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Overboard - 6 map island hopping adventure (now on idgames!)

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18 hours ago, L0l1nd3r said:

A small request: Remove the W1 Crusher for the Cacodemons in maps 5 and 12. They tend to die a gruesome death under certain gameplay mods.


11 minutes ago, L0l1nd3r said:

Project Brutality uses hitboxes to determine damage. Cacodemons are 100% head hitbox so they take double damage. Afrits have a chance to replace cacodemons and they always survive due to having more hp and a normal hitbox. Also the viles have a chance to be replaced by a slightly bigger vile (the hellion) and they can't move from the starting area due to having a slightly larger radius. Basically they need a little bit of wiggle room.

Frankly, with the amount of stuff going on in these maps, it's only to be expected that some gameplay mods will break things.

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16 minutes ago, L0l1nd3r said:

Project Brutality uses hitboxes to determine damage. Cacodemons are 100% head hitbox so they take double damage. Afrits have a chance to replace cacodemons and they always survive due to having more hp and a normal hitbox. Also the viles have a chance to be replaced by a slightly bigger vile (the hellion) and they can't move from the starting area due to having a slightly larger radius. Basically they need a little bit of wiggle room.


It seems like a mod problem. The set was clearly not designed for mods and in mods anything can happen it's impossible to try to accommodate them all lol

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Yeah I'm not going to change any gameplay to accomodate mods, but I was interested in how they were messing it up, so thanks for clarifying that. Any problems like this would have to be forwarded to the mod creator

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Going Down is my favourite Doom wad so its creator coming back and making a new project was very exciting for me. The staples of mouldy's style are alive in Overboard: detailed level design, enemy encounters that are chaotic but also manageable, surrealism, and cheeky wit. Loved playing this!

Edited by DoubleCakes

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Thank you very much for the map set @mouldy! That was a lot of fun!


I also love what you did with the maps after MAP07. Nice to have two versions of a fun map set! Don't know if this was reported already so here it goes: in MAP14 I could clip a tiny bit into the the entrance of an elevator. I played on DSDA 22.4, HMP, with Boom compatibility. 







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9 minutes ago, Peccatum Mihzamiz said:

Thank you very much for the map set @mouldy! That was a lot of fun!

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I also love what you did with the maps after MAP07. Nice to have two versions of a fun map set! Don't know if this was reported already so here it goes: in MAP14 I could clip a tiny bit into the the entrance of an elevator. I played on DSDA 22.4, HMP, with Boom compatibility. 


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cheers, that bug looks unusual, I will investigate

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Hey I really liked this map. Maybe it's because I did better at it than some others but no it's awesome. The secrets I found were amazing and this is just so much fun to play. Map 7 was a good laugh too


So I'm interested in the new game plus stuff. I'm thinking I'll do one more video someday where I attempt to do it all and see what happens. I'm also very curious to try to play going down sometime


Great stuff buddy




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2 hours ago, Clippy said:

Hey I really liked this map. Maybe it's because I did better at it than some others but no it's awesome. The secrets I found were amazing and this is just so much fun to play. Map 7 was a good laugh too


So I'm interested in the new game plus stuff. I'm thinking I'll do one more video someday where I attempt to do it all and see what happens. I'm also very curious to try to play going down sometime


Great stuff buddy


Cheers for all the vids, mate

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Shouldn't it be "You won the game"?

Or am I missing some inside joke.

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7 minutes ago, mouldy said:

Seaside Siege + now has moar imps. It probably didn't need them, but maybe it did.

Those extra imps are just friends of that one Imp who has an adventure of his own. He's aware about what most of us probably did during the ending, that's his revenge.

Edited by Shanoa

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3 hours ago, mouldy said:

Congrats on wonning the game


Now I'm confused. Did I winned the game, or did I wonned the game? Does that depend on whether I tried to shoot Bro Imp? Inquiring minds wonned to know.

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34 minutes ago, Not Jabba said:


Now I'm confused. Did I winned the game, or did I wonned the game? Does that depend on whether I tried to shoot Bro Imp? Inquiring minds wonned to know.

A wonner is you

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36 minutes ago, David Asaad said:

Bruh i wanted to do an ng+ episode run...


I would be interested in doing one too someday


I was wondering if I should do pistol start or continuous but I see the answer is pistol start lol 

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1 hour ago, David Asaad said:

Bruh i wanted to do an ng+ episode run...

"I'm sure you can find a way around it if you can't live without your stuff" :D

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Continuous ng+ is still technically possible, though I have to say map 12 took me a few goes

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13 hours ago, mouldy said:

Congrats on wonning the game

Best possible response, I should've expected this.

Edited by rzh

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i mean its not hard to beat ng+ but I dont find 6 ILs in a row particularly interesting :p In this case Id just try to optimize each one and run them separately

Edited by David Asaad

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I've adored these maps so far, they're exactly what I was looking for after Going Down - fast, action packed, chaotic murder boxes. 


Ultimately it's up to you but I beg you to reconsider the mandatory death exits. Nowadays a very large potion of players play pistol starting each map as it is, I don't see the benefit in forcing the player's choice in this matter. Routing ammo and weapon usage between levels is one of the major pulls of D2All runs, and since these maps are so energetic and quick I knew a number of people who were interested in recording episode run demos for NG+. As David said 6 ILs in a row is not really interesting in terms of strategy or routing. The creator of Bourgdm regretted using mandatory death exits like this for the same reason.


If you don't want a player to abuse a weapon they shouldn't have so early in the level then don't give them ammo for it :P the maps already seemed very well balanced for continuous play.

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Also count me as who is not a fan of the death exits in NG+. I have already beaten each map of NG+ with pistol starts and would have definitely liked to do an ironman style continuous run (where we carry our resources) of the maps somewhere in future. I think having a choice would be best

Edited by ReaperAA

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Actually that's probably not going to help you out though, if its just faster to take the death. I will think about this further and come up with a solution we can all be happy with

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I think it's fine to leave it as is. It's an interesting concession to have to route the invuln for the death exit instead of using it to save time in a fight, or trivialize a difficult one, and a carry over bfg can be absurdly powerful for shaving time off levels.


Movie demos also aren't really that hyper optimized, there's always going to be tradeoffs in doing slower strategies that are more consistent, and it's cool to be able to control how much risk you're able to handle.


also surprised you guys didn't bother to look if it was possible after "I'm sure you can find a way around it if you can't live without your stuff" :^)

Edited by Daerik

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Yeah sorry spoke too soon, having to choose between carried-over weapons and invuln for a hard fight is an interesting concept :P


I only recalled getting an invuln in Depth Charge so alarm bells were going off in my head. But if there's one on each map now then I can absolutely get behind it

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Ok, see how you get on with the invuls, but if it looks like it wont be fun I can look into changing it back and trying to fix the ammo balance for continuous instead. I'm thinking map 12 without the invul for the archviles might be too much of a pain for speedrunning, but the next map is kind of trivialised with an early bfg, so thats the trade-off I guess.

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