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Overboard - 6 map island hopping adventure (now on idgames!)

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Well, you had me at toilets




update: played through all 6 levels. Absolute blast to play through start to finish, hilarious in some parts, crafty in others, never boring, always interesting. And the toilets come in all shapes, sizes and even uses?? 10/10

Edited by Jinxie

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Holy shit you're back with doom maps! Now I'll need to clear out my afternoon for them!

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Just finished playing this, a very fun and charming experience. I love mapsets with the theme and vibe that this one has.

If I had any complaints, it would be that map04 and 05 could have some more shell pickups.


Also this visual bug in map04.





Besides that, a great little adventure for something this short.

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Some of your fastest paced levels to date! I loved the quirkyness as usual, can't wait to maybe see more!

Edited by Bobby "J

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12 minutes ago, LGmaire said:

Also this visual bug in map04.


Well spotted, cheers

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Welcome back :) I was excited to play through the whole thing. Also I discovered a softlock here.. somehow :D Thanks again for this fantastic experience!




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just played the whole mod and i really enjoyed it, the combat was fun and fast paced, always making the player to think and move fast 
and i really loved the little details and doomcutes that were everywhere, also the idea of you having to find a fuel can for your boat to go to the next level was really sweet
the tranisition to the new game plus in the "end" was also surprising and really good, playing the same levels but with more challenge was more fun that i expected
the actual end part was also great too, the city looks so good for a boom format map (infact this whole mod being in the boom format is very impressive)

overall i quite enjoyed this mod, im looking forward to see what you make in the future
(also from seeing the comments looks like you came back to doom modding after a long break so, welcome back!)

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