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Mess hall - my map :^)

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I almost beat it on my first try as my best RNG run, but then got my head kicked in 4 more times. Nice little challenge map for sure.

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A short map before something that'll take longer? Why not? Although SS were annoying and didn't have the health to bother with the end trap. I liked the little kitchen with the Imps though.


Edited by LadyMistDragon

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anon lore drop? kinda crazy how i was making a default textured map called damned fortress too, i suppose the title will have to change. 


i liked the kitchen the most, the hanging corpses suspended above the sink is cute, also the nikocado jump-scare when you pick up the ssg. i've noticed the Romero-like texturing where each segment has a different set of textures for the walls, ceiling & floors with a border texture between most of them, which is something easy to take for granted but shows a fair amount of consistency which goes a long way for the level's aesthetic despite working with the bland textures that come with base doom. the sexy curves in the hub does also display a push-back against box-level syndrome, something good to make a habit of.


i think im also picking up on some visual language too, doors with lion heads are unlocked while the door with demon skulls is locked for the time being. great visual language in hindsight but too ambiguous for most players to assume when first playing, it's usually not suitable to have custom visual languages on small wads unless you're doing a megawad that is going to consistently use it, like the eye candles button gimmick on Sigil. it's generally beneficial to stick to base doom visual languages, like a door with red borders needing a red keycard, it instantly gives the player an objective & tells them to return to it.


my main critiques are that health & ammo are lacking after the kitchen & as a result the false exit trap is tenuous to complete without skipping to the real button, which is technically fine but there are a fair amount of people who like to 100% maps, my advice would be to be kinder with the items & mix in some more sergents & chaingunners to reward the player for killing them. the beginning of the map containing the imps & demons is a bit claustrophobic, players who don't run head first into situations may get screwed when the enemies trample over the minigun drop & box of shells, my advice would be to have a bigger gap between the horde & items to give a larger window for slower players. i'm not necessarily sure if ss guys are that great as a consistent enemy though it's just my nitpick, they lack the grit other enemies have & their health makes them very unsatisfying to deal, it's like former humans with chaingunner health.


over all, could easily see fit as the first level for a megawad

Edited by Majin

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Well, I ran through your map but it wasn't really compatible with my rpg mod because I made it by default where only the monsters appear in maps. Regardless, I recorded it and here it is. Though I did waste a number of land mines lol.


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How are people saying this is hard? Just don't get shot by the swarm of hitscanners lol

First there are a lot of square rooms with no good amount of detailing, that's forgivable, most of the enemy encounters are straightforward and in front of the player which is something I discourage for good gameplay, it gets easier if you hide behind corners when the monsters attack. There are two things out of bound in the map, that's weird. There are no secrets which is something I dislike. Anyways this is a good map.

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Now it's better! Also, (spoiler warning):




4 hours ago, anon said:

Looks like you opened the map or used idclip those were kind of left over from earlier versions of the map lol

Both of them, I died from the Revenant at the end but I didn't want to restart all over again so I used idclip, then after I noticed the left over things I thought they were some kind of easter egg so I opened the map.

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even demons gotta eat!

i downloaded it earlier but have come around to playing it just now. incredibly late lol
works fine in woof with -complevel 9, i played on uv
it was a fun little romp, the hallway fights were definitely a power in numbers scenario. with the chaingunner going down first, one sg shot to the back they were fairly simple fights, strafing in and out of the doorway to avoid hitscanners. second one was more of a matter of 2-3 ssg blasts. there was enough space to move around

i did enjoy the kitchen room with the imps, hell knight and mancubus! it was not a bad fight with that one pillar to block projectiles, and sometimes the hell knight would want to go into the kitchen. not too big on the exit trap, i did not think there was enough inside the pit the exit room becomes to avoid geting lit up by the archie.

some notes on visual things:



love to see support beams like this! good stuff

woof0007.png.1f6aad3d1f7eb8dce3f6d9045fdc7986.pngthis 3 sided doortrak is kinda trippy, especially at low res Crust Doom



given the behavior of this room, a switch like this would probably be better off embedded into the wall. about 4-8u deep it would still function, and as the floor lowers it would not lower to reveal the switch once again.

texture misalignment here and there aside, no missing or unpegged textures as i could tell.
changing floor and ceiling height with the flat texture is generally a good practice, some might consider that a rule but i wouldn't consider it an absolute. it was done quite a bit here, when it should have been done sparingly, if at all. it can get a quite a bit jarring and disorienting to the player when done in excess.

i had fun playing it, and i hope you had fun making it. it seems like the latter is true!

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Short and simple. Mostly has good pacing, variety and detail. Nothing amazing but some good basics. If it's you're first map I'd say you did pretty good. UV was fairly underwhelming for me though. As a single map I would have preferred a little more meat. Maybe a bit rougher of an exit or some enemies teleporting in or monster closets when backtracking after hitting the switch. As is it would be a good first map for a short set that ramps up. Had some time to kill  so did a no hit run just for the hell of it.


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8 hours ago, StodgyAyatollah said:

Short and simple. Mostly has good pacing, variety and detail. Nothing amazing but some good basics. If it's you're first map I'd say you did pretty good. UV was fairly underwhelming for me though. As a single map I would have preferred a little more meat. Maybe a bit rougher of an exit or some enemies teleporting in or monster closets when backtracking after hitting the switch. As is it would be a good first map for a short set that ramps up. Had some time to kill  so did a no hit run just for the hell of it.


Nice run! Reminds me I need to try to do it without killing monsters on uv, I've beaten it on hmp before.

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