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3D floors disappear / glitch


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Whenever my 3D floor is above another 3D floor it starts disappearing (image)

I have no 3D floor experience (let alone UDB experience) but my process of making what you see in the image was to make 2 spiraling staircases with the exact same dimensions but adjusting the steps ceiling/floor height & height off-set and then placing all sectors inside of eachother to make the staircase go higher up on the pillar.
If i do this however one of my staircases just disappears.

The first staircases tag range goes from 1-24 and the second one goes from 25-44
I haven't done anything to the green control sector (the green square that's visible in 3D floor mode)

Anyone knows what's happening and how i can fix it?

Snap 2022-08-09 at 14.38.19.png

Snap 2022-08-11 at 10.00.51.png

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From the images my guess is that your not giving the sectors that needs 2 floors a double tag (I can say this by counting the number of dummy sectors on the right, unless they're not all in the screen).


If this is not the case, can you post the wad?

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51 minutes ago, Kan3 said:

From the images my guess is that your not giving the sectors that needs 2 floors a double tag (I can say this by counting the number of dummy sectors on the right, unless they're not all in the screen).

That's all the sectors, what do you mean by double tag?

Edited by Galux

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You don't need double tags. Just as long as you have 2 3D floor control sectors that reference the same tag at different heights. It sounds like that's what you're already doing. Does it appear correctly in-game?

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19 hours ago, Galux said:

That's all the sectors, what do you mean by double tag?

Giving a sector more than 1 tag.


It's true what Nevander said, you don't need 2 tags, but this is how the 3d Plugin operates, it add a new tag to the sector you're adding another 3d floor to, that's why of my first answer.



You can use the plugin to add as many 3d floors as you wish just by pressing "Add 3D Floor" (bottom left) or by duplicating an existing 3d floor (you save some time this way, remember that the sector will be in the exact same position as the first one if you duplicate it, so you need to move the dummy sector up or down).




How can you see, adding a new 3d floor with the plugin it added a new tag to my sector



(not necessary, if you don't want it, just point the 2nd dummy sector to the same sector tag as the first one and just delete the second tag on the sector).






Edited by Kan3

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5 hours ago, Kan3 said:

Giving a sector more than 1 tag.


It's true what Nevander said, you don't need 2 tags, but this is how the 3d Plugin operates, it add a new tag to the sector you're adding another 3d floor to, that's why of my first answer.



You can use the plugin to add as many 3d floors as you wish just by pressing "Add 3D Floor" (bottom left) or by duplicating an existing 3d floor (you save some time this way, remember that the sector will be in the exact same position as the first one if you duplicate it, so you need to move the dummy sector up or down).

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How can you see, adding a new 3d floor with the plugin it added a new tag to my sector

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(not necessary, if you don't want it, just point the 2nd dummy sector to the same sector tag as the first one and just delete the second tag on the sector).



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Thankyou! I will give this a go and see if i can get it to work :-)

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