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21 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

I think the real joke is Doomworld losing its mind over what are otherwise some decent (for 20-minute speedmaps, at least) weapon-oriented studies because its authors decided to call it Circumcision.wad and texture it with STARTAN and memes...

i mean... they're not wrong, the wad sucks and it was intended to be something to get a quick laugh at. it's fair if people don't find it funny but at the same time calm down

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30 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

I think the real joke is Doomworld losing its mind over what are otherwise some decent (for 20-minute speedmaps, at least) weapon-oriented studies because its authors decided to call it Circumcision.wad and texture it with STARTAN and memes...

The joke of the wad is to see what we could make in 20 minutes, the random textures and dumb midis are just for the sake of it. The gameplay is certainly very bullshit but it's kinda of enjoyable (obviously thinking of the enemy placement, not the level design)

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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Please look up the definition of the word "joke". Taking twenty minutes to take a shit isn't funny, it's constipation.

Seriously dude, you need to start an AVGN style show where you talk shit like this to crappy "joke" wads, that would be hilarious!

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Y'all remember when joke wads had effort put into them? John Goodman's X-Decathlon and Endless Madness come into mind.


I miss that. Can we go back to joke wads being something that genuinely wanted to make people laugh with subversion of expectations, rather than the ramblings of an uninspired mapping session?



Edited by Sr_Ludicolo

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13 minutes ago, DSC said:

Seriously dude, you need to start an AVGN style show where you talk shit like this to crappy "joke" wads, that would be hilarious!


Would there be enough material for that? I would certainly tune in, but I fear that bashing shitty WADs would only be funny for so long. 

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7 minutes ago, Sr_Ludicolo said:


Would there be enough material for that? I would certainly tune in, but I fear that bashing shitty WADs would only be funny for so long. 

If there's anything in excessive abundance in the classic Doom universe, its for sure jokewads.

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Now, pray tell, fellow member: what kind of prick would make a WAD titled "circumcision"? Total dick move. What a tool. At least, it is all digi-tail, because holy weiner, do you have any idea how expensive a pen is? Anyway, this is turning into a cock and bull story...

Edited by Rudolph

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todays dooming lesson is : if your gonna make a joke wad make it something with actual effort and humor put into it, not an intentionally bad shitfest

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3 hours ago, Stupid Bunny said:

In fairness, they did mention it's "literally a shitpost" (unless that was added later, idk) and probably part of the "joke" is that it's being treated as a real mapset, but I'm pretty sure that's also been done since the beginning of time.  I'm not sure if there is any joke apart from "it's dumb and it sucks, and also lolmemes", which isn't really actually a joke and definitely not an original one.

Its just its such an overused trite that i am basically getting the equivalent of the thousand yard stare when a new user pulls this stuff.


Demons have died in better circumstances. They shouldn't be subjected to unfunny torture by being put into a deliberately crappy map.


46 minutes ago, DSC said:

Seriously dude, you need to start an AVGN style show where you talk shit like this to crappy "joke" wads, that would be hilarious!

Can i join in for the ''Search Button'' segment? Something like Jimmy Fallon but on WAD making could be fun.

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1 hour ago, DSC said:

Seriously dude, you need to start an AVGN style show where you talk shit like this to crappy "joke" wads, that would be hilarious!

My debut series "The Wad Squad" will be out soon. In the opening segment, I'll be interviewing the people of New York, hitting them with the hard questions: I'll be asking them about their favorite enemies, their least favorite enemies, their favorite weapons, their least favorite weapons, their favorite maps, and their least favorite maps. We'll get around to discussing jokewads in the "Funnier than a Farting Adam Sandler" segment, and guest Redneckerz will be joining me alongside world-renowned psychologist Pillard Bumpkin for the "We Ask Women - Things Your Boyfriend Can't Find" minisegment, where we will be giving tips for finding that elusive search button - a topic allowed to be discussed on daytime television for the first time in history. We will also be featuring the hottest musicians such as "42069", "Lil Troll", and "The Zoomer Doomers and The Boomers". Be sure to tune in!

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In the bright side, this got more attention and playthroughs than 90% of the wads posted here.

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1 minute ago, Astro X said:

In the bright side, this got more attention and playthroughs than 90% of the wads posted here.

i'm worried for when i will post an actually decent wad then

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I think people are going way too harsh on this. Does it suck? Absolutely. Most maps you can just skip, and most fights are not balanced at all. But if it was just a speed-mapping experiment you did with some friends, I see no issue at all. Heck, I tried my hand for the first time at a speed-mapping project, I had one hour to do a map and it fucking BLOWS.


I understand people not liking the random memes added as textures, after all the "funny reaction face repeating on wall" joke died decades ago. But I think it's innofensive, especially if it was just added last minute as a joke between a group. And you can see a tiny bit of effort here and there, such as the rocketjump map and some fights where you gotta dodge stuff, etc.


Not the best, but I've seen way worse.

Edited by Savarin

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Well this thread went about as well as expected.


1 hour ago, angelomerz said:

i'm worried for when i will post an actually decent wad then


You really didn't need to post this and probably should not have. Put yourself in the shoes of a random browser. Would you want to download this and pay further attention to releases from you? Unless you have a terrible map fetish i would wager the answer is no. Fortunately Doomworlders on the whole are generally reasonably forgiving if you put the effort in. Everyone makes mistakes. No one's a perfect mapper out of the starting blocks.


If you want help there's a thread of people willing to beta test your maps and give you feedback. Just before you post something next time, ask yourself "would any reasonable normal person want to play this?"

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I think some people might be taking this a little too seriously and applying the (probably) most common meaning applied to the word "joke" too literally to this.
You can also interpret this as a jokewad in the sense the wad is a 'total joke'.
The OP literally says this is a shitpost so i'm not sure what some people expected.

Having said that though, I likely still won't play this either simply because startan speedmaps and the more crude/speedmapped meme wads are boring to me, but maybe I'll try the map inspired by Italo Doom.

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8 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

No it's not, it's a pile of shit you're passing off as a joke. The wad equivalent of that one dumb kid in school who thinks he's hilarious because he makes obnoxious noises in class.


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4 minutes ago, knifeworld said:

I think some people might be taking this a little too seriously and applying the (probably) most common meaning applied to the word "joke" too literally to this.
You can also interpret this as a jokewad in the sense the wad is a 'total joke'.
The OP literally says this is a shitpost so i'm not sure what some people expected.

Having said that though, I likely still won't play this either simply because startan speedmaps and the more crude/speedmapped meme wads are boring to me, but maybe I'll try the map inspired by Italo Doom.

well it's not about the decorations it's about the enemies

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9 minutes ago, knifeworld said:

but maybe I'll try the map inspired by Italo Doom.

it's not a map inspired by italo doom, there is just a single idea that i copied from there. you are probably better off not playing it

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Morale of the story:

Dont make a jokewad if you dont have a knack for humour. Being the Doom equivalent of Dane Cook is not a title fo wear with pride.

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4 hours ago, Sr_Ludicolo said:


Maybe so, but the problem is that the joke isn't funny, and that it didn't need to be posted. That's why people are peeved by this bro


2 hours ago, Murdoch said:

You really didn't need to post this and probably should not have.


You could also say that no wad "needs" to be posted. The maps aren't even that bad for speedmaps (not great, mind you, but inoffensive at worst).


3 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

If most maps can be skipped, then why were the maps made in the first place? You make a map because (generally) you want to have other play it - That's literally what this community is about.

Doom II Reloaded MAP32 can be exited in under three seconds if you can't or don't care to find its secrets. 1000 Lines 2 MAP32 also has an opt-out switch. And those are maps that were explicitly designed that way, not even looking at maps with giant sequence breaks. Are you saying those maps shouldn't have been made?

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6 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

You could also say that no wad "needs" to be posted. The maps aren't even that bad for speedmaps (not great, mind you, but inoffensive at worst).


Starting with such obviously low effort wads with ridiculous graphics in it as the primary screenshots, it's not exactly a good first impression especially since if the subsequent posts are to be believed at least one of the authors has said they would actually like to do "serious" map at some point. How many people will simply remember this and scroll right past it? Hopefully not many, I would like to think people will address each release on it's own merits, but first impressions count for a lot and can affect how people think.

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