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Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 65's MAP13 seems to bring my PC to it's knees (in gzdoom).

Complete powerpoint slideshow, like 1 frame every couple of seconds.


And not as if I have a slow PC : Ryzen 3800X, and GTX166 Super.


This is worse than nuts :(






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Nope, You are not the only one. Just out of curiosity, I jumped to Level 13 and immediately my CPU and GPU revved all way up to 99% usage..... I had to force close the entire thing from task manager as GZDoom completely froze after 10 seconds or so. 

My PC is basically an Intel 9900K with RTX 2080 (factory clock settings) and running wads with GZDoom from an SSD.

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GZ chugs when it comes to hugely populated maps because of all the other features its performing under the hood on top of trying to render everything happening on the screen.


For big maps with massive demon counts, it's best to use ports like PrBoom+ or DSDA-Doom.

Edited by Biodegradable

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Another reason for the worse performance impact of demons is that they have a much higher amount of flags and variables attached which is great for modability but bad for performance.

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I don't know what's going on with that specific map. It's not the monsters, I tried loading the map with -nomonsters and it still chugged in GZDoom (one thousand monsters isn't that much for GZDoom if you're not loading complex mods, anyway). Works fine in dsda-doom, anyway.

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