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Your favourite sound in Doom

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DSGETPOW is harmonious and melodic. Load it into your favourite sequencer or tracker, and play a tune on it.

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25 minutes ago, idbeholdME said:

Rocket/barrel explosion into gibbing sound. I could watch a Cyberdemon fight a Zombieman army all day thanks to that.

Wow, So Me!

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The Baron's alert sound in PSX Doom/Doom 64, that is how you make a monster sound intimidating. PC Doom Baron sounds like a kitten in comparison.


The PSX Doom/Doom 64 Pain Elemental's alert sound also, hearing it in Doom 64 is sure to send shivers down your spine.


And the gibbing sound, no matter the version, is of course the most satisfying sound to exist.

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Shotgun blast cause it never gets old.

The Super Shotgun cause its legendary.

The Baron Of Hell cause he is mean and always looks for trouble.

The Zombies cause its the first thing you will hear in terms of kills.

The Archville cause you know for sure that sh*t has just hit the fan.

The Imp cause its the first demon you will see.

The Pinky cause if you play it right he will never get you.

The Spectre cause it tries to be uber pinky and hides in dark places but still fails. (Nice try though.)


*I think I'll stop now...



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  • 1 month later...

If I could only pick one, it would be the door opening sound(the longer one from Doom I onwards). Despite being originally a stock sound and appearing in a lot of different movies/tv shows, I’ll always associate it with Doom!


Baron’s death is a close second…SSG third.

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Something about the snappiness of the Arachnotron death sound really does it for me, very satisfying to hear.


Other great sounds (in no particular order) include:

  • Both the Archvile's awaken and death sounds.
  • The Revenant's death sound.
  • The Imp's awaken, roaming and death sounds. (Still makes me laugh that the death sounds for the Imp are just camel noises, but you've got to hand it to Bobby Prince for creativity.)

That's everything off the top of my head.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmmm...a tough one, because I pretty much really like all of them, every single one is iconic, brings back memories/feelings, but if, let's say, I have to choose three, then


1) SSG fire & reload, as it's so satisfying, kinda on the level when you obliterate a larger group of low-tier enemies with a BFG blast; that's also beautiful

2) Imp roaming, fo sho

3) sound of sending/receiving a chat message


And ofc the...


Maybe some of you guys haven't seen it yet; decino made a really cool video on all Doom sounds and their origin, with almost all the original sound effects which got modified by Bobby.


Edited by Fluuschoen

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The mancubus sound effect that to me sounds like “humpyomom”. It’s almost comedic to me whenever I play doom 

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On 8/3/2022 at 6:20 PM, Sonikkumania said:

Doom has a collection of sounds we've all come to love (or despise). I'd like to start a conversation regarding your personal fav sounds.


Here's mine:

-Item pickup sound (The Beep).

-Chainsaw idle sound, like a purring cat.

-Weapon pickup sound.

-SSG reload sound.

-Rocket Launcher firing sound.

-Demon death sound. Reminds me of bacon.

I always said that Demon will taste like bacon they like the pigs of the Demon world 

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3 minutes ago, Nightmare2989 said:

I always said that Demon will taste like bacon they like the pigs of the Demon world 

LMAO everyone I know calls them "pigs".

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I would say Arch Viles make my fav noise from their wake-up sound to their laughing and then there the death sound too it just creepy and i love it thank map 11 hunted for terrorising me as a kid back in the day 

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1 hour ago, Nightmare2989 said:

I would say Arch Viles make my fav noise from their wake-up sound to their laughing

You know, I always thought their idle sound is meant to be laughing too. Now I've started to think it as some sorta menacing taunt, like "WHERE ARE YOU!?".

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51 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

You know, I always thought their idle sound is meant to be laughing too. Now I've started to think it as some sorta menacing taunt, like "WHERE ARE YOU!?".

Yeah, it creepy thing to but it brilliant and their death sound pretty much sounds like why why 

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Unmaker firing, especially at level 3


DSPOPAIN, both the regular and PSX versions, both sound so goofy, I love it.


Plasma defo


Rev death, satisfying af.


Gibbing ofc.


Not sure if this counts but Cybruiser deaths are oh so satisfying.

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