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Your Keybinds?

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Use: E  (I might unironically move this to a foot pedal or something, because hitting switches is one of the hardest parts of Doom lately)

Strafe: SPACE  (I hit space and slowly roll a trackball for convenient but choppy Swiss-cheese SR50s, or more like "chaotic SR45's")

Fire: Up-Arrow  (in addition to Left-Mouse-Button)

Turning: Left & Right-Arrows  (along with the above, this let's me pivot to a decent keyboard only layout really easily; used for precise SR50's too)



Automap: T


...everything else isn't as notable or most people's defaults


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Here's the ones I can remember, there's probably some other stuff I changed a long time ago and forgot about:


Movement: WASD

Strafe on: right click

Strafe left: left shift

Strafe right: space

Walk (I don't use the toggle any more, not necessary): left ctrl

Use: E

Vert mouse: Z

Restart map/demo: K (far away on purpose ofc)

Weapons 1-7: Q234RTF

Next map: end

iddqd: insert

idclip: delete

idkfa: pg up

notarget: pg down

Speed up: >

Speed down: <

Reset speed: /

Screenshot: #

Strict mode: pause

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⬆⬇⬅➡: WASD

Strafe on: Right Click

Turn Left: E

Turn Right: Q

Use: Mousewheel up/down for zero presses, Space for a normal run and M1 for NoMos or for demos that dont need any shot

Walk: Left shift
VMM Toggle: X



Default bindings for weapons 1-5
Plasma Rifle: C



Restart Level/Demo: R


Edited by El juancho

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Pretty standard keybinds: WASD, Space is Use, Right Click is Strafe On

I used to use Q and X for SR50 until I learned that Q and E were the standard. I switched to the standard Q&E since dsda-doom's default keybinds are there and it's one less key to re-bind


Back when I didn't have a numpad I used P, L, & M for changing game speed, but now I have numpad keys

I use R for either quickloading/rewind or restarting demo attempt, depending on what i'm doing


edit: as a side note, I measured my cm/360 a while back and it seems to be about 12.5 

A try-hard gamer guy I knew (who never played classic Doom) joked on me for how high it was

Edited by DuckReconMajor

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q jump

e crouch


I hate to use those


f quick save - I abuse that shit


left mouse fire, right use


good times

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Standard key bindings

WASD for Movement

Alt to strafe and arrows for SR50

Q for quick turn or use item in Heretic/HeXen

Space to jump if needed (Mostly in HeXen)

E to use


1-7 for weapons

F6 to quick save and F9 to quick load

F5 for Low Detail Mode if playing in Vanilla or ports that have Low Detail mode (Yes, I use that)


I think that's it. Most other stuff is default's Doom keybindings

Edit: Forgot some for the raven games, let me list them here


R, F and C to look up, down and center view. C may be replaced for Space if only playing Heretic

Up and Down arrow to fly up and down

End to stop flying

Left and Right arrows for Previous and Next Item respectively

No quick keys for Items

Edited by xX_Lol6_Xx

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Movement: Arrows

Strafe left/right: A/D_7/9 jk, A/D

Use: S

Fire: Z

Turn 180°: F (never use it though)

Slowmo: CAPS (useful when hugging narrow ledges, gotta evade elastic collisions!)


Weapons: 1-7 (yea, it is a recurring thing to press 6-7 during a pressuring scenario, and sadly the '3' key has been malfunctioning for a bit)


Restart: Home

Skip level: Page down 

Pause: P

Screenshot: /


Automap: TAB (automap OCD)



For Heretic: it's exhausting, specially when flying because it's a lot of key-smashing at the same time



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Skipping bindings that I don't actually use, bolding ones that aren't dsda-doom defaults.


Movement: WASD

Weapons: 1234QER

Strafe on: Alt

Turn left/right: C/Z (SR50 is W+A+C+Alt or W+D+Z+Alt)

Run: Shift (hold to walk, I don't have the toggle bound)

Vertical mouse movement toggle: Capslock

Use: Space

Shoot: Left mouse click

Automap: Tab

Automap overlay: V

Automap follow: F

Automap zoom: +/-

Restart map/demo: ` (backtick)/Home

Next map: Page Down

Rewind: Backspace

Save keyframe: ]

Load keyframe: [

Save: F2

Load: F3

Screenshot: F9 (Print Screen doesn't work for me due to a conflicting keyboard shortcut I have on my computer)

Speed up/down/reset: Numpad +/-/*


This mostly remains the same across source ports. In GZDoom I have jump/crouch bound to Ctrl/C. On my laptop I have shoot bound to space and use bound to F so I can play keyboard-only more comfortably (I still suck at it though, I only do this for testing stuff when my desktop is turned off).

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Move: WASD

Turn: Left/Right arrows

Fire: Up arrow/Left mouse

Use: E

Automap: Tab

Next weapon: Mouse wheel up

Previous weapon: Mouse wheel down

Temporary mouselook (for GZDoom): One of the two buttons on the side of my mouse (the one closest to the cable).


Nothing complicated, but seeing others here bind certain weapons to keys other than the number keys seem like a good idea.

Edited by Wavy

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Anything not mentioned is default




Plasma: T




Strafe: Alt

TR: Caps Lock

TL: Q (I don't think I've ever SL50'd though)

VMM: Tilde

180: Right click



Use: E / Mouse4

Fire: Mouse1 / Spacebar


I like having backups for these actions on a button I can hit with my alternate hand, in case I either need to scratch my nose while firing or I want to interact with something without disturbing my movement at all.

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Crispy and Woof! (for my unmodded standard doom :P)


Quicksave: [





Pause: .

Fire:left mouse click

Always run on/off:caps lock

Automap shit like overlay, grid, zoom in/out is left by default


GZDoom (strictly used to fuck around with gameplay mods)

*everything above for Crispy and Wolf applies here, too.


Use Item:Q

Zoom:Mousewheel click

Alt-fire:Right mouse click

Jump:Space bar

Go thru inventory items:Z,X

Crouch toggle:C

idclip bind:O (I've experienced some maps breaking so this is just in case)



Edited by VoanHead

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Movement - WASD

Weapons - Default

Strafe On - Shift

Turn Right - Mouse 6 (I do not use this though)

180 Turn - Q

Use - Right Click (Mouse 3)

Vertical Mouse Movement - C

Map - Tab

Run On - Caps

Edited by KineticBeverage

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As for the main binds:

Movement: WASD 

Strafe On: MB1 or MB7 (thumb button)

Shoot: Whatever Strafe On is not bound to (MB7 or MB1)

Turn Left: Shift 

Turn Right: Space 

Use: MB2 

Weapons: 1-7

VMM Toggle: F 

Reset: Ctrl usually, if the run is long then Home so I don't accidentally press it like 20 minutes in (happened before lol)


Edited by aconfusedhuman

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With prboom+:


Forward: ↑ right middle finger

Left: ← right thumb

Right: → right ring finger

Backwards: ↓ right middle finger


&é"'(-è: weapons from chainsaw to BFG9000


Left CTRL: shoot left thumb

Left shift: run (but always run is active) left little finger

Left alt: strafe left forefinger

Space: open left forefinger


With *ZDoom:


Forward: ↑ left middle finger

Left: ← strafe right ring finger

Right: → strafe right forefinger

Backwards: ↓ right middle finger

Right CTRL: crouch left little finger

KP 0: jump left thumb


Del, End… used to change the inventory


Left mouse button: shoot right forefinger

middle mouse button: open right middle finger

right mouse button: it depends on the game right ring finger

Edited by ducon

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Not mentioned is default but key ones worth mentioning:

Movement: WASD 

Strafe On: RBM

Shoot: LMB

Turn Left: MB4 (thumb)

Turn Right: MB5 (thumb)

Use: Scroll Wheel up/down

VMM Toggle: Caps Lock

Run on/off: Shift

Reset: R

Edited by Gosu_Noob

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WASD for movement.

Space: action

Left mouse button: fire

1-7: Weapon keys (might tweak them in the future, I hate having to select anything above and including the rocket launcher in a hurry)

Mouse Wheel: Next/ previous weapon

R: Reload level

T: Next level

Caps Lock: Autorun

Left Shift: Run/ Walk

Comma: screenshot

I don't use quicksaves and I don't have keys set for SR50 (might have to in the future).


Don't even get me started on Heretic/ Hexen, because those are like flight simulators.

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For DSDA and Crispy:


WASD for movement

Q: turn right

E: turn left

R: rocket launcher

F: plasma rifle


V: toggle vertical mouse movement

Space: use

RMB: strafe on

LMB: shoot

Home: restart level


Num0: toggle extended HUD (DSDA)

Delete: stop recording (Crispy)


With Prboom+ and vanilla I keep a ESDF config, but if I alternate from one port to another I tend to confuse the keys for the weapons so I'm leaving this config behind.


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Whatever is not mentioned is default.

Q - Fist/chainsaw

V - Plasma


E - Use

Spacebar - shoot

Turn left/right - Left/right mouse buttons

Ctrl - Strafe

' - Berserk

NUM7 - Rewind

NUM8/NUM9 - Strore/restore key frame

NUM5 - Fake AVJ

NUM3 - Command display

NUM6 - Coordinate display

NUM+/NUM- - speed up/down

And regarding non-doom i use 1 and mouse3/4 for PTT, so i try to keep those free of any controls.

Edited by Petyan
forgot strafe

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Just gonna mention important ones that I actually use:
WASD: movement

Space: use

Q/E: turn right/left

M1: shoot, M2: strafe on

1-7: weapons

Ctrl: in-game reset

M: Vertmouse toggle

;/': Speed down.up

Shift: join

J: Fake AVJ


For Heretic, I had a bunch of binds in the past, tbh I would swap them around depending on the run sometimes. Never really got a great handle on all the different stuff in Heretic, so not mentioning those. Also never really played Hexen, and there are even more binds there, so for all that, I'm especially unclear on what to bind them to best.

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Here's what I use in Woof:

Fire: Mouse2

Movement: WASD

Use: Mouse1

Run: None

Strafe: Alt

Turn Left: E

Turn Right: Q

180 Turn: Spacebar

Autorun Toggle: None

Vertmouse Toggle: V

Weapons: 1-0

Prev: WheelUp

Next: WheelDown

Reload Level: Y

Next Level: H


Everything else is pretty standard.

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  • 2 months later...

This is for DSDA-Doom, but the functions, which can also be found in other source ports, are always bound to the same key.                       

movement/strafe: WASD

use: Space/MWDN (in certain situations, spamming the scroll wheel downwards may give you more consistent results)

turn left/right: CTRL/ALT (figured it's easier to actuate comfortably/more consistently than the popular inverse Q/E setup)

turn left/right: MB7/MB6 (alternative binds for the two side buttons of the mouse)

run: SHIFT (always run on, so holding it will make you walk)

strafe on: MB3 (right click)


fire: MB1 (left click)

chainsaw: 1

fist: Q
pistol: 2

shotgun/ssg: R

chaingun: X

rocket: C

plasma: F



vertical mouse movement toggle: E
mouselook toggle: M

restart map/restart demo: CAPSLOCK (right at the fingertips, for a reason : D)

next map: N
store quick key frame: K

restore quick key frame: MB2 (click with scroll wheel)

rewind: J

fake Arch-vile jump: Y

start/stop skipping: INS
end level: END

camera mode: B


begin chat: ENTER

player 1 chat: G

player 2 chat: I

God mode/ammo & keys/no clipping: 7/8/9 (for practice purposes)

screenshot: PRTSC


The rest is default, never used alternative binds are unbound, never used functions (for example previous/next weapon) are unbound.



mod: Typos.

Edited by Fluuschoen

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since I use dvorak layout, "WASD" would become "<AOE" so I'll write the qwerty equivalent:

WASD movement

QE turn right, left

Space Vertical mouse

V turn 180

Left mouse Strafe lock (had to switch with right mouse - fire because mouse is broken, right side works better)

scroll up & down Use action

1/Shift (for quick switching convenience) - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5/C - 6/R - 7/F weapons

Z Alt store & restore keyframe, Backspace rewind

[ ] speed up, slow down

T Y O automap follow, rotate, overlay

F4 brightness, F5 screensize 8 hud, ` extended hud

those that I forgot or didn't mention are standard/unimportant

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In single-player, I use the row of number keys for my weapons, but in deathmatch, it feels better to have them much closer to your WASD. I use a very similar layout for Q3/Quake Live. This is what I use for deathmatch / CTF play:


WASD = movement

Q = Use

1 = Pistol (almost never used)

2 = Chaingun

E = Plasma Rifle


R = Rocket Launcher

F = Fist / Chainsaw (almost never used)

Left Shift = SG / SSG

Space = Jump


Left Click = Fire

Right Click = Scoreboard

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The good ol' WASD + Mouse layout.

Movement: W Foward, S Backwards
Strafe: A, D
Turn: Mouse
Use: E
Shot: M1
Weapon switch: Mousewheel and numericals.
Auto-run always on.

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Updated keybinds for non mouselook and non gzdoom ports (Only mouse turning)
Turned off running by default
1-9 or mousewheel -Weapons
Q-quick load

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This is what works best for me. I found it useful in DM and have never gone back to the old controls of the past I use to use even for SP. 



X axis turning left and right, Y axis disabled.

LMB - Fire/Shoot/Attack

MMB - Use

RMB - walk/run 


W - move forward

S - move backward 

A - Strafe left

D - Strafe Right

Q - Shotgun/SSG

F - fist/chainsaw 

R - Rocket Launcher

C - chaingun

B - pistol

T - chat

2 - plasma rifle

3 - BFG

Keypad 5 - map 


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