posted July 30, 2022 I had a dream last night that I got banned from here for saying a slur while under the influence. I actually woke up and checked because it felt so real. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Majin Posted July 30, 2022 i had a dream where i was on a date. i was in the passenger side of the car while they drove, after driving for a while the car thuds & i become worried that they hit a pedestrian on accident. i asked for them to stop the car but they insisted nothing was wrong & actually drove backwards with more thuds hitting the car. i got out immediately & i saw a heaping pile of flesh that was crushed under the car, screaming in agony as everyone comes to watch & blame it on me as my former date drives off laughing, never to be seen again. little unsettling 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
heliumlamb Posted July 31, 2022 (edited) 4 hours ago, Majin said: i had a dream where i was on a date. i was in the passenger side of the car while they drove, after driving for a while the car thuds & i become worried that they hit a pedestrian on accident. i asked for them to stop the car but they insisted nothing was wrong & actually drove backwards with more thuds hitting the car. i got out immediately & i saw a heaping pile of flesh that was crushed under the car, screaming in agony as everyone comes to watch & blame it on me as my former date drives off laughing, never to be seen again. little unsettling automobiles absolutely never work as one would expect in dreams, either as passenger or pilot. the most "normal" vehicle ive ever had to drive in a dream was a 90s general motors 1500 pickup truck, a vehicle that despite seeing thousands upon thousands of those in my lifetime, i have never driven one for more than 2 minutes at a time. it was as one would expect but it had a 6 speed manual on the column instead of a 5 on the floor? as far as dream automobiles go, that one functioned without any difficulty, not even grinding the gears. drove perfectly. another dream car includes: a 80-90s sedan sludge box, like a chrysler lebaron and chevy lumina at the same time. it was automatic because of course it would be. i had to to down under the dash under the passenger side to release the parking brake, which had the car start moving forward slowly despite not being in N or D. quickly i had to jump into the rear seat's driver side, where the brake and acceleration pedals were under the front seat. i had to move the seat as forward as possible to be able to reach around the seat to grab the steering wheel. Edited July 31, 2022 by heliumlamb spelling 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Majin Posted July 31, 2022 1 hour ago, heliumlamb said: automobiles absolutely never work as one would expect in dreams, either as passenger or pilot. the most "normal" vehicle ive ever had to drive in a dream was a 90s general motors 1500 pickup truck, a vehicle that despite seeing thousands upon thousands of those in my lifetime, i have never driven one for more than 2 minutes at a time. it was as one would expect but it had a 6 speed manual on the column instead of a 5 on the floor? as far as dream automobiles go, that one functioned without any difficulty, not even grinding the gears. drove perfectly. another dream car includes: a 80-90s sedan sludge box, like a chrysler lebaron and chevy lumina at the same time. it was automatic because of course it would be. i had to to down under the dash under the passenger side to release the parking brake, which had the car start moving forward slowly despite not being in N or D. quickly i had to jump into the rear seat's driver side, where the brake and acceleration pedals were under the front seat. i had to move the seat as forward as possible to be able to reach around the seat to grab the steering wheel. i don't recall much dreams with vehicles but the few i remember always lacked the fundamental element of movement. in my said dream, i never saw anything outside the car, the windows were completely black & opaque. i imagined myself to be moving but there was no evidence of this besides the sounds. our dreams are is the result of the subconscious clumping fragments of memories into a story, but without the conscious mind it lacks cohesion. if we could take a picture of what a dream looks like, i imagine it would look like this ai generated photo in which everything looks familiar but unrecognizable. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Taw Tu'lki Posted August 3, 2022 (edited) I dreamed that I decided to do one wad. I mean, make wads according to the first DooM. I used an old PC, took Doombuilder, and the first thing I decided to do was pull resources out of one mod. I wanted to make a mod where everything happens in a hospital. I pull out. I'm looking at textures. On one of them I see a big doomer, on the other - some text in Russian. And then I don't remember anything. No, further I find myself on the bank of the river, I see an island, there someone is using a buoy for ignition. Edited August 3, 2022 by Taw Tu'lki 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
OniriA Posted August 3, 2022 2 hours ago, Taw Tu'lki said: I dreamed that I decided to do moderation. I mean, make mods for Doom. Wait, are you telling me you didn't dream about waifus? Spoiler 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mr. Freeze Posted August 3, 2022 Actual footage of my dreams (not fake) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
nolongeramnion Posted August 3, 2022 (edited) [blanked] Edited November 29, 2023 by amnion 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Stupid Bunny Posted August 4, 2022 I had a dream where I was going to fight the Icon of Sin, except when I arrived the chamber was under bright fluorescent lights and the floors covered with some kind of tacky gold ceramic tiles. It felt like the inside of a public bathroom, especially with sewage flowing out of the middle of the room. The space was completely silent. As it started spitting cubes—with a sound much more dull and decrepit than the one we all know—images and people from my own past started to spawn in. Its unclear to me know if it was showing me my future, or rather if I was dead and it was showing me my whole life. As the images progressed everything fell apart, I disappointed everyone I know, failed in my relationships and everything else I endeavored, and ended my life alone, collapsed in a park somewhere. Images of my own failure are (understandably) a fixture of a lot of my dreams but it’s surreal to have the Icon of Sin feeding them to me. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maribo Posted August 5, 2022 When I was like... 7 or 8 years old, I had a dream that I was in my grandparents' yard, with this snowman. It was summer in the dream, so this snowman was rapidly melting in front of me, and I was desperately trying to put it back together, begging other people outside to help me, but no one would. I'm 23 now, and that's probably the oldest dream that I still remember clearly. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
heliumlamb Posted August 7, 2022 (edited) i thought i was going to be dreamless for a bit, 1 week ago i was rolling around in bed, awake going "help i'm turning into a gen x'er" (context: i am younger than doom but older than doom 2 and have had the most gray hair of anyone i else know and have met that is my age for the past 15 years). i guess its just one of the ways my brain is starting to deal with its ever-developing understanding of the aging process. but last night i might have had my first pleasant dream in 8-9 months? i just had a dream where i was eating some Not Incredibly Sweet chocolate pastry, like it was like one layer semisweet bread and another dark chocolate goo (let's say about 70% cocoa?), rolled up into a rope that has been cut so each pastry is like a little tube with a swirl of a 70% cocoa goo. i had initially viciously tore the top off of the package and threw it onto the floor but at one point i had realized it was made of the same semisweet pastry as the rest of the bag itself, so i went over and picked it up off of the floor to eat it. end. needed to hydrate, arisen with Velcro™Mouth. Edited August 7, 2022 by heliumlamb clarity, two words added, none removed 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
out_of_service Posted August 7, 2022 (edited) What happened in my recent dream is that I woke up on the floor of a hospital with no memory of how or why I'm there. What happens next is that I explore the hospital looking for someone to help me but as it turns out nobody is around. It was as if everyone just got up and left for bingo. They didn't even take their belongings or anything as I saw bags and jackets still resting on chairs in waiting rooms etc. Next I step out into the chill night air and hear the distant rumble of thunder somewhere on the horizon. I pick up the faint aroma of ozone in the air. I decide to take a stroll through the streets. There are vehicles on the road, left running, seemingly abandoned by their owners. Stores and offices remain unlocked with lights still on etc. After walking for quite sometime I wander off onto a side path leading to some apartment buildings. Just like everywhere else there are lights on, but this time, I see shapes of people standing in all of the windows. They're seemingly pressed up right against the glass watching me. Their faces are all messed up and distorted like incomplete AI generated images or melted wax. I panic and flee in terror. That's when I wake up! Edited August 7, 2022 by Piper Maru 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
lokbustam257 Posted August 7, 2022 last night, all I saw was a black screen 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kor Posted August 7, 2022 One time I had a dream I was in a karate fight with Jon Lovitz. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Thelokk Posted August 22, 2022 I had to dive through a tunnel inside an abandoned, flooded skyscraper, but I had this wad of cash in my hands and had no idea how to keep it dry. Used to dream all kinds of bizzarre, outlandish stuff until I began waged work, after which it was all stacking boxes endlessly or showing up at work with no pants, your average wagie dreams. Really hoping my last few dreams signal a return to form. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hawk of The Crystals Posted August 22, 2022 Had dream in which I was dragged out of my house late at night, my attackers then started to spit on me while telling me to squeal like a pig, after that they kicked me around like how a cat exhausts its prey. Once they were done, they tore my clothes off and stuffed me into their trunk and drove to a desert somewhere. As they drove, they blared "little girls" by oingo boingo on the car radio. Finally we arrived at the desert; let's just say that the duo did unspeakable things to me once they got me out of the trunk. Why the fuck I even dreamt of this is beyond me, but eh. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SplinkWizard Posted August 22, 2022 Had an awesome dream last night. So there is an element that is capable of rapidly decomposing organic matter, but it can also revive the dead. This element became highly controlled, the element is highly sought after due to how useful it can be. So a bunch of miners went into a cave and an explosion kills them all. The explosion exposes their skeletons to the element and they come back to life knowing they hit jackpot. So years later, there is a huge surge in this element and I am an undercover cop trying to find the people who are parceling this stuff out. I'm working on this case with someone else and the guy we are talking to snitches on us. My buddy chases after the snitch while I take a small guy hostage. I take out my pistol and a bunch of thugs kick down a door, I am standing on the side and take out the first few that come through. Everyone is waiting on the other side of that door. I take the midgets pistol and go guns akimbo on these thugs. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Azuris Posted August 22, 2022 A friend told me about a book he had, that discribed how you can learn to control a dream. Well, only by telling me that i've tried to learn that haha. Yes, it worked, but it is hard to stay at that state, because if you are mentaly to much awake, you wake up. So i remember a few bad dreams i could end being bad because of that. In one i was hunted by a group of people, at a certain moment i realized i was dreaming and i just stoped running away, i turned to another direction and just walked away from the trouble. Than i reimagined to have wings, as i head a dream before and tried to fly around. To fly around was never so easy, i had to run a while and than jump with full power. Dream logic. In another dream a guy was fighing me all the time, i couldn't win against him. When i realizided i was dreaming, i've got pyromatic powers. I was able to throw fire balls or to point someting and let it burn. So searched that guy, but he was gone. I also accomplished to get into that weird hypnotic trance State a couple of times. I was just on my bed in the middle of the day and stared on the wall. Than the walls felt apart and the bed was flying away. I was flying around in a weird dark world, with strange creatures and mushroom like trees. Every time i got more "awake" the bed started crashing and i woke up shocked because i was falling, my poor heart :D One of my coolest normal dreams was a mix of Starcraft, Unreal and a typical nuclear Apocalypse. When i hit puberty i got so many bad dreams, i used my pure willpower to stop dreaming at all. I had absolutly no dreames for over ten years, nowadays i have very rarely one. Btw. dreams prepare you about situations that are not as common in your life, so if such situations would happen, you would be mentally prepared because of the dream. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Remilia Scarlet Posted August 23, 2022 Earlier I had a dream where my mom asked me to teach her how to use a new pistol she got "on clearance" since I've shot guns before. She was planning to shoot a tornado that was likely coming for our house. The pistol had a removable backside that, when removed, revealed a slide-out tray like on staplers that you loaded bullets onto. It also had a socket set hidden in it for some reason. I found this more strange than shooting a tornado with a pistol for some reason. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Daytime Waitress Posted August 23, 2022 Sounds like she got a bargain, to be honest. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
FreazyWarr Posted August 24, 2022 I dreamed I worked in a book store and had my own place to live. For a few moments, I was happy. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Rudolph Posted August 28, 2022 (edited) Last night, I had a surprisingly detailed dream of a modern-day Duke Nukem game that begins in a large conference room where Duke Nukem is showing off at an event where he taunts fights aliens and demons on a ring using his trademark arsenal, but also Doom and even Serious Sam weapons (notably a chainsaw, which he uses to mess with an Arch-Vile by cutting off its limbs one at a time). Of course, as he grows more and more complacent, he orders that ten Arch-Viles be beamed into the ring, which obviously backfires when he realizes that he is out of ammo (except for his golden pistol, which has infinite ammo, but is useless in this situation). At first, he tries to play it cool by assuring the crowd and himself that there is nothing to worry about, since Arch-Viles are only dangerous when there are monster corpses around... By the time it dawns on him that the ring is littered with monster corpses, the Arch-Viles turn their attention to him and he starts running away in panic while the crowd flees in terror; he gets cornered by the Arch-Viles as he reaches the exit door, but manages to distract them all by throwing one of his shoes at the floor - which creates a Holo-Duke. As he flees through the compound, he gets a call from General Graves who asks him why there are hostiles all over the place and starts yelling at him when an embarrassed Duke nervously admits to being the cause. Graves then tells him that the Arch-Viles are headed through a portal to revive the Icon of Sin. Duke decides to go after them. As he moves through a series of empty, bland concrete corridors, he laments the fact that he has spent HALF his LIFE (sic) running through these. But as he runs through the complex, he bumps into the Cortana hologram, who shows up to give him directions. But then, behind Duke, the Hunter - an enemy that looks like the Doom 3 commando and is deadset on tracking Duke down - enters the corridor and Cortana tells Duke to run while she distracts the Hunter into attacking her. Too bad, the Hunter is smart and quickly realizes that Cortana is a hologram and her cries of pain are fake. Duke has to continually move forward, as the Hunter always seems to find a way to catch up with him. Duke finally enters a large vehicle hangar and makes a dash towards a large industrial elevator while a maintenance worker urges him to hurry. The elevator's doors close just in time before the Hunter manages to catch up with Duke and as elevator begins to go up, Duke and the maintenance worker manage to breath a sigh of relief. The dreams ended as the maintenance worker told Duke he would stay behind, only for Duke to point out that it is not an option now that the Hunter is after them. Edited August 28, 2022 by Rudolph 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
heliumlamb Posted August 29, 2022 i was with another person who i didnt know, and we decided to cut through a city block by entering a building instead of the adjacent alleyway. the building was cold with no light other than sun coming through 2 windows. out of nowhere i started sliding around on the floor of supposedly non slip steel in my sneakers not unlike socks on an indoor basketball court. there were payphones provided by ma bell inside the building and that was it. when we exited that building it was back to the street and the heat. why was that building cold if there was no power or light, in this heat? it was a tall building, but only one noticeable floor? Spoiler the only other dream i remember lately was a from a few weeks ago, i was just repeatedly dropping a lit cigarette on carpet and going "oops" every time it happened again after picking it up because i didnt want shit to catch on fire. i didnt even smoke in the dream, and thankfully that dream has not led to me smoking a cigarette again in real life, despite coming very close to it since then. every time i have tried to quit, and been successful in quitting cigs they still permeate my dreams, but that was the first dream i've had involving cigs that was ripe with "you probably shouldnt be doing that" symbolism. i wish i had more dreams like that. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheMagicMushroomMan Posted August 29, 2022 (edited) I had a dream a few nights ago that I was given 892 warning points that will never expire. If you ate a magic taco that allowed you to command my body for eleven minutes, what would you do to make that dream become a reality? Edited August 29, 2022 by TheMagicMushroomMan 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Daytime Waitress Posted August 29, 2022 4 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said: I had a dream a few nights ago that I was given 892 warning points that will never expire. If you ate a magic taco that allowed you to command my body for eleven minutes, what would you do to make that dream become a reality? 892 times I'd make you post: Spoiler Zappa is just not that good tbh. Unimaginative perhaps but, baby, your dreams are coming true. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jello Posted August 29, 2022 This is probably going to be long: I had a dream the other night that I was mowing the lawn, and I had to turn over the picnic table in the yard to mow under it. Like you do. When I was turning it back over, the legs started drifting apart, like they don't, and I was trying to catch it before it fell apart and fell over a deep crevasse, that the edge of the lawn became. It was really quite beautiful, a giant landscape of valleys and rivers stretching out before me, fog, and blue skies, all perched on a little balcony of grass. No, the lawn doesn't do that either. Well, when I was trying to stop the picnic table as it was tipping over, which I did, I got a small knock on my left thumb from one of its legs, and I didn't think much of it. I had saved the table. Then I felt something running down my forehead, and I assumed it was sweat; as it's been really hot lately. I noticed some blood on my left hand when I took it away. I so I licked my hand to clean the blood off and ran it across my forehead to check for blood and there was no blood. Then I looked at my thumb, and noticed that it was bloody and swollen. The wound had scabbed over, but the digit was still painful and swollen. I knew I had to do something, so I decided to pinch it to drain the wound of any clotted blood, and at first fresh blood came out, then some old blood that looked relatively viscous and brown, and then white pus started coming out. Which I thought was good, because I didn't want that in my body, it was alarming, but good. Then I started looking at the white stuff, and realized it was thousands of tiny maggots coming out of my hand. Some had gotten in my mouth at some point, so I had to spit them out, the rest were crawling throughout the room. And then I woke up. The weirdest thing about that dream though, is that it was so in depth, far more than I've elaborated on here; but it took less than 30 minutes to have, but felt like an eternity. I woke up, looked at the time, went back to sleep and had the dream, and then looked at the time when I woke up and it was less than half an hour. It's amazing how time dilates within a dream, you can spend an entire day in a dream and then realize it's only been a handful of minutes. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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