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id Software is re-organizing the Galactic Doompublic into the first ever Galactic Doompire

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Seems pretty reasonable overall. At this point it makes sense to have an “Everything from Doom 1 to Doom 3” bundle, inclusive of final doom and 64. Glad they got around to doing that.

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22 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Seems pretty reasonable overall. At this point it makes sense to have an “Everything from Doom 1 to Doom 3” bundle, inclusive of final doom and 64. Glad they got around to doing that.


The only thing I didn't really agree with are the name changes to Ultimate Doom and Doom II, but everything else seems fine to me. And it means I'll have the Quake 2 mission packs and Doom 3 BFG Edition for free since I've had Quake 2 and Doom 3 classic for a while now. 

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As long as they don't delist anything I couldn't care less. And besides, what do you mean you don't own all of the id Software titles??

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59 minutes ago, Nevander said:

As long as they don't delist anything I couldn't care less. And besides, what do you mean you don't own all of the id Software titles??


Most of what they're delisting is some old demos, but they are delisting some stuff related to Doom 3 (because they're consolidating RoE and BFG Edition under Doom 3), the Quake 2 mission packs (which are being included with Quake 2 now), and the Doom Classic Complete Bundle (replaced with the Doom Classic Bundle, which includes Doom 3 and Doom 64 now).  


So, it's essentially this now:

  • Doom 3 with RoE and BFG Edition all packaged together (you get all 3 on purchase and can install separately, though you get the rest of the package if you own Doom 3 or BFG Edition already) 
  • Quake 2 with both mission packs
  • Doom Classic Bundle comes with Ultimate Doom/Doom 1993, Doom II (which comes with Final Doom and Master Levels), Doom 3, and Doom 64
  • Quake 3 Arena and Team Arena packaged together

Aside from that, a couple new bundles, and Ultimate Doom being changed to "Doom (1993)" for some reason. Doom II doesn't have the "Hell on Earth" thing anymore either. I have everything besides Doom 2016, Eternal, the RAGE games, and the newer Wolfenstein games due to lack of hardware for it, so not much changes for me aside from getting the Quake 2 mission packs and Doom 3 BFG Edition for free. The changes probably aren't much of a big deal for anyone who already has every id Software game that's still currently out there.

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38 minutes ago, Eddie 2077 said:

but they are delisting some stuff related to Doom 3

Point of order, this isn't what delisting means in this context. The product is still listed, just consolidated. Delisted is synonymous with impossible to buy, which it ain't.

Edited by Edward850

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But Steam is the one to use the term "DELISTED TITLES" in their news article.



1 hour ago, Eddie 2077 said:

Aside from that, a couple new bundles, and Ultimate Doom being changed to "Doom (1993)" for some reason. Doom II doesn't have the "Hell on Earth" thing anymore either. I have everything besides Doom 2016, Eternal, the RAGE games, and the newer Wolfenstein games due to lack of hardware for it, so not much changes for me aside from getting the Quake 2 mission packs and Doom 3 BFG Edition for free. The changes probably aren't much of a big deal for anyone who already has every id Software game that's still currently out there.

Changing "Ultimate Doom" to "Doom (1993)" means that it's no longer completely separated from the other Doom games in the default alphabetical order.


Their bundle changes don't give me anything new since what I have is the old and long-discontinued Id Super Pack bundle, so no free Quake IV or Doom 64 for me. (The former doesn't really interest me, the latter I took on GOG.) I should be getting Doom 3 BFG Edition though.

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4 minutes ago, Gez said:

But Steam is the one to use the term "DELISTED TITLES" in their news article.

Huh, point taken. I wouldn't have worded it like that myself as people usually take delisted to mean something very different.

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They're mostly delisting the store pages for the games they're consolidating or no longer need to sell separately. Pretty much all the games mentioned are still available through different store pages or included as a package, except for the Quake 2 and Quake 3 Arena demos.

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There's no option to launch DOS Doom II with classic controls now, but I guess most people never cared about that option.

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Finally dlc free in doom 3 And other is bfg edition

Edited by Ozcar

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Imo it was a nice opportunity to update Dosbox version, change default settings to better ones, and add a setup.exe to game files (for those who don't know, yeah, setup.exe is not included in steam version). Maybe even add an anthology version of final doom as a beta branch or something. Wonder why they haven't bothered doing that yet. 🤔

Edited by PKr

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Come on modern id, you're the ones who called your game "Doom" rather than something sensible like "Doom 4." Why is it the original that has to be branded with a date in parentheses? I guess it doesn't really matter.


Besides, I got the BFG edition for free, which is pretty sweet.

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10 minutes ago, PKr said:

Imo it was a nice opportunity to update Dosbox version, change default settings to better ones, and add a setup.exe to game files (for those who don't know, yeah, setup.exe is not included in steam version). Maybe even add an anthology version of final doom as a beta branch or something. Wonder why they haven't bothered doing that yet. 🤔

I thought the same thing, so I went to check it out and it's the same old thing. Everytime people complained about the bad DOSBox setup, other people just went "just use source port lol" so I guess it was never seen as important.

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1 hour ago, Kityn said:

Sadly, they didn't bother to add music files to Quake 2 and its expansion packs.

I've tested MANY WinMM replacement wrappers for Quake II and none of them work in a portable drag-and-drop capacity. That's why.

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2 hours ago, Kityn said:

Sadly, they didn't bother to add music files to Quake 2 and its expansion packs.

The retail version of Quake2 isn't able to playback music from a non CD source.

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34 minutes ago, Gez said:


Oh. That feels a bit misleading. For a second, I thought it was a re-release like Quake Enhanced, complete with the console levels. :(

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These changes are pretty smart and long overdue.  Only thing I'm a little weirded out by is removing the "Hell on Earth" subtitle from DOOM II, but it's pretty small potatoes.

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I love that they say "owners of Doom 3 BFG edition will be upgraded to Doom 3". Guess the BFG edition was a downgrade all along.



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1 hour ago, Alex S. said:

I've tested MANY WinMM replacement wrappers for Quake II and none of them work in a portable drag-and-drop capacity. That's why.


16 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

The retail version of Quake2 isn't able to playback music from a non CD source.




This wrapper works with Quake 2 and it's released under GPLv2 like DOSBox (shipped with many commercial games). Playing the proper music files in the mission packs may be problematic as they are using the same executable as Q2, but it can be resolved, for instance, by startup batch scripts (renaming music folders).

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I'm a bit unsure about adding Doom 3 to the classic collection. If your pc is slow as hell and/or you just want classic doom then you'll just have Doom 3 collecting dust in your library. But on the other hand, extra game isn't that big of a deal so I probably shouldn't complain.

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25 minutes ago, Wyrmwood said:

I love that they say "owners of Doom 3 BFG edition will be upgraded to Doom 3". Guess the BFG edition was a downgrade all along.



The BFG Edition Has Always Been A Downgrade.

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22 minutes ago, Kityn said:





This wrapper works with Quake 2 and it's released under GPLv2 like DOSBox (shipped with many commercial games). Playing the proper music files in the mission packs may be problematic as they are using the same executable as Q2, but it can be resolved, for instance, by startup batch scripts (renaming music folders).

That would require QA testing a program they never made. And yes, they would have to QA test it, if you publish something you have to assume responsibility for it.

Edited by Edward850

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I don't really mind as long as they're not delisting actual content. The name changes aren't that big of a deal and I kind of prefer the change from "The Ultimate Doom" to just "Doom (1993)". Bundling everything together and simplifying it just makes it easier to access, instead of having to buy the DLC for Doom 3/Final Doom/Master Levels all separately. 

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18 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

That would require QA testing a program they never made. And yes, they would have to QA test it, if you publish something you have to assume responsibility for it.

QA testing at Bugthesda? I've never heard of it. <just kidding>

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