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My First Doom Was On Console

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Hi guys


Just curious if anyone else had there first experience of Doom through console ports before eventually moving to the PC version?


If so, what port was it and how did it feel discovering the differences between said port and the pc version?


Also, anyone start with Doom 3, 2016 and Eternal before stepping into the classics? How did that go?


I started with PSX Doom and absolutely loved it. Still in love with the Aubrey Hodges soundtrack and the moody atmosphere.  Moved from that to Doom 64 so felt that atmosphere was always part of Doom. Then the PS3 port came out and I absolutely hated the music for the longest time!! Lol


I love the OG soundtrack now but it is funny to think of how skewed my perception of Doom is due to my introduction of it being a console port!


Please share your stories/ views :-)

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I played the Xbox 360 port of Doom 1 and 2 for 2 years before I even touched a proper source port. Dark times indeed, haha



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2 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

MS-DOS, Doom 2. First games I ever got to play, along with Duke 3D, Blake Stone, ROTT, C&C and all the other classic titles.

Is MS-DOS Doom 2 not the original pc version? Pardon my ignorance,  i thought the originals ran in DOS? How does it compare?

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Just now, Soon2bGlue said:

Is MS-DOS Doom 2 not the original pc version? Pardon my ignorance,  i thought the originals ran in DOS? How does it compare?

Yes it was the og one. MS-DOS just stands for "Microsoft DOS".

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i first played doom 2 on the nintendo game boy advance, and later 1 and 2 on the doom 3 collector's edition for xbox

Edited by heliumlamb

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my first experience with Doom was the shareware version loaded onto homebrew software on my long gone PSP. i had never heard of it until then, and didn't even know i liked it until i had beaten that shareware episode like 30 times. i then got Doom 3 BFG Edition just for Doom 1 and 2, and after beating Doom 2 an egregious amount of times, realized these were my favorite games ever. keep in mind: both of these games were made a while before i was born, gaming had long since evolved, but here i was absolutely adoring them.


haven't looked back since.

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1 hour ago, heliumlamb said:

i first played doom 2 on the nintendo game boy advance, and later 1 and 2 on the doom 3 collector's edition for xbox

Wow i remember playing that version before, green blood and enemies that dissapear when dead! Certainly not the optimal way to play! :-D

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1 minute ago, QuaketallicA said:

DOSBox. Pretty much started with the original games, they're the reason I got Doom 3 and 2016 soon after. (Eternal wasn't out yet then).

What first made you decide to play older games post 2016 if that was your first time? Was it the hype surrounding the newer releases or something else?

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15 minutes ago, Soon2bGlue said:

What first made you decide to play older games post 2016 if that was your first time? Was it the hype surrounding the newer releases or something else?


It had nothing to do with internet hype. Actually the reason I got into Doom was because I was (and still am, though not as much anymore) a huge Star Wars fan, having played the living daylights out of the original Battlefront series (mostly BFII). When I discovered the miracle of digital storefronts (i.e. GOG Galaxy, Steam, etc.) and summer sales, I started picking up older Star Wars games from the LucasArts back catalog. One of these was the seminal FPS Dark Forces, the catalyst for what would soon become the famous Jedi Knight series. Having never seen a 2.5D style shooter before (they went out of style before I was born), I was blown away by it. Sure, the graphics are obviously nothing compared to today, but the photo-realistic gun sprites and immersive 3D world seemed really compelling for the time.


Anyway, when reviews described Dark Forces, inevitably comparisons to Doom had to be made; the game actually was inspired by a Star Wars Doom mod originally, and it shows, although DF actually ran on its own proprietary jedi engine that boasted a lot of features Doom lacked, such as jumping, crouching, floors on top of floors, items, etc.


So that's how I heard of Doom, was as another FPS game in the style of Dark Forces.

Edited by QuaketallicA

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1 hour ago, Soon2bGlue said:

Wow i remember playing that version before, green blood and enemies that dissapear when dead! Certainly not the optimal way to play! :-D

gba doom 2 is wild, it isn't in the doom engine at all, yet it's acceptably "doom enough", even when compared to the full game. i did eventually stumble across the shareware and with doom 95 (under xp), doomsday, and zdoom 2.0.X(??) and played that shit daily, but that xbox port was how i experienced both the original 2 in full. i didn't get the full iwads on pc until like 2006-07 and by then i was already on to chocolate doom and prboom, with zdoom on the side.

Edited by heliumlamb

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SNES Doom, cartridge I bought in a flea market for $27 around 1994-1995. A few years later, got the PS1 version. I also had PS1 Hexen.


Quite liked SNES Doom despite its pretty bad playability nowadays, but this was back in the era where 10-15 FPS 3D was impressive, especially as the big 32-bit consoles weren't out yet, or were just beginning to appear. Though it was also a unique port in that it was directly converted from the PC version, not the Jagdoom level set, so it actually had some architectural details that were cut out of Jagdoom-derived ports, and also some levels that wouldn't appear in any other console port until the perfect ones on XBox in the 2000s (E3M2: Slough of Despair comes to mind).

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Didn't exactly start with console doom but I was only able to play the shareware back in 93-94 for several months when my older brother borrowed me an old pc just to play it. I was too young to understand dos so he had it set up to run when I turned the pc on. Didn't have a pc for a long time after that though. I did have a snes so I played that port a lot then eventually got a ps1 and played the hell out of that port. Probably my favorite port and still play it with psydoom regularly. Years later I got a pc and picked up the win95 release.

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I played on Switch, only because it was like 5 bucks. I loved Doom on my Switch, until I found out the Unity version of Doom, which is on Switch, probably isn't as vanilla as I hoped (pitch-shifting, several bugs etc.). Now the Unity version is an actual port, instead of an half-assed attempt from bethesda. Though I don't like how the Unity version on PC doesn't let me increase the mouse sensitivity to 200. Which is how I usually play now on PC. I also can pin-point changes whenever I'm playing on console.

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11 minutes ago, thiccyosh said:

I loved Doom on my Switch, until I found out the Unity version of Doom, which is on Switch, probably isn't as vanilla as I hoped (pitch-shifting, several bugs etc.)

Pitch shifting is as vanilla as ice cream, check your Doom facts. The only tangible bug was the aspect ratio was set wrong, but the core of the engine itself comes from Linux Doom 1.10->OG Xbox->XBLA, and wasn't subject to any gameplay bugs, even in the Unity versions initial launch.

Music is an odd one, this wasn't an engine bug but rather a conversion error from an old copy of MUS2MIDI that persisted since the aforementioned OG Xbox version, until Sponge just straight up re-recorded all the music from an SC-55 mkII.

Edited by Edward850

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5 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

check ya Doom facts


Whoops, I mean it was quite a while ago since I've played on the Unity port or seen videos about it. Or perhaps I'm too much of a smooth brain to remember facts correctly.

Edited by thiccyosh
fixed a typo

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Nah my first experience with Doom was Doom 2 running on Windows 95. Blew my mind completely as a six year old back in the day. I'd previously only played a handful of 16 bit console games, and for PC.. I think Lemmings and Blake Stone. So while I was familiar with FPS games, comparing Stone with Doom was Luke night and day.


It wasn't until 2003 that I played PSX Doom and that has since become my favourite version of Doom to play. Final Doom on PlayStation in particular. Though I do really like the Jaguar port.

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MS DOS 1993. I'll never forget it. I was legit blown away. I'd never seen an FPS before and on top of that, Doom was freakin badass. I didn't even have a PC, got to play it on my friend's PC. A few months later he'd upgraded his graphics and sound cards. Wow it looked and sounded amazing. I remember telling him: ' I wish we could make our ouwn maps, that would so cool.' LOL We had many good times playing Doom all day with the curtains drawn and the speakers blasting. If you died you had to pass the controller over. Beating some levels was really challening. Great memories. 

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I remember playing the Xbox 360 version of Doom 2, only vague memories. 


Honestly I wish I had the console versions back then that there are now... Without the Beth Account stuff. I always wanted to mess around with mods ever since I saw Youtubers play Minecraft mods, so seeing the add-ons thing get onto console is great to see.

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I first played the port on the xbox version of Doom 3: ROE. I can't be the only one that started there.

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My first experience with doom was downloading what I thought was doom on my raspberry pi, only for it to be FreeDM and me being very confused by the lack of enemies. It took me watching Ahoy’s video on doom several years later for me to actually give the copy I had lying around in my steam library a try. It was like nothing else I’d ever played.

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6 hours ago, Doomlover77 said:

In 1995 I had doom on the sega Megadrive 32x. It was very good. Only 17 levels. Some used doom2 textures. @Doomlover77  

exactly the same. After try it in a Pc owned by friend, i was dreaming to have my own, i was on Sega megadrive (Genesis) so, was really exiciting. At the beginning i didn't notice diferences, but then with my first Pc i get all the Doom collection and i noticed everything was way better

Edited by WARDUST

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