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Circumcision.wad (wherein a bunch of people are total jerks to a newbie)

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I am gradually getting more convinced this is some previously banned user who keeps on re-registering and does the exact same thing over and over. There have been numerous users that do this:

  • Register
  • Lurk for a few days
  • Then post a thread: Either a single level or a mapset like this
  • Maps are comparitively poor or Grezzo like in quality
  • Users disappear and never improve upon their standard.

I can't be the only one in this.


Cool, you know how to edit assets and make a map. That's better than people who don't know jack, but this isn't a jokewad.

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5 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

I am gradually getting more convinced this is some previously banned user who keeps on re-registering and does the exact same thing over and over. There have been numerous users that do this:

  • Register
  • Lurk for a few days
  • Then post a thread: Either a single level or a mapset like this
  • Maps are comparitively poor or Grezzo like in quality
  • Users disappear and never improve upon their standard.

I can't be the only one in this.


Cool, you know how to edit assets and make a map. That's better than people who don't know jack, but this isn't a jokewad.

This is a jokewad, we literally had 20 minutes to make each map, and no, i have not been banned before (???)

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1 hour ago, angelomerz said:

This is a jokewad, we literally had 20 minutes to make each map, and no, i have not been banned before (???)

  1. So the joke is to be something that's already been done before (Grezzo 2). In what way is being obnoxious and contrarian in assets funny?
  2. 20 mins is indeed slim, but that's the joke, i guess?
  3. You are passing this on as if it were a legitimate wadset and not a jokewad. The only catch is the 20 mins map time (and well, the screenshots).

If its a jokewad, there has to both be a joke present at first and it should be mentioned that it is one.


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5 hours ago, angelomerz said:

The joke of the wad is to see what we could make in 20 minutes, the random textures and dumb midis are just for the sake of it. The gameplay is certainly very bullshit but it's kinda of enjoyable (obviously thinking of the enemy placement, not the level design)


Maybe so, but the problem is that the joke isn't funny, and that it didn't need to be posted. That's why people are peeved by this bro

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2 minutes ago, Savarin said:

I think people are going way too harsh on this. 

just like @Sr_Ludicolo said, i don't think this needed to be posted at all. it just isn't funny, i would have been fine if they could have just made this map to amuse them them selves and never upload it or some shit. but that isnt what happened, they uploaded a deliberately shit map and decided to upload it

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1 hour ago, angelomerz said:

i'm worried for when i will post an actually decent wad then

Then it will be ignored because their first impression was this crapwad.

The biggest surprises are new users who arrive with an utterly amazing map or mapset. Heck, even a good starter map usually lands some good vibes.


Posting Amberturdwads for the giggles, the lulz, the jokes or w/e never lands you anything but mockery. If that's your forte: Too bad, we already have a wad named that way, but you can be Faster Than The Speed Of Stupid.

25 minutes ago, Savarin said:

I think people are going way too harsh on this. Does it suck? Absolutely. Most maps you can just skip, and most fights are not balanced at all.But if it was just a speed-mapping experiment you did with some friends, I see no issue at all.

There are two major gripes with this kind of thinking here:

  • If most maps can be skipped, then why were the maps made in the first place? You make a map because (generally) you want to have other play it - That's literally what this community is about.
  • If its just an experiment with some friends, then why is it posted in the public here? In that fashion, the wad clearly does not need to escape its private dungeon.
25 minutes ago, Savarin said:

Not the best, but I've seen way worse.

Ill make just a singular wall then smeared with Doomworld's logo on it and Rick Ashley. The exit is right ahead, just two units further.

1 hour ago, mrthejoshmon said:

Just call it WOOO 4 next time, you'll get away with it.

It better be called Memento Mori 3 next time.

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36 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

i don't think this needed to be posted at all


17 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

If its just an experiment with some friends, then why is it posted in the public here?


I can agree with that I suppose. Even if it was just messing around with friends, it's very far from a proper release of something.

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2 hours ago, Sr_Ludicolo said:

Can we close this thread lmao


Let's end this (suffer)thing! (suffering)

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35 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:


I feel like one of the main reasons this WAD has been dogpiled is BECAUSE of it being a shitpost. We've been inundated with countless shitpost WADs these past few months and it's really annoying because not only is it just trash being dumped onto the forum, but it pushes the threads of legitimate WADs worthy of attention down the pages of the subforum where they are more likely to be ignored. I know I'm pretty fed up with seeing feckless "shitposts" WADs trying to be passed off as comedy map projects and stinking up this subforum.


I do feel a little bad for @angelomerz being on the receiving end of this dogpile and I absolutely encourage them to post actual maps they've sunk a lot of time and effort into crafting. That being said, we also can't help it if they're the latest person to post yet another time-wasting "JokeWAD" that pulls attention away from worthy mapping projects and receives the full-brunt of our frustration.


Hell, I'm not even against the concept of a JokeWAD, especially when we have a history of them that are quite silly but are also fun to play with solid level design. A little effort shouldn't be too much to ask.


PREACH. I love a good joke wad, but i'm so tired of seeing low effort wads. Imagine if your wad was pushed down the forums because of shit like this. Wouldn't that piss you off? 


We should seriously just ban joke wads that are obviously low-effort. I know that's unlikely, but I think the world would be a slightly better place because of it. Just get rid of these crappy joke wad announcement threads, for the love of God.

Edited by Sr_Ludicolo

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16 hours ago, Shepardus said:

Doom II Reloaded MAP32 can be exited in under three seconds if you can't or don't care to find its secrets. 1000 Lines 2 MAP32 also has an opt-out switch. And those are maps that were explicitly designed that way, not even looking at maps with giant sequence breaks. Are you saying those maps shouldn't have been made?

They were explictly designed that way, so no.


These maps here however aren't explicitly designed, they are just explicitly.

13 hours ago, Decay said:

Y'all need to learn a thing or two about not giving attention to things like this. There was so many irrelevant posts and wasted text it was incredible.

How is you dedicating half of your post to stating this not the very same thing you want everyone else to learn a thing or two about?


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46 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

How is you dedicating half of your post to stating this not the very same thing you want everyone else to learn a thing or two about?

I didn't make multiple posts decrying the project without playing it. If you genuinely don't want to see more wads like this, don't give it attention. As for me posting, I don't necessarily dislike the wad, I don't give a shit if it's a shitty wad/joke wad/whatever wad, I've played plenty of those and thought another one might be fun. If it's not your thing there's really no need to continuously post about it and messing up the project thread. Dude just wants people to play the maps. If you don't want to play them that's fine, but these wads very much do have a place within the greater arch of doom mapping, state your piece and then either play it to validate it or buzz off. That being said, to stay on topic, the wad is pretty much what I thought it was but I'm not going to be posting up demos until it's on /idgames maybe.

Edited by Decay

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31 minutes ago, Decay said:

I didn't make multiple posts decrying the project without playing it. If you genuinely don't want to see more wads like this, don't give it attention.

I like how either this or just report it bro are the default arguments to combating shit tier wads. In the end neither of them work, because hey, here is once again that very same thread. Reporting only solves one thread, but not the underlying criticism underneath.


What actually would work is technically impossible as far as i am concerned. That's no slight against staff, but just the way it is.


Taking the rebels stance (You lot should not give this attention, you should learn) also doesn't help but it sure makes you claim a hill for the sole reason that you want to claim a hill. I am not in the claims business, and i prefer that even shitmaps give off the idea that someone did an effort no matter how small.


Ill give you that ive been arrowing this issue too much in this thread. Consider this the last on this thread.


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2 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

I like how either this or just report it bro are the default arguments to combating shit tier wads. In the end neither of them work, because hey, here is once again that very same thread. Reporting only solves one thread, but not the underlying criticism underneath.


Taking the rebels stance (You lot should not give this attention, you should learn) also doesn't help but it sure makes you claim a hill for the sole reason that you want to claim a hill. I am not in the claims business, and i prefer that even shitmaps give off the idea that someone did an effort no matter how small.


Did you just read the first couple sentences for a cheap gotcha? Or did you read the part where I actually don't mind these types of wads at all? A lot of my demos on DSDA are on similar wads. If I had a problem with a wad I would report it but there is nothing to report here. Mods left it up here because there is nothing wrong with it. Stop focusing on one thing and pretending to take the high ground with a smug-ass attitude and lecture, along with the backseat moderating, and hell off-topic posting because I doubt you even downloaded and played this.


Is it really a "rebel's stance" suggesting that if you are uninterested in the wad to just fuck off instead of writing 4 pages worth of irrelevant text? Should I go into every "slaughter" driven wad thread and say how bad it is because slaughter is pointless, tedious goat herding across several posts?



2 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

Consider this the last on this thread.


Wish it was the last on the forum instead.

Edited by Decay

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17 hours ago, Decay said:

Y'all need to learn a thing or two about not giving attention to things like this.


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Ironic how these jokewads "shouldn't get a ton of attention" and yet we're on page 4 with very little progress towards anything


Not calling anyone out in particular, but this is a running theme with these sorts of posts

Edited by Mr Masker

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1 minute ago, Doomkid said:

damn I’ve been wasting my time with putting effort into my wads, this is the real way to get attention

Got mine too. Turtle mode activate!

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Double posting to really make it clear that I think posting in this thread is bad. Anyone who posts in here once, let alone twice, must have some screws loose!

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1 hour ago, maxnut said:

ok but why is something that you don't find funny supposed to be removed from the site like it was the worst thing this forum has ever seen? i'm not saying that you're supposed to laugh at this or anybody is, but if even some people enjoyed this then what's so bad about it; that you didn't laugh at it? i don't get why people started shitting on this just because they didn't like it or didn't find it funny. i get that you are all probably done with shitwads in the forum, but how were we supposed to know? anyways we are literally arguing over a wad called circumcision so it's probably time to stop filling this with comments.

1- Would you like to show me where I said that your wad should be removed from the forum? I don't even believe in the whole "ignore it and it'll go away" deal, this is a discussion forum.


2- You're surprised people are shitting on something that you yourself are choosing to refer to as a shitwad?


3- We could be "arguing" over a wad called something else, but here we are arguing over a wad called Circumcision, as that is the name you chose for your project. I wasn't aware that there was some special rule about not criticizing a wad because the author gave it a stupid name.


I was going to choose not to reply anymore until I noticed your post about how you were apprehensive about creating a "serious project" due to the reception of this one. I told you that you shouldn't worry about that, and that I have seen worse threads, as well as summing up with as little sarcasm as possible while still making a point, what the problem is with this wad. It's ironic that people who accuse other people of being overdramatic are usually much more dramatic than the people they're arguing against. Some people will come along and say "it sucks/it isn't funny/it's stupid", and Person B, who finds some kind of redeeming value in the project, will come in with "they're acting like it's the worst thing ever and it murdered their entire family!!!".


If you're super worried about this having an effect on your new project, you can always just make another account to release the new wad when you're finished with it. But in short, no, I don't think your wad should be removed. I think it is good that the moderators do have standards for what is allowed, but as long as it's not literally a STARTAN box, I'm perfectly fine with most maps being allowed a thread. They give people something to talk about. A STARTAN box does not, so those kinds of maps should be removed. But I also think people should share their thoughts. When you release a project like this, and give it such a title, you have to be aware of the responses you're going to get. Shitpost wads just aren't well-liked here. You can look at last month's Freddy Vs Alien Vs Jason Vs John Goodman DBP as an example - a wad that had a lot of technical work and time put into it, but also full of so much dumb shit that almost nobody liked it. And that one was removed - when you present something as being shit, most people are going to shit on it. And the person who posted it presented it as a shitpost.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Just now, Shepardus said:

Did you miss this part of rd's post?




Perhaps I read too quickly, I apologize for that. 


Regardless, I agree with the general consensus that threads like this are a huge waste of energy and server resources. Can we lock this thread pretty please? :^)

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On 8/1/2022 at 10:03 AM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Please look up the definition of the word "joke". Taking twenty minutes to take a shit isn't funny, it's constipation.


My new favorite DW quote

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