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Stickney Installation - A 36 Level Ultimate Doom Megawad (Vanilla) [FINAL VERSION NOW ON IDGAMES]

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Very happy to have been able to finish this tonight! Fun times with @Snaxalotl @Dub Bag @sandwedge - Voxel doom is awesome


maps were super fun and engaging - which for doom 1 is cool - frantic wild fun - interesting re-imagines of classic stuff - cant wait for E4



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Just finished now. It took a long time to play with little by little.

I think the difficulty is implemented close to IWAD.
I was particularly impressed with the difficulty implementation of E1.
After finishing up to E3, I saw a little implementation of E4M1.
Looking forward to the next episode!


It was fun.

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Hey snax i just wanted to let you know that i'm sorry i've been slacking on making a video on E3 of your doom 1 wad. Things came up that i need to deal with at the moment, but once i get them dealt with i'll do the video.


I also might be doing a re recording of the first two eps. as well since you last updated them.


Can't wait for E4 to come out.

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A very special episode where I play through Stickney Episode 1 100% saveless while talking to Snax about her mapping!  Had a lot of fun with this :)



Edited by sandwedge

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Heya, just wanted to report a bug in E2M7 - apparently, if you jump into the vent with the computer area map, there's no way out. The window is too small for Doomguy to squeeze through unless you're crouching. Using GZDoom.


EDIT: Checked the editor and the RL room and soulsphere secret appear bugged as well. Interacting with one of the lit-up skull textures on the pillars doesn't seem to do anything.


A lot of pinky punching in episode 2 btw!


EDIT 2: E3M6, sector 198 HOM.

Edited by Firedust

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Episode 4 is out now! Big thanks to my main playtester @sandwedge, and those who gave feedback along the way.

Stickney Installation is now finished, outside of any bug fixes before I get this put on idgames.

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Welp looks like now i got to do a lot of videos for the next couple of days. i need to redo the old videos of your maps anyways plus i got a project i'm doing for Doom 1 at the moment.


I will do the videos when i can but yes now i can actually do a full play through of the wad.

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42 minutes ago, Snaxalotl said:

Episode 4 is out now! Big thanks to my main playtester @sandwedge, and those who gave feedback along the way.

Stickney Installation is now finished, outside of any bug fixes before I get this put on idgames.

Did you and Wilster conspire to release your E4s at the exact same time??


(Can’t wait to play them both!)

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Are wilster and snax the same person or part of some doom conspiracy to be releasing their e4s on the same day lmao

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12 hours ago, Captain Keen said:

Did you and Wilster conspire to release your E4s at the exact same time??


(Can’t wait to play them both!)

That is a possibility

8 hours ago, Firedust said:

Are wilster and snax the same person or part of some doom conspiracy to be releasing their e4s on the same day lmao

Wilster and I have never been in the same room at the same time

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13 hours ago, Snaxalotl said:

Episode 4 is out now! Big thanks to my main playtester @sandwedge, and those who gave feedback along the way.

Stickney Installation is now finished, outside of any bug fixes before I get this put on idgames.

Congratulations on the completion of your project!

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Hey, really good to see the full release of  STICKNEY.WAD  after all this time! Well done on getting a vanilla-compatible E4 made, not too many full-replacement Ultimate Doom megawads out there. I'm proud, son.

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In E4M2 in the plasma rifle room, if you climb on top of the platform and jump outside the window to the left towards where the cybs are, you'll notice that the rock texture appears to be a damaging floor as well. Is that intentional?

I'll edit this post if I manage to find any bugs.


EDIT: E4M3, lion switch that raises the lava across doesn't change animation when activated.


EDIT 2: E4M5, this sector with the shotgunner is broken, making all kills impossible: https://prnt.sc/VSzeWoBSzOdi


EDIT 3: E4M6, in the starting area, you can actually walk through the caged textures (to the right of the player after exiting the small cave in the beginning) but are unable to get out.

Edited by Firedust

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Alright here it is. I did a re recording of map ep. 1 of stickney Installation and i should say right off the bat that i tried to do a ironman thing where i play the levels saveless....but i failed at it pretty hard. Over all playing ep. 1 was great and i got better at figuring out the traps and i may of watched sandy play it on his channel to know some of the secrets. 


Anyways here it is. My playthrough of ep. 1 of Stickney Installation.

Oh and snax feel free to correct me on something and or let me know what i did wrong....and also how bad i am at the maps :)

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21 minutes ago, Wilster_Wonkels said:

or the same continent

when one comes, the other disappears



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2 hours ago, Firedust said:

when one comes, the other disappears



Rumor has it that if you play both Silence and Stickney at the same exact time you can actually open a portal to Hell.

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Alrighty, I'm done! Fantastic episode, really enjoyed the callbacks to the original maps. Edited my post further up the page with all the bugs I could find along the way.


P.S. Pls make ep 5 so wilster makes one too :p

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8 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Alrighty, I'm done! Fantastic episode, really enjoyed the callbacks to the original maps. Edited my post further up the page with all the bugs I could find along the way.


P.S. Pls make ep 5 so wilster makes one too :p

Honestly i think snax's would do more of a plutonia map then an ep 5. set lol. If that happened then i would have to get to map02 of my plutonia wad done then.

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Completed episode 4, great stuff! Visuals(and difficulty) of EP4 has been preserved. :) Btw warped to secret level because i didnt know that secret exit is in 



My secret counter was showing 1/1 secrets. This is intentional?

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I really enjoyed this first map and hanging out with you guys. From the new fourth episode. With voxel doom! 




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I really enjoyed this first map and hanging out with you guys. From the new fourth episode. With voxel doom! 




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@Snaxalotl Finished the wad today, great stuff all around. Perfect double feature with Silence. Maps are fun to play, challenging but not aggravating, and feel like they’re filled with fun surprises.


Excuse my ignorance but have you posted any other maps or wads or is this your first major one? Do you plan to serenade us with a Doom II wad next a la Wilster or are you gonna take a break?

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1 hour ago, Captain Keen said:

@Snaxalotl Finished the wad today, great stuff all around. Perfect double feature with Silence. Maps are fun to play, challenging but not aggravating, and feel like they’re filled with fun surprises.


Excuse my ignorance but have you posted any other maps or wads or is this your first major one? Do you plan to serenade us with a Doom II wad next a la Wilster or are you gonna take a break?

My only other major release is Ante Mortem which is a udmf wad with lots o dynamic lights.

I do have plans to make a vanilla doom 2 wad though, so stay tuned :>

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1 hour ago, Snaxalotl said:

I do have plans to make a vanilla doom 2 wad though, so stay tuned :>

I finished re recording ep. 2 of your doom 1 wad by the way but i have one issue with it.


In map e2m5 where you go for the secret level i couldn't get up there so i had to noclip up there. I open it in map editor (sorry about that) and it's tagged as 16. Did i miss a step or is that the map being dumb.


Do you have a name for your Vanilla Doom 2 wad or mega wad or is that a hush hush thing?

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