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Overboard - 6 map island hopping adventure (now on idgames!)

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Actually I've changed my mind about that whole death exit thing, its way too gimmicky and weird. I've updated the update to remove it, here's a new link:


version 21-08

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3 minutes ago, mouldy said:

Actually I've changed my mind about that whole death exit thing, its way too gimmicky and weird. I've updated the update to remove it, here's a new link:


version 21-08

do u recommend pistol start or continuous for NG +?

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24 minutes ago, Clippy said:

do u recommend pistol start or continuous for NG +?

I think either is fine. Pistol start will give you a more interesting challenge if thats what you are after, but if you just want a casual playthrough then try continuous instead. NG+ also has difficulty settings, but the only difference is more resources on lower difficulties.

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Aww I thought more of you would see what mouldy meant by "I'm sure you can find a way around it if you can't live without your stuff." I liked the tradeoff between using an invuln during the level or saving it for the death exit (at least the idea of it, I didn't try playing the levels with it). It's fine either way though, part of the fun of episode/D2All runs IMO is that the wad doesn't necessarily have to be balanced for it.

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yeah it was an interesting idea, but something about death exits just didn't sit right with me as a solution to a problem. I think in the end people should be allowed to play how they want to play, rather than how I want them to play.

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36 minutes ago, EffinghamHuffnagel said:

Just wanted to point out there are two pieces of music in the wad named D_DDTBL2. Was one supposed to be D_READ_M?

Thats weird, thanks for pointing that out. It looks like its been there for the last few versions so I guess it isnt breaking anything, but I'll tidy that up

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3 hours ago, mouldy said:

Actually I've changed my mind about that whole death exit thing, its way too gimmicky and weird. I've updated the update to remove it, here's a new link:


version 21-08

awesome! looking forward to idgames

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Finally got back to this to try out new game+ mode and wasn't disappointed.  Absolute chaos ensues right off the bat in the newly remixed levels.  Of course the cyber in the first level decides he was too cooped up below deck and comes up to roam around - and he's actually really annoying moving around like that, almost feeling like the level was designed for it haha.  I love that some of encounters and ambushes were so fundamentally different throughout these levels that it felt like a new blind playthrough at many points, despite having played the layouts before.  The submarine for example felt like a totally mad scramble in a way the original didn't.


Of course for me Cacotoa+ was the one I was worried about, since it is one large, ongoing fight and I don't like to save midfight.  And boy, are there a few new buddies to hang out with.  Took me a little while (highlighted the final run in chapters) and it felt overwhelming - it was basically a totally insane, pulsepounding slaughter map at that point.  Satisfying as hell to beat!  Archi-pelago is up there in chaos too, though breaks between stuff to save helped a lot.


Anyway, I really like the concept of new game plus in a doom wad for extending the life of the release without quite as much work as totally new levels.  I'm not sure if this has been done in doom wads before but I hope more creators take cues from this and try it out in there own works.  Awesome work, and looking forward to finishing the last level as I didn't quite get to it in an hour. :-)



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Cheers mate, congrats on no-save cacotoa+, that looked like quite an ordeal. Enjoy the final map

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19 minutes ago, mouldy said:

Cheers mate, congrats on no-save cacotoa+, that looked like quite an ordeal. Enjoy the final map


lol thanks, the map was so fun (despite my occasional yelling 😆) that it was worth trying to do the whole thing in one go.  the way it constantly unfolds around you was fun to learn and react to, and the arena is really well designed to move through and try to find paths around the changing threats. probably my favourite map of the set, despite its difficulty (and I'm usually not one for crazy difficulty).  For sure looking forward to the final map craziness, and finishing Going Down on stream later tonight is probably going to bring me some similar thrills 😄

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Well this was a hell of a treat to see recovering from a burnout period. And it doesn't disappoint, this set was fun and quirky as hell. Haven't played the NG+'s yet but adored the accessible yet thrilling default maps. 

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Did a full playthrough with Walpurgis here:

I've always enjoyed tropical island themed sets, and this one really takes the crown for one of the best of these that I've played. Full of great doomcute and well designed levels. Also Cacotoa is now my stupid pun of the day. XD

Just one thing of note you can see at the very end; the death exit doesn't quite manage to kill me for New Game+ (lol). But I guess you can't always account for mods in that way, so not really a bug per se.

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34 minutes ago, eharper256 said:

I've always enjoyed tropical island themed sets, and this one really takes the crown for one of the best of these that I've played. Full of great doomcute and well designed levels. Also Cacotoa is now my stupid pun of the day. XD

Just one thing of note you can see at the very end; the death exit doesn't quite manage to kill me for New Game+ (lol). But I guess you can't always account for mods in that way, so not really a bug per se.

Cheers. I guess when it comes to mods, as long as you aren't getting soft locked then its all good

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47 minutes ago, mouldy said:


Cheers. I guess when it comes to mods, as long as you aren't getting soft locked then its all good

No problem; I actually deliberately make Walp to be as compatible as possible with maps, so usually it doesn't have many problems (touchwood, lol).

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I haven't seen much HNTR playtest data in the thread, and I was recording as I played, so I figure I might as well post this demo of maps 1-7. It lasts about 50 minutes and was recorded with version 21-08 in -complevel 9. No bugs or issues to report - this WAD plays like a dream and served as a wonderful vacation from heavier things I'd been working on.


Not to say that the mapset is a pushover, mind you. It's very good at applying and sustaining pressure on the player, forcing them to make the most of these island arenas and their looping layouts. (The Arachnotron snipers in MAP05 were a particularly effective way to deny space + force aggression.) The player is going to be confronted with the need to give ground as the swarm advances, proactively push forward into groups of soft targets & try to knock them all down to gain additional space, and to occasionally disengage and start weaving through the crowds in search of vital resources. The health & ammo supplies are quite generous, and even the worst zaps or rockets still left me with a small window of opportunity to recover and survive.


Going Down was too brutal for me, but I'm happy to report that the suffocation & hopelessness of its monster floods is not duplicated on Skill 2 this time around - I think everyone can, and everyone should play this WAD. It frequently made me laugh out loud, and in a few cases swear out loud as one of its surprises made me jump. Thanks for creating & sharing this!

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7 hours ago, head_cannon said:


I haven't seen much HNTR playtest data in the thread, and I was recording as I played, so I figure I might as well post this demo of maps 1-7. It lasts about 50 minutes and was recorded with version 21-08 in -complevel 9. No bugs or issues to report - this WAD plays like a dream and served as a wonderful vacation from heavier things I'd been working on.

Thanks for the HNTR demo, I don't get much feedback about that setting so its good to see it all works ok. There are quite a lot of resources on that setting, probably too many, but I figure thats the holiday difficulty for people who don't want to stress about health and ammo so much.

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This maritime theme wad is such a blast in this summer!  I really like those tropical islands, submarines and the cruise, it brought to me the holiday mood.  


On “The Actual End” at around 26:04, the red skull key doesn’t seem to be spawned into the position properly as I took the yellow one and interacted with the elevator’s switch.  I went to check around and noticed that the conveyor doesn’t work?  I guess that might be the compatibility issue with mods.  

Thank you Mr. Mouldy for making my 2022 summer complete! 👍

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Finally got around to beating this. Pistol start, no saves UV because I like pain (and because I know you like your maps are bite-sized so it's still fun.)

I think what really makes your design stand out so much for me is the fact its coated in doomcute yet playspace is still comfortable and everything flows into each other which is a sadly uncommon mix. Skeleton coast is a beauty of slowly un-constricting design and the submarine is realized in an adorable way. Equal parts sightseeing and frantic scrambling, a healthy breakfast.

High concept, high execution, presented like it's not a big deal.

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39 minutes ago, K_krimson painkekk said:

On “The Actual End” at around 26:04, the red skull key doesn’t seem to be spawned into the position properly as I took the yellow one and interacted with the elevator’s switch.  I went to check around and noticed that the conveyor doesn’t work?  I guess that might be the compatibility issue with mods.  

Thank you Mr. Mouldy for making my 2022 summer complete! 👍

Thats a strange bug. Looks like it must be related to your mod, the key does clip into the wall slightly when it teleports so that might be confusing it, I guess? I'll make it so it doesn't do that and hopefully that will fix it.

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I just started a new series of this and I'm having a blast so far. Can't wait to see what more weird map design and cool doom cute you have up your sleeve. 


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10 hours ago, TheSwordman said:

Is it normal that prboom crashes when trying to load the demo of this wad? Beyond that problem, loving the wad so far

I noticed this the other day and it will be fixed in the final release, but thanks for telling me. I think I recorded the demo with dsda but forgot to make sure it was complevel 9

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What a great set! Launched into this directly after GD (wow, my comment about low enemy counts went stale rather fast), which is for sure one of the most fun megawads evaaaaaar. I got oddly emotionally attached to the lift, and was waking up on and off with the tune you re-used at the end of Overboard in my head for a week.


Overboard then, I loved it. A fucking excellent bit of snackable Doom -- which is the ideal portion for me these days, spent enough of my life gaming. The sense of place within the primitive bounds of Doom's engine is unbelievable; the lifebuoy flip in the submarine level, simple and yet totally convincing, Boom's translucent linetype returns to give us teeny glasses once again. the humour and music utterly charming, and the gameplay was awesome, with a load of encounter variation and your characteristic gradual envelopment of total chaos. I pistol-started on UV, found it a decent challenge but quite a bit easier than some of the later parts of GD. Sub level probably my fave -- counterintuitively great design, a level that is 80% straight line, small scale works against all the conventional wisdom -- but every one of them is ridiculously fun.


Was a bit sceptical on NG+ but gave it a shot immediately after finishing the first round and was converted fast by the gameplay switch-up. I was somehow expecting just more monsters, not stuff like the twist that completely upends the pace of the level on the NG+ submarine map. Although more monsters on Seaside Siege was actually great, saying that. Cheers for the fun times and hope this isn't the last bit of Doom you'll concoct (but if it is, you left us on a massive high).

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11 hours ago, holaareola said:

Cheers for the fun times and hope this isn't the last bit of Doom you'll concoct (but if it is, you left us on a massive high).

Thanks mate, glad you enjoyed ng+

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1 hour ago, Peccatum Mihzamiz said:

Question about MAP05: am I going crazy or do (some of the) cacodemons have less health in it? I seem to be able to 1-rocket them. Tested on both DSDA and prboom+ with cl9.

The cacos on map 5 have been pre-squashed for your convenience. Basically I wanted the threat of a caco cloud but with half the HP. Flying imps, if you will

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