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SLADE 3's map editor is placing sprites where they shouldn't go, raising sprites for no reason, and making sprites disappear. My platform is Mac OSX. Any suggestions?

Edited by TheHazardousMemer
Fixing errors, making the subject more clear

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you can use a virtual environment or dual-boot or something to get Windows running on your Mac, and run a different editor (UDB) that way


alternatively you can skip that step and just get a windows computer

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Mom said she’ll get one to make up for my horrible childhood but im in a rock in a hard place right now and I can’t just buy a computer I need permission as I can’t waste money as their will be one person making money now on instead of two(moving because of an abusive father)

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Those are basically the only two real games in town on OSX.


I do see a note saying Ultimate Doom Builder fixed Mac support, but AFAIK, it's never been officially supported on Mac.


I do know there is a port of ReDoomEd for Mac (which is, very literally, a port of the actual level editor id themselves used to develop the game on NeXT systems), but it would be VERY different from all the other editors out there:


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  On 8/10/2022 at 5:33 PM, TheHazardousMemer said:

The Doom WADS aren’t working in ReDoomEd.Its not reading them.


You gotta give some exact error messages or screenshots, same with SLADE 3. It places sprites where it shouldn't go and it raises sprites. Both seem doubtful to happen automatically.

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  On 8/10/2022 at 6:02 PM, TheHazardousMemer said:

(two screenshots)


I don't have a Mac OSX, but I don't see SLADE3's map editor doing anything weird here, like "placing sprites where they shouldn't go" as you mentioned. Did you get any error message from SLADE3?

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There's literally no sprites in that screenshot. You're not even in the right mode for Things, you're in linedef mode.


If you're talking about the stuff at the bottom of the first shot... that's just an information box popup. It's not placing those.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I think that you should use scrollwheel on mouse to raise/lower floor.


Also, please, be more descriptive in your posts. You're the one who wants help. Don't expect others to ask you what is wrong.

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  On 8/11/2022 at 10:44 PM, TheHazardousMemer said:

When I place the line or door its always raised in the air and I can’t figure a way to get it down



If you are trying to make a door, I recommend you look at the levels in the original Doom / Doom 2 to see how it is done. You do not just place a single line and give it a middle texture.

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