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Now on ID Games - "Fear of the Dark" vanilla, limit removing map

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>>> UPDATE Oct 2022 <<<

Changes based on @Biodegradable's play through and feedback - thanks for that. Changes are:


 - added more cover and ammo in start area. Easier sniping

 - Exit from first area is now only by switch 

 - changed the marble platform a bit. You can't reach the swich unless it is down. Wasn't sure how to better indicate the edge was a teleport without making a big change. Sorry.

 - Blocked the jump access to goodies in area 3. You need to get the key first...

 - Added health to the baron closet in area 4

 - Removed the non-secret BFG


Now live on IDGames >>>> H E R E <<<<

Also hosted on my GIThub site >>HERE!<<



>>> UPDATE Sept 2022 <<<

Beta 1 release. 


It's actually called Fear of the Dark (but you probably guessed that anyway). The final boss area is red brick/hell/blood - I decided against tech theme. Probably for the best...


NOTE: It is in MAP29 slot now.



I also added some section 4 screenshots, below.



I started tinkering with vanilla format a couple of months ago, and it is turning into a half-way decent arena style map. I think so anyway...


It (probably) needs a limit removing port - how do you determine that anyway, other than testing in a limiting port? - as there are quite a few concurrently visible linedefs in some areas, and it will probably end up having 800-1000 sectors. It's gonna be a standard monster closet trap/switch/key hunt thing to progress from a rocky/grassy outdoor, to a more barren, slightly hellish, to full hell, thence to a boss area (tech? dunno yet...) to exit. Haven't properly decided on a name, so working title is 'Fear of the Duck' (you might recognise the intent here...)


>>> UPDATE <<<


  • It is now in the MAP30 slot (for the sky) I'm building in Eureka, and testing in GZDoom. Here's some obligatory WiP screenshots:
  • Updated and tested to third segment
  • WiP download is here.


First segment:

  Reveal hidden contents

Second segment:

  Reveal hidden contents

Third segment:

  Reveal hidden contents


Fourth segment:

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by smeghammer

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  • 1 month later...

As requested, here's a playtest for ya, Smeg! Enjoy the extra commentary and banter from Doomkid, NiGHTS108, Sandwedge and Dark Pulse who joined in on the fun. I had a good time with it and it has the Smeghammer charm to its progression and adoration for hitscanners. My only real quibble was the lack of health in some areas.



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Thanks as always!. I'll check out the vid later.


Yeah... the hitscanners... I did think of you when adding them in the first area 😁. I definitely miss there being an equivalent of an imp but as a soldier style. It just didn't seem right to go straight in with imps...

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Just watched the playthrough - nice one! A sort of typical Bio swearfest, juxtaposed with a philosophical discussion of mapper mentality. Loved it :-)


I'm glad you liked it overall, Bio. I'll try and address the main points of criticism you had, and I spotted a couple of bugs...


Hitscanners at start:

I'll add some more cover and bullets, but I don't want to add different weapons yet.


Exit door from first area:

That exit door from the first area is not supposed to open like that! The switch that triggered your first death is supposed to be the only way to open that door. S1 linedef on door removed.


Marble goodie platform in second area:

switch on marble platforn IS reachable from within the square. probably need to remove teleport line in front of switch, Perhaps make it more obvious that you teleport off at the edge?. I'll rework this.

Goodies on raised platform in area 3:

I see you found your way onto the goodies without going through the blue key door... That should not happen. Need to suppress that jump you did... :-)



Near the place where you bitched about lack of health - I'll add some stuff in that BoH closet. 



I need to replace one of them with something else. Forgot I had given two of them. I'll add more cells to compensate.


I thought you finished a bit easy - maybe I'll add some more nasties in the final area? 


Anyway, thanks for your playthrough as always. I'll address the issues you highlighted and upload a new version shortly.





Oh yeah, loved the HUD :-)

Edited by smeghammer

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@Custom Longplay thanks for the playthrough and comments! Glad you liked it.



I think you posted the wrong video there mate! That is definitely not my map, though your comments are definitely about FOTD...

Edited by smeghammer

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  On 9/24/2022 at 10:07 PM, smeghammer said:

@Custom Longplay thanks for the playthrough and comments! Glad you liked it.



I think you posted the wrong video there mate! That is definitely not my map, though your comments are definitely about FOTD...


Oh, this is embarrassing. Of course, I will play your new map afterwards. That was map 29 from the original game! I will put this post back later! Sorry again.

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