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a wad that you have created that you despise


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doom2_nightmare_lol.wad, aka the reason why my dumb ass got a shitposting warn here. literally a room with powerups, weapons, and a cyberdemon. even nuts.wad is better than whatever hideous thing one would call a "map" I made.

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Well, I have my fair share of regrets surrounding abort_m and all the attention it's garnered compared to other projects, but if there's something I've made that I would despise, that'd probably be my first and last jokewad: Total Madness.


Look, I was an impressionable teenager back then, with very questionable influences. Stuff like that happens, but good god, simply thinking back to it fills me with a mixture of embarrassment and self-loathing.

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There's things I'd probably do differently in my former stuff. There's also various mapping knowledge and technical things I wish I knew about before. But I'll echo what others have said and say it's all part of learning and getting better. Don't ever regret your work or feel bad about it; it does no good. Just keep moving forward and have fun.

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definitely "cold as hell" which was one of the first wads i made that was released, i submitted it to doomworld mega project 2017 and looking back at it now i think it's a horrible map lmao, i don't regret making any wad though, it all helped me learn and i've definitely learned a ton since i made that wad

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I only despise rough sketches of maps I’ve made but never bothered to finish.


For real, I see no reason to despise any past creative endeavors as long as they are made honestly, without low ulterior motives.


Being ashamed on the other hand, sure. I don’t have that many maps of yesteryears left around, but in my drawer I have some poems and novellas I made when I was less experienced. I don’t despise them, but looking at them brings a tint of red on my cheeks. But that’s how it’s supposed to go, if you have ambition and are willing to improve your craft.

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