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What determines which key you place in your map? Do you have preferences?

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So, I was wondering if there's any sort of pattern that influences the choices for certain keys rather than others, or even any order you can obtain them.


I personally use the keycards for techbase maps and skull keys for hellish ones. And I try to match the corresponding colors with the ambient surrounding them - keys near waterfalls tend to be mostly blue ones.

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Keycard: techbase surroundings (not necessarily techbase map).

Skull: hellish surroundings (not necessarily hellish map).


Yellow: minor key, usually either the first one or for secrets.

Blue: higher in the food chain, but still reserved for 'side' sections, or the very last exit door.

Red: the big girl, locks in place the meat of the map, either its main hub or the big fight.

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I mix it up somewhat, being mindful of keys I’ve placed in previous maps in order to keep the variety of keys to a maximum. 

I do find that I end up using the yellow key for a non-essential/non-progressive part of a map, though.

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I never really gave it a thought - even though obviously I prefer to use keycards in manmade ares, and skull keys to more demonic/hellish enviroments.

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Blue card: Tier-C access card

Yellow card: Tier-B access card

Red card: Tier-A access card


If it's the reward of a secret area/fight, then use skulls I guess.

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I’m with Sonikkumania on this, ‘though I have often found myself using a red card/skull as the first key, maybe due to Doom’s E1M2 and Doom II’s Map02 having been engrained on my psyche.


The thought of using a particular order of keys akin to Heretic, or the keys having a function or tier is a very interesting one.

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All vanilla Heretic maps always use keys in this exact order: Yellow - Green - Blue (and those having only 1 or 2 keys use only yellow, or yellow and green, respectively).

I consider this as a general rule for Heretic maps, and did it like this in my one big Heretic map I made. When I play custom Heretic maps, I'm a little bothered when mappers don't follow this order.

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there's no thought on my end i just use keys starting from blue to red, particularly because it irritates me when the first key i find goes in my 3rd key slot, reverse/random key orders itch my brain

Edited by Majin

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I have a tendency to use the blue key first in a multi map WAD. Of the three colours, blue is the 'friendliest'; being as it is, neither the colour of blood (red key) nor fire (yellow key); and so it just seems the logical choice for the first one a player, getting used to the proceedings, will encounter.

As for the others, I just go with whatever; although will occasionally defer to whichever key contrasts the most with the current surroundings if I have choice. Nothing worse than being unable to spot a red key in a red room filled with bloody corpse decorations.

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Whatever my brain feels like. But, I do use Keycard for tech-y areas and skullkeys for hellish areas

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I like to mix it up, and mostly choose the colors based on what I think will make the most contrast with surrounding textures (which means in practice I use more blue and yellow, which is also my favorite color).  Like most of us here I try and keep to the theme and use skulls in hellish or primitive maps, and keycards in techier ones, though if the map is a clear mix of the two then I might use both.

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Random order.

Keycard for tech. Skull for Hell. Soul key for Heaven LOL

Edited by dotQLL

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Whatever matches it's environment colour-wise and it depends on where the level's set or whatever if I'll use a keycard or a skull key.


(Blue key in COMPBLU, Blue or red key for FIREBLU, yellow/red key for lava, etc.), I know it's not gonna contrast with it's surroundings so I put them on pedestals or places that make them stand out.

Edited by Codename_Delta

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I've to yet develop a set order of which keycard/skull key corresponds to what in a map, for now i just use locked doors as a set of barriers which divides the map into three separated areas aside from the starting point and surrounding areas; beginning, middle, end. This is just to give a sense of progression and make some set piece fights should the need arise.


This is my criteria for keys: 


  1. Red Key: Basic clearance. (beginning)
  2. Yellow Key: Medium clearance. (middle)
  3. Blue Key: Top clearance. (ending)

Skull keys i use for hell maps or for corruped helish areas of an otherwise techbase/warehouse/office map.


I don't have any order for hellish maps, any skull key is used interchangably to divide the map into two or three sections.

Edited by Solmyr

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I'd probably do it in order of where they are on the status bar -- blue, yellow, red. Though not necessarily as a rule.

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If it's Map07 I actually will try to use both yellow keys, like HR2 did. Just a fun reference. Other than that, it's just a random choice. Tech settings get a random key card, Hell settings get a random skull key.

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Red key is usually the first key and part of the main progression.

Blue key is usually for the end of the level.

Yellow key is almost always for side content.


I mix it up sometimes though depending on aesthetics, and keys will often serve more than one purpose.  I use skulls and keycards depending on the map setting.

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I like to use red keys for very important parts like the end or security areas for big powerups or cyberdemons. Yellow keys are good for intermediate things. Blue keys are good for simple levels, medical facilities or item lockers...I don't know why demons would use keys, so I made new security keys to give me more choices in high-tech maps...



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The yellow key is FORBIDDEN unless absolutely necessary, other than that its the usual, cards for tech and skulls for hell. 

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I don't have a pattern, but I tend to use keys as a contrast, rather than something that blends in. I also don't mind using skulls in techbase or cards in hell levels, as long as it suits the level. 


on an overrun tech base, you may want to use a keycard for significant progression and thematic shift, say, a tech base inside a skin mountain

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