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I recently discovered a secret of The ultimate doom.

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Hi, I recently discovered a secret of ultimate doom, it's very cool.




the comments on this post already told me it's a zdoom bug :c


Edited by PanDeFrutas2007

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Thank you for putting the world's largest watermark on the video, now everyone will know who made this momentous discovery!



Also it's not a secret, it's probably a result of TUD trying to load data that doesn't exist. It's likely caused by whatever source port you have.


Edited by Sr_Ludicolo

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This isn't a secret in Ultimate Doom. You're just messing around with GZDoom's scripting.

Though worth noting, much like how all the Doom2 dehacked codepointers exist in Ultimate Doom because they share the same executable (simply the IWAD dictates what mode to launch in), the cast screen does also still exist. However nothing will ever call it, and it would crash instantly due to the missing textures and sprites.

Edited by Edward850

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1 hour ago, PanDeFrutas2007 said:

Hi, I recently discovered a secret of ultimate doom, it's very cool.






You should double the water mark size and move it up a few inches to the center of the video and then perfection.

Edited by tatsu91

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When you sign up for Doomworld, the forum links itself to the game's data via the rendering engine (Java) and displays your username in large letters right in the middle of the screen. It's not a secret. Also, your e5m1 has a poorly aligned switch texture.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Hey I'll let you in on another secret - if you load certain files in Doom you may discover whole new levels, so hidden they can't even be found in the IWAD! Sometimes there are multiple, even dozens of new levels!

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18 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Hey I'll let you in on another secret - if you load certain files in Doom you may discover whole new levels, so hidden they can't even be found in the IWAD! Sometimes there are multiple, even dozens of new levels!

Do you know any websites where I can get these files? I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time believing you.

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47 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Do you know any websites where I can get these files? I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time believing you.

Sorry for interrupting but here's one link:



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Guys, I have an important discovery.


If you manage to open up the WAD file in a hex editor, you see all sorts of strings. Stuff like STARTAN or BIGDOOR2 or a bunch of NODES or THINGS or REJECT, over and over again for some crazy reason.


This discovery was brought to you by Dark Pulse. Please give credit to Dark Pulse if you repost this.


Post by Dark Pulse, 2022. All rights reserved. For licensing, get in touch with me, Dark Pulse, via private message.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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This is not a discovery at all, it's trying to load the doom 2 ending cast of demons, because e5m1 has no level after it. what WAS a discovery is that E5M1 WAS planned to be in the ultimate doom (probably, but that map does not look like a doom map at all), romero released various development files for doom, including early levels, E5M1 was one of them

This post in a nutshell : 

"Hey guys i found out that there is a secret in doom, very very important, if you type iddqd you become invincible, i am the first one in the planet to discover this, i need a guinness world record"

Edited by Frost-Core

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14 hours ago, Sr_Ludicolo said:

Thank you for putting the world's largest watermark on the video, now everyone will know who made this momentous discovery!


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Also it's not a secret, it's probably a result of TUD trying to load data that doesn't exist. It's likely caused by whatever source port you have.




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4 hours ago, StalkerBlade said:

Everyone look, I found the ultimate secret!


No, no. The ultimate secret is "How do they feel?"

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Ah, I remember firing up my Packard Bell in '95 and loading the Unity port in ZDoom just as the creators intended. Time really flies.

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The sarcasm levels in this thread are reaching critical...

Edited by Murdoch

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Cool find, it never crossed my mind that the cast sequence could appear like this but I suppose it makes sense. Wonder if this happens on any other ports.

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14 hours ago, dasho said:

Ah, I remember firing up my Packard Bell in '95 and loading the Unity port in ZDoom just as the creators intended. Time really flies.

You're lucky, I bought the shareware on release day and had to play it on Windows95. I still managed to kill the Icon of Sin though.

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