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Adventures of Square Multiplayer

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Hello All,


I am trying to play Adventures of Square on a Lan Party. I am using the standalone windows package on both of the computers, which is gzdoom


I am starting the server by using the lines 

-host 2 -skill 3 -warp 1 1


However, when the second player joins it is failing because the game cannot find the map 1 1.


I tried starting a single player game, and i noticed that when using the console the command warp 1 1 is not working properly to transport me to another map. I think this is due to how the mod calls their maps but i cannot figure out how to make it work.


Can someone guide on how to start a coop game on this mod, or how to find the map names that i should be using?



Edited by Garlichead

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I managed to make it work with the following bat script


square.exe -host 2 -skill 3 +map e1a1


Edited by Garlichead

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